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Furieux. Un furieux menteur, a terrible liar; un homme furieux, an

enraged man.

Galant. Un galant homme, a well-bred man; un homme galant, a man polite to ladies.

Gentil. Un gentilhomme, a nobleman; un homme gentil, a gay, polite


Grand. Un grand homme, a great man; un homme grand, a tall man. But if, after grand homme, some other external qualities are added, it means tall: C'est un grand homme blond, bien fait. In like manner if, after un homme grand, some moral qualification is added, grand does not refer to the size: Un homme grand dans ses desseins. Le grand air, noble manners; l'air grand, a noble look.

Haut. Le haut ton, an arrogant manner; le ton haut, a loud voice. Honnête. Un honnête homme, an honest man; un homme honnête, a polite man.

Mauvais. Le mauvais air, vulgar appearance; l'air mauvais, ill-natured look.

Méchant. Une méchante épigramme, a poor epigram; une épigramme méchante, a wicked epigram.

Mortel. Un mortel ennemi, a deadly enemy; l'homme mortel, mortal


Neuf. Un habit neuf, a new-made coat; un habit nouveau, a coat of new fashion; un nouvel habit, another coat.

Nouveau. Le nouveau vin, wine different from that which was drunk before, newly broached wine; du vin nouveau, wine newly made.

Pauvre. When placed before the noun, it has the various significations which the word poor has in English: assister un pauvre vieillard, une pauvre veuve, un pauvre homme, means to assist one in poverty; le pauvre enfant, les pauvres innocents, le pauvre animal, are terms of endearment; un pauvre orateur, de pauvre vin, are terms of contempt. When placed after the noun it always signifies poverty: un homme pauvre, a needy man.

Petit. Un petit homme, a little man; un homme petit, a mean man.

Observe that petit has its natural meaning when placed before the noun, its figurative when placed after. It is the reverse with grand.

Plaisant. Un plaisant conte, an unlikely, absurd tale; un conte plaisant, an amusing story. Un plaisant homme, a ridiculous man; un homme plaisant, a humorous man.

Propre. Mon propre habit, my own coat; un habit propre, a clean


Seul. Un seul homme, a single man; un homme seul, a man alone. Triste. Un triste homme, a poor kind of a man; un homme triste, a sorrowful man.

Vilain. Un vilain homme, a disagreeable man; un homme fort vilain, an ugly man.


Formation of qualificative adverbs.

(1) Qualificative adverbs are formed either from the masculine of adjectives, or from the feminine.

(2) If the masculine ends with a vowel, the termination -ment is added: poli, poliment; sage, sagement.

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EXCEPTIONS. Impuni makes impunément; prodigue, prodigalement; traître, traîtreusement. Aveugle, conforme, énorme, incommode, opiniâtre, and uniforme, change e mute into é; aveuglément.

(3) If the masculine ends with a consonant, it is to the feminine that the termination -ment is added.

Pur, purement; franc, franchement; sec, sèchement; complet, complètement; heureux, heureusement; actif, activement.

EXCEPTIONS. Gentil makes gentiment. Commun, confus, diffus, exprès, importun, obscur, précis, profond, end in -ément instead of -ement: communément, confusément, etc.

The adjectives beau, nouveau, fou, mou, being derived from bel, nouvel, fol, mol, are considered as ending with a consonant, and make bellement, nouvellement, follement, mollement.

(4) If the masculine ends in -nt, nt is changed into -mment, and the last two syllables are pronounced amant: méchant, méchamment; prudent, prudemment.

EXCEPTIONS. - The three adjectives lent, présent, véhément, make lentement, présentement, véhémentement.

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abstinence, abstinence. abuser, to abuse.


affreux, sombre, fright- s'amuser, to enjoy one's

amuser, to amuse.

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[blocks in formation]

ardemment, eagerly.

ardoise, slate.

argent, money, silver.

argument, argument.

Aristote, Aristotle.

auparavant, before.

lower down.

balbutier, to stammer.

balle, ball, bullet.

balustrade, railing.

banc, bench.

auquel, à laquelle, aux-bas, low.

quels, auxquelles, to au bas, at the foot.

bataille, battle.

aussi, also, as, therefore. bateau, boat.

aussitôt, immediately, at bateau à vapeur, steam

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aussitôt que, as soon as. bâtir, to build.

arracher, to take out, to autant, as much, as bâton, stick.

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Ça (a familiar contrac

tion for cela), that.
ça et là, here and there.
cabaret, tavern.
caché, hidden.

cacher,tohide, to conceal.

cas, case, circumstance. en tous cas, at any rate.

casque, helmet.
casser, to break.
cathédrale, cathedral.

cause, cause.

à cause de, on account of. causer, to talk, to chat. ce, cet, cette, this, that. ce qui, ce que, what. ce que c'est que (voilà), see what... is. ce sont, they are. ceci, this thing. céder, to yield, to give way or place. céder le pas, to give precedence. cela, that thing. célébrer, to celebrate. celle, that, this.

cadeau, present.

celle-ci, this, this one.

café, coffee.

cahier, copy-book.

celle-là, that, that one. celles, those, these.

bombe, bomb.

bon, bonne, good.


caisse, bor.

celles-ci, these, these

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bonheur, happiness,

bonhomme, fellow, 'lit- calme, calm.

tle man.'

bonne, maid-servant, campagne, country;



celui, that, this.

celui qui, he who.

à la campagne, in the celui-là, that, that one.

au bord de la mer, at canne, cane.

celles-là, those, those

celui-ci, the latter, this,

this one.

cent, hundred.

centime, centime, =} of

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captiver, to captivate, to certainement, certainly.

[blocks in formation]

ces, these, those.

bourse, purse; exchange. car, for, as.

cesser, to cease.

bouteille, bottle.

bouton, stud.

carafe, carafe, decanter.
cargaison, cargo.

c'est, he is, she is, it is,

they are.

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