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Que je ne punisse pas, that I Que je n'aie pas puni, that I may

may not punish.


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not have punished.

Compound of the Imperfect. Que j'eusse puni, that I might have punished. que tu eusses puni, that thou mightest have punished. qu'il eût puni, that he might have punished.

que nous eussions puni, that we might have punished. que vous eussiez puni, that you might have punished. qu'ils eussent puni, that they might have punished.


Que je ne punisse pas, that I Que je n'eusse pas puni, that I

might not punish.

might not have punished.

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maladie, f.

contre, p.

ha-ir, v.

non pas

guér-ir, v.

fourn-ir, v. arme, f.

ourselves?—Why do you hate him?-They cure the

diseases of the body, and not those of the mind.

IMP.-I was building my house,

corps, m.

bất-ir, v.

démol-ir, v.

demolished yours.-Was he not enjoying

maison, f.

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reflecting? — The

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We hated him, because

towards us. On

envers, p.

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mountains were resounding with their cries.

montagne, f. retent-ir, v- de

grand revenu, m. kindly

honnétement, adv.

cri, m.

PRET.—I warranted them very good.-Did not your

garant-ir, v.

master accomplish his promise?-We (leaped over) the

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of it.-Shall you not enjoy, as we do, the pure



des pure, adj. pleasures of the country?—Her children will bless her

bén-ir, v.

for it.


COND. PRES.-I would choose this cloth, if I were in

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your place. Would he not blush if he acted so?

roug-ir, v.


ainsi, adv.

We would not punish them, if they were diligent.—Would

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Do not fill the glasses.-Let him enjoy the fruit of

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him (from it).-Let us reflect on what we have to do.

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succeed. That we may not warn them of it.-That you

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may not hate us.-Provided they do not grow tall.

I wish
souhaiter, v.

he may

grand-ir, v.

IMP. That I might refresh refraich-ir, v. might not roast the meat. rót-ir, v.

my memory.-That she mémoire, f.

That my friends mes parens

* Let him enjoy them, qu'il en jouisse, &c.

(might become younger).—That you might punish the idle.

rajeun-ir, v.

-That they (might not grow old).

vieill-ir, v.


I have filled my cellar with good wine.-Has he

rempl-ir, v.

cave, f. de

not (leaped over) the ditch ?-We had finished our work. franchir, v. They would have seized him.-We should have perished

ouvrage, m.

without any assistance.-When shall I have built my

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house?—I have (very much)


bất-ir, v.

weakened his hopes. beaucoup, adv. affaibl-ir, v.

Though they have adorned their gardens to dazzle aient embell-ir, v. jardin, m. pour éblou-ir, v. they have not succeeded.

the vulgar, vulgaire, m.




Present. Recevoir, to receive.

Participle present. Recevant, receiving. Participle past. Reçu, received. Compound present. Avoir reçu, to have received. Compound past. Ayant reçu, having received. Participle future. Devant recevoir, about to receive.


Present. Ne pas recevoir, not to receive. Participle present. Ne recevant pas, not receiving. Participle past. Reçu, received. Compound present. N'avoir pas reçu, not to have received. Compound past. N'ayant pas reçu, not having received." Participle future. Ne devant pas recevoir, not about to receive.



Je rernis, I receive. fu rernis, hou receivest. il rernit, he receives. nous recevons, we receive. dous recevez, you receive. ils regoirent, they receive.

Compound of the Present. Faire. I ave received. tu as recu, hou hast received. u are, he has received. nous arms raru, we have rec. vous avez rain, you have rec. is mt rem, they have received.


Je ne regnis pas, I do not re- Je n'ai pas rau, I have not re

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Je ne recevais pas, I did not Je n'avais pas reçu, I had not



Je reçus, I received. tu reçus, thou receivedst. il reçut, he received. nous regimes, we received. vous reçutes, you received. ils recurent, they received.


Compound of the Preterite. J'eus reçu, I had received. tu eus reçu, thou hadst received. il eut reçu, he had received. nous eúmes reçu, we had rec. rous eûtes reçu, you had rec. ils eurent reçu, they had rec.


Je ne reçus pas, I did not re- Je n'eus pas reçu, I had not re



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