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vouloir, with the participle past turned into the present of the infinitive mood. Ex.

Vous n'auriez pas voulu prendre les armes, si &c. Nous aurions pu l'arrêter, si nous eussions voulu ;

you would not have taken up arms, if &c.

we could have stopped him, if we would, or had chosen.

4. In all other instances, will and would, being in English only the signs of the future and of the conditional, are rendered by putting, in either of those tenses, the verb to which they are prefixed. Ex.

Il viendra demain ;

he will come to-morrow. Ils écriraient s'ils avaient le they would write if they had temps:



do you not sit down, sir ?—You come to



Why Pourquoi, adv. see me very seldom. Let us sit down upon the grass.rarement, adv.

herbe, f. Do not make (so much) noise, I cannot learn my

tant, adv.

pouvoir apprendre

faire, v. lesson. Do you know what has happened to her? No, I do


arrivé, v. lui

not. As soon as he saw he could not make her hear

Aussitôt que, c.

reason, he went away.

s'en aller.



entendre We went there ourselves, and nous-mêmes,

soon knew what she asked.-See the letter she wrote

bientôt, adv. savoir

me. We will not sit down till you have determined


set out.-Mrs. P. desired me


not come to see you this

[blocks in formation]

de dire, v. pouvoir, cond. week, but she would cersemaine, f.

* Put être in the subjunctive present.

[blocks in formation]

but I could

your aunt or not.-I went into the park, tante, f. non. étre allé

parc, m.

not find her on account of the crowds of people that were

à cause, p.

there. This cloth costs five and twenty shillings a yard, drap, m. valoir

but the colour becomes you well.-Do you not see the



defects of it?-When you know your lesson, come and défaut (fut.) repeat it to me.-Did you not know that Mr. A. was to repeter


épouser, v.

Miss B.? I knew it, but I was not willing

mais, c.

to tell your brother of it.—I believe you could learn parler à

your lessons much

apprendre, v.

better, if you would.—Could you

beaucoup, adv. lend me your horse for two days?


jour, m.

If your brother come with me, will he be able to follow

avec, p.



me ?—What will you lay that he will not come without

parier, v.

his sister?-This room can contain about


a hundred

environ, p.


Could they see so great an alteration

personne, f. being vexed

changement, m. sans, p.

(at it)?—It (is better) to be unfortunate

[blocks in formation]

malheureux, adj

* Observe that the verbs pouvoir and vouloir require no preposition

before the following infinitive.

than criminal.-We saw them yesterday. They did not hier, adv.

foresee what would happen to them.-We ought to make arriver, v. leur devoir, v. faire, v. a judicious choice (of those) friends to whom we judicieux, adj. choix, m. des

to give our confidence.-Do you know where

vouloir, v.
Miss B. lives?

où, adv.

confiance, f.
Yes, I do. Why will you not tell

it me?

demeurer, v.


All the finest talents united are not worth one virtue.

[blocks in formation]

You saw with what goodness she received him.-I would bonté, f. recevoir, v.

not tell her what I think (about it), for fear of giving her de crainte


least subject of complaint.-If you foresee the danger, why prévoir


plainte, f.

do you not endeavour to avoid it ?—They were willing

tácher de éviter




to withdraw, but your brother hindered them (from it), and se retirer, v. desired them to sit down again. You can speak to Mr. B. prier whenever you please, but I may not take that liberty. quand, adv.


vouloir, v.

-Why may you not?

parler, v.

prendre, v.

You know the esteem and friendship that I have for him :

[blocks in formation]

you know that his father is one of my oldest friends.—I will


not see your brother (any more), but I will see you again


as soon as I can.


plus, adv.

(Every body) thinks that, if they Tout le monde

had pursued the enemy poursuivre, v.


vigoureusement, adv.

they might

have ended the war on that day. If (I would have)


finir, v. j'avais voulu believed him, he would have persuaded me to go to Italy


croire, v. with him. He (could have) done his work in less than


pu faire, v.

en, p.


ten minutes, if he had not amused himself in reading.

If you want

avoir besoin de

[blocks in formation]

that book, you may take it, it is at your


service. If he sold all his horses now, the best of them


would not be worth ten guineas.


(a long while), but could not persuade her long-temps, adv.

6 6

I spoke to her

to come with




Absoudre, to absolve, to acquit.

INF. Pres. absoudre. Part. act. absolvant. Part. past, absous, -oute. IND. Pres. absous, -ous, -out; absolvons, -ez, ent. Imperf. absolvais, -ais, -ait; absolvions, -iez, aient. Fut. absoudrai, -as, -a; absoudrons, -ez, ont. Cond. Pres. absoudrais, -ais, -ait; absoudrions, -iez, -aient. IMP. absous, absolve; absolvons, -ez, -ent. SUB. Pres. absolve, -es, e- ; absolvions, -iez, -ent.

The compounds are,

Dissoudre, to dissolve.

Résoudre, to resolve.

Dissoudre wants the same tenses as absoudre. Résoudre has its participle past, résolu, résolue, when it means

determined, and résous, when it denotes the transition of one thing into another, this last participle has no feminine. And it has the two following tenses, which absoudre has not. Pret. résolus, -us, -ut; résolúmes, -ûtes, -urent. SUB. Imperf. résolusse, -usses, -út; résolussions, -iez, -ent.

Astreindre, to oblige; atteindre, to reach, to hit, to attain, to overtake; and aveindre, to reach, to fetch out, are conjugated like craindre, page 210.

Astreindre and aveindre are nearly obsolete.

Battre, to beat.

INF. Pres. battre. Part. act. battant. Part. past, battu, -ue. IND. Pres. bats, bats, bat; battons, -ez, -ent. Imperf. battais, -ais, -ait; battions, -iez, -aient. Pret. battis, -is, -it; battimes, -îtes, -irent. Fut. battrai, -as, -a; battrons, -ez, -ont. Cond. Pres. battrais, -ais, -ait; battrions, -iez, -aient. IMP. bats, batte; battons, -ez, -ent. SUв. Pres. batte, -es, -e; battions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. battisse, -isses, -ít; battissions, -iez, -ent. The compounds of this verb are,

Abattre, to pull down, to throw Se débattre, to struggle.


[blocks in formation]

INF. Pres. boire.

Rabattre, to abate, to beat down.

Rebattre, to beat again.

Boire, to drink.

Part. act. buvant. Part. past. bu, bue. IND. Pres. bois, bois, boit; buvons, -ez, boivent. Imperf. buvais, -ais, -ait; buvions, -iez, -aient. Pret. bus, bus, but; búmes, bútes, burent. Fut. boirai, -as, -a; boirons, -ez, -ont. Cond. Pres. boirais, -ais, -ait; boirions, -iez, -aient. IMP. bois, boive; buvons, -ez, boivent. SUв. Pres. boive, -es, -e; buvions, -iez, boivent. Imperf. busse, busses, bút; bussions, -iez, -ent.

Boire dans quelque chose, is to drink out of something.

Of imboire, to imbibe, only the participle imbu is used.

Bruire, to bray.

This verb is seldom used, except in the present tense of the infinitive mood, and the third person singular and

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