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ing a thousand images; but the foul is accountable for nothing more to her God than what the heart or will confents to or rejects.

Club. You then fuppofe the foul animates, rules and governs the body; but difplays her faculties more familiarly in the brain and heart, but the heart more powerfully.

Mofes. This is my belief.

Club. We cannot believe what comes not under our cognizance; for feeing is believing, but feeling is the naked truth. A fpiritual fubflance we neither fee or feel, therefore has no weight in our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, its firm being fubftantially proved by the fenfes.

Mofes. Your philofophy, being abfurd and ridiculous to a degree of phrenzy, gains no credit with me, neither can I take it into my conception, that reafonable creatures by choice can degrade themfelves below the vileft brute. It is not in the power of man, pretend what he will, either through luft, prefumption, or defpair, to unfoul himself.

Club. We are men of honour and philofophers. Can you be fo bafe born as to luppole that perfons of our rank can depreciate and rob ourfelves, if we conceived a fpiritual fubftance. You have more fagacity not to understand that you are a pig, and, if a fit opportunity offered, wallow yourself among the herd. We know One another, although we do not wish to be known.

Mofes. Sir, you put yourself foremoft in your prefumption. I feldom wager, but on this oc

cafion I will venture one hundred ducats you do not ftand the test of your philofophy.

Ignatius. I accept your challenge and flake

the fum.

Mofes. There it is; the wager is fealed.
Ignatius. Propofe your teft.

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Mofes. One of your new philofophers of this your enlightened age and northern hemisphere, is to be buried or laid in a vault under St. Sepulchre near-by, this night. What I wager is, that you will not fuffer yourfelf to be faftened, to the corpfe, clofe linked, and pafs this night alone without light, but remain totally fecluded from every living creature, in pitch darknefs," the whole night, and there remain quiet until our return with the key, (which I fhall keep), to take you out in the morning; on this condi tion the wager is your's.

Ignatius. I expected a difficult task from a man of your years and knowledge, and a Jew Rabbi. The talk you purpose is what the religious are trained to from the time of their entering the novitiate, in order to remove fears and terrors that might prevent that due attention they owe their fick neighbour, when priefted, in watching and adminiftring the facraments, and other" comforts. I therefore, in honour, fpeak can didly, and offer to relinquish and return your money, or put fome teft more difficult and honourable.

Mofes. I never retract, but yield to your dif cretion, either to bind or reject the proffered wager.

Ighatius. •

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Ignatius. Bear witnefs, my dearly beloved, and confider this acceptance as an assured mark of my unbiaffed efteem, love, faithful adherence, and fidelity; relinquishing all fpiritual fubftances as was heretofore by papifts inculcated in our brain, robbing that Lord God of our new philofophy, of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere of his glory, ho nour, and exalted title of Lord God, due to none but himself.

Mofes. The bell tolls, the corpfe is arrived, let's away.

Sexton. Gentlemen, I beg your pardon, I am called away with the lanthorn.

Mofes. This gentleman is brother to the deceafed, he purposes to remain with the corpfe this night, here are two ducats, you know, Rabbi Mofes, leave me the key and lanthorn.

Club. You are fast bound and well fecured in this your heroic courage and zeal for the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere is firmly fixed and established


Ignatius. Bear witness to my joy and endearments, delightful banquet, (kiffes the corpfe, and fucks the purging matter from the mouth, noftrils, and eyes) the delights that are properly digefted from our Lord God, the Brain.


brofia teaches wifdom. I will here feaft, hug, kifs, wallow, and folace myself with inebriating and ineffable delights..

Mofes. The comforts of a reprobate are deteftable to the loweft and laft degree. I fhall puke. Let us retire. I can hold out no longer. Ignatius.


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Ignatius. I now exult in copying our great patriarch, the great philofopher, who reigns unequalled in the annals of the new philosophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, the noble and magnanimous Voltaire, who delighted in what no other would touch, and in his laft hour fed voluptuoufly on his own


Mofes. We now leave you to pass the night in the horrors of a dungeon. Adieu. All retire to their respective homes.

Scene changes. Lutber's apartments.

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Luther in bed. O my belly, I fear you will burft. O my belly, how much do you resemble the tower of Babel? Babylon, Babylon is become the receptacle and hold for every unclean beaft and hateful bird, which are devouring their Lord and Bishop, as the vulture, Promotheus.

Enter Hoft and Midwife.

Hoft. My Lord Bifhop, how do ye? I have abeyed your commands.

Luther. Well done, you good and faithful fervant. I am ready; fee that all things are made ready, and I will arife to put the finishing ftroke.

Midwife. My lord, all things are ready. Will you be pleased to prop yourself upon your four ftanders ?

Luther. What is all this? what are you af, Nincompoop?


Midwife. I don't fear, my Lord, when you have renewed the clyfter, but you will favour us with a hearty poop, it will much relieve you. Hoft. Your brethren, the new philofophers of this enlightened age and northern hemifphere; understanding that your lordship's life is in jeopardy, from a group of voracious, greedy, and ravenous animals, who have huddled themfelves clandeftinely with fecret craftiness into your lordship's belly, being farthered by information that you were feated on the fummit of their new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, dictating and difplaying furprising feats of chivalry, have deputed this good woman, Mother Midnight-cap, to your delivery, craving for the honour and love you diftinguish yourself in greatness of heroifm and generalfhip in your new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, that you will vouchfafe the acceptance of a draught to alleviate and fet free your abdominous from the danger that threatens your lordship.

Midwife. My lord, it is a perfect nofegay; I intreat your lordship's condefcenfion; it will bequeath great harmony to the parts; pray do it, I beseech your lordship.


Luther. Nincompoop, you are befeeching to make a meal, but in what manner am 1 to receive it? I am as fharp fet as you would wish, if you would make ready.

Hoft. All is ready prepared, nothing is deficient, if your lordship will put yourself in a proper posture.

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