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[blocks in formation]

too much, too.


too many.

how much.


how many.

[blocks in formation]


tant de viande, so much meat.
tant d'hommes, so many men.
autant de vin, as much wine.
autant d'amis, as many friends.

trop d'eau, too much water; trop petit too little.
trop d'arbres, too many trees.

combien d'argent, how much money.

combien d'enfants, how many children.

moins de beurre, less butter.
moins de pommes, fewer apples.

ami (m.), amie (f.), friend.
mangé, eaten.

bu, drunk.

1. Mon ami a perdu cette semaine moins d'argent que vous. 2. Combien d'argent avez-vous perdu? 3. J'ai mangé un peu de pain et de fromage, mais j'ai bu trop de vin. 4. Combien d'enfants a-t-elle ? 5. Elle a cinq enfants, quatre fils et une fille. 6. Louise a trop d'amies. 7. Avez-vous autant d'amies qu'elle? 8. Donnez-moi un peu de fromage. 9. Notre propriétaire a moins d'enfants que le vôtre. 10. Il y a trop de fleurs dans ce jardin. 11. Louise a autant d'argent que moi.1 12. Elle a moins d'oranges que lui. 13. Mes exercices sont trop difficiles. 14. Vous avez bu trop d'eau. 15. Avez-vous mangé autant de fraises que lui?

1. Take as many apples as Louisa. 2. Will you have less butter and more cheese? 3. How many friends have you in that town? 4. How much money did you receive from the physician? 5. You have fewer pencils than Jane, but you have more books. 6. He has drunk too much water. 7. There are too many doors and windows in that house. 8. Have you enough salt and pep

1 Translate I by moi and he by lui, when they are not placed immediately before a verb.


9. She has put too many books on this table. 10. I have drunk more wine than he.1 11. You have

eaten more meat than I. 12. How much money will you have? 13. How many baskets of strawberries did you put on my table? 14. Take as much wine as he. 15. You have taken too much milk.


Exceptions to the formation of the plural of nouns and adjectives.

(1) Nouns and adjectives ending in s, x, z, are alike in both numbers.


le fils, the son.
la voix, the voice.

le nez, the nose.


les fils, the sons.

les voix, the voices.

les nez, the noses.

heureux, happy, fortunate.

(2) Nouns and adjectives ending in -au or -eu take

x in the plural.


le tableau, the picture.
le bateau, the boat.
le chapeau, the hat.

le feu, the fire.
un cheveu, a hair.


les tableaux, the pictures.
les bateaux, the boats.

les chapeaux, the hats.
les feux, the fires.
les cheveux, the hair.

beaux, beautiful, handsome, fine.

(3) Nouns and adjectives ending in -al change al

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(4) Six nouns ending in -ail change ail into aux :

le travail, the work, the labor.

les travaux, the works, the labors.

(5) Six nouns ending in -ou take x:1

le joujou, the toy.

les joujoux, the toys.

1. Nous avons vu beaucoup de bateaux. 2. Ces voix sont très gaies. 3. Vos cheveux sont plus beaux que les miens et que ceux de ma sœur. 4. Où avez-vous acheté ces grands chapeaux? 5. Les fils et les filles de mon oncle sont beaucoup plus aimables que les enfants de l'avocat. 6. Avez-vous vu nos tableaux? ils sont beaucoup moins jolis que ceux de votre oncle. 7. Ces enfants sont heureux, ils sont plus heureux que moi. 8. Quand avez-vous reçu ces cadeaux ? 9. Louis et Jean sont égaux dans leur classe. 10. Ces animaux sont très jolis. 11. Avez-vous vu les chevaux du prince? 12. Tes joujoux sont plus jolis que les miens. 13. J'ai parlé à vos deux principaux médecins. 14. Vos travaux sont moins utiles que les leurs. 15. Nous avons autant de chevaux de chiens. 16. Les trois généraux sont partis pour



1. My brother has bought half a dozen pictures. 2. My sister has much more hair than I. 3. These knives are for my sons. 4. They have sold all their boats to my father and my uncle. 5. Your friends are very happy,their father has come back from Paris. 6. How many boats have you? 7. Your hats are smaller than ours. 8. Did you buy these presents for your landlord's sons? 9. Have you as many toys as I? 10. Your generals are more fortunate than ours. 11. This animal is very lit

1 The complete list is given in the Appendix, p. 277.

tle. 12. These little animals are very beautiful. 13. The works of these men are of little use (little useful). 14. Your brother and mine are equal. 15. Your hair is prettier than mine. 16. Your horses are finer than ours.


(1) Some or any, which may be either expressed or understood before an English noun, must always be expressed in French, and is translated by


du before a noun masculine singular beginning with a consonant; n as, du pain.

de la before a noun feminine singular beginning with a consonant; as, de la viande.

de l' before a noun masculine or feminine singular beginning with a vowel or h mute; as, de l'eau.

des before nouns in the plural; as, des pommes, des arbres.

(2) When persons or things are spoken of in a general sense, put le, la, les before the noun.

(3) The English prepositions, to, at, in, placed before the names of towns, are translated by à.

la science, science.
l'or (m.), gold.

l'oiseau, the bird.
la vie, life, living.
nombreux, numerous.
le libraire, the bookseller.

le papier, the paper.

cher, dear.

rare, rare.

ce matin, this morning.
court, short.

Londres, London.

l'encre (f.), the ink.
il vend, he sells.1

1/Voulez-vous du pain ou de la viande ? 2. [Donnezmoi de l'eau.) 3. La bonne a acheté du sel et du poivre. 4. Ce libraire vend de l'encre, du papier, des plumes et des crayons. 5. Nous avons reçu de Paris du café, du

1 Observe that the 3d person singular in a French verb never ends with s: il a, il est, il aime, il vend.


vin, du fromage, des pommes et des oranges. 6. Il y a dans mon panier des plumes, des crayons et deux livres. 7. Cette femme vend du beurre et du fromage. 8. Voulezvous de l'eau ou de la bière ce matin? 9. Il y a du pain, des fraises, de l'eau et du lait sur cette table. 10. Les sciences sont utiles aux hommes. 11. Tout le monde aime l'argent. 12. Le vin est beaucoup plus cher à Londres qu'à Paris. 13. La vie d'un oiseau est courte. 14. Les omnibus sont plus nombreux à Paris qu'à Rome. 15. Les bons princes sont rares. 16. Les chiens sont plus nombreux à Constantinople qu'à Londres.

1. Some milk, some trees. 2. Any trees, some money. 3. Any sugar, any strawberries. 4. Some men, of the men, to the men, any men. 5. The maid-servant has received some money this morning. 6. Bring me a pen and some ink. 7. John has bought dresses, gloves, and boots for his sister. 8. She has given (to) my brother some pens, pencils, books, paper, and ink. 9. There are in this basket gloves, sugar, coffee, and money. 10. Her cousin sells tables and chairs. 11. There are princes who are happy. 12. She likes dogs and cats. 13. My aunt is fond of birds (my aunt likes birds). 14. Everybody is fond of flowers. 15. Tea is better than coffee. 16. Horses are more useful than dogs. 17. Life is short. 18. Gold is rarer in Rome than in Paris.


There is no word in English corresponding exactly to the French on. That word is used,

1st, To translate the pronouns we, you, and they, when we, you, and they do not represent certain persons in particular, but anybody; as, WE get news

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