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of playing-He has entertained the hope of living here


all his hie. She ought to have thanked

réponse, f.


matin, m. au lieu, p.

vivre, v. ici, adv.

remercier, v.

him for the de, p.

oncle, m.


frais, m. pl.

be gave ber. Your uncle should not have

good advice

odged in to pay one-half

la moitié, f.

of the expenses.

would have owed him one hundred livres.-I beg

[blocks in formation]

your pardon 8, I ought not to have made you wait SO


faire, v. attendre, v. si

long. Ought not we to have employed

Zong-emps, adv.
better than (we &d)

nous ne l'avons fait

our time

[blocks in formation]

Present. Je vends, I sell. tu vends, thou sellest. il vends, he sells. nous vendons, we sell. vous vendez, you sell. ils vendent, they sell.

Je ne


Compound of the Present. J'ai vendu, I have sold. tu as vendu, thou hast sold. il a vendu, he has sold. nous avons vendu, we have sold. vous avez vendu, you have sold. ils ont vendu, they have sold.


vends pas, I do not sell.

Je vendais, I did sell.
tu rendais, thou didst sell.
il vendait, he did sell.
nous vendions, we did sell.
vous vendiez, you did sell.
ils vendaient, they did sell.

Je ne vendais

Je n'ai pas vendu, I have not sold.

Compound of the Imperfect. J'avais vendu, I had sold. tu avais vendu, thou hadst sold. il avait vendu, he had sold. nous avions vendu, we had sold. vous aviez vendu, you had sold. ils avaient vendu, they had sold.


pas, I did not sell. Je n'avais pas vendu, I had n. s.


Je vendis, I sold.
tu vendis, thou soldest.
il vendit, he sold.
nous vendimes, we sold.
vous vendites, you sold.
ils vendirent, they sold.

Compound of the Preterite.

J'eus vendu, I had sold.
tu eus vendu, thou hadst sold.
il eut vendu, he had sold.
nous eúmes vendu, we had sold.
vous eútes vendu, you had sold.
ils eurent vendu, they had sold.


Je ne vendis pas, I did not sell. Je n'eus pas vendu, I had &c.


Je vendrai, I shall or will sell.
tu vendras, thou wilt sell.
il vendra, he will sell.
nous vendrons, we shall sell.
vous vendrez, you will sell.
ils vendront, they will sell.

Compound of the Future.

J'aurai vendu, I will have sold.
tu auras vendu, thou wilt &c.
il aura vendu, he will have sold.
nous aurons vendu, we will &c.
vous aurez vendu, you will &c.
ils auront vendu, they will &c.


Je ne vendrai pas, I shall or Je n'aurai pas vendu, I shall not will not sell.

have sold.


Je vendrais, I should or would sell.

tu vendrais, thou wouldst sell. il vendrait, he would sell. nous rendrions, we should sell. rous rendriez, you would sell. ils vendraient, they would sell.

Compound of the Conditional. J'aurais vendu, I should or would have sold.

tu aurais vendu, thou &c.
il aurait vendu, he would &c.
nous aurions vendu, we &c.
vous auriez vendu, you &c.
ils auraient vendu, they &c.


Je ne vendrais pas, I should Je n'aurais pas vendu, I should not have sold.

not sell.

[blocks in formation]

Que je ne vende pas, that I Que je n'aie pas vendu, that I may not sell.

may not have sold.


Que je vendisse, that I might sell.

que tu vendisses, that thou mightest sell.

qu'il vendit, that he might sell.

que nous vendissions, that we might sell.

que vous vendissiez, that you might sell.

qu'ils vendissent, that they might sell.

Compound of the Imperfect.

Que j'eusse vendu, that I might have sold.

que tu eusses vendu, that thou mightest have sold.

qu'il eût vendu, that he might have sold.

que nous eussions vendu, that we might have sold.

que vous eussiez vendu, that you might have sold.

qu'ils eussent vendu, that they might have sold.


Que je ne vendisse pas, that I Que je n'eusses pas vendu, that I might not sell.

might not have sold.

[blocks in formation]

IMP.-Did I not interrupt him while

interromp-re, v. pendant que, c.

bad mauvais, adj.

he was

(p. 139-2)

answering them?-She was melting into tears, when

fond-re, v.

you arrived.-Were we not losing our

répond-re, v. leur

arriver, v.

étend-re, v.

perd-re, v.

not spreading your nets. Did

filet, m. (139-2)

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en, p. larme, f. time? tems, m. they corrupt

corromp-re, v.



mœurs, f. pl.

PRET. (As soon as) I had received my money, I

Dès que, c.

returned them what they had lent me.

rend-re, v. leur (70-8)


préter, v.

[blocks in formation]

you ? We (waited for) them a month.
attend-re, v. les

d-re, v. (109-16)

(For how much) did you sell it them?—They

Combien, adv.

all the wine.

FUT.-I shall shear my tond-re, v.

May. If you do not take

Mai, m.


mois, m.

spilled répand-re, v.

flock (in the) month of troupeau, m. au

care, the dog will bite you.mord-re, v.

ne prenez, v. garde, f.

Shall we not lose, if we play?—You will melt it, if you

fond-re, v.

put it into the fire. No, I will not.-They shall not hear

mettez, v. dans, p,

me (any more.)

plus, adv.



rend-re, v.

COND. PRES.-Should I not do him the justice

deserves?-Would he not interrupt you?-We would



[blocks in formation]

answer me, if I were speaking to you ?—Should not

my brother have returned the money?


rend-re, v.


Return that book to him.-Let her not come down.-Let Rend-re

us (give in) our accounts faithfully.


rend-re, v. compte, m. fidèlement, adv. book.-Let them hear the voice of the

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