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Encore, again, yet, as yet.
Enfin, at last.

Ensuite, afterwards, then.
Entièrement, entirely.
Exprès, on purpose.

A l'endroit, the right side outwards.
A l'envers, the wrong side outwards.
A l'envi, in emulation.

Aux environs, thereabouts.

En plein jour;

En plein midi,

in broad day light.

En tous cas, at any rate.

En un clin d'œil, in the twinkling of an eye.
En sursaut, suddenly


I know how that happened, talk no more of it.-She was

within, and I was without.-Have you already done your exer

cise?—I will call

upon you to-morrow, and the day after

passer, v. chez, p. we will go and see my uncle.

-We will pay you the day

after to-morrow, if we can.-I was lately (at your house.)—

chez vous

I like aimer, v. this stone. Speak and show yourself openly.-We were

your garden and walks above all.-Look underneath

half dead. I never do things by halves.-They killed him

designedly. They did so say on purpose.-Go to the right.—

At last the rebels retired

into the woods with a great

se retirer, v. dans, p. bois, m. first what you have to do, afterwards you Faire, v. d'abord

loss.- Do

shall go out. He did it entirely to please you. I came

on purpose to see you.-You have (put on) your waistcoat

mettre, v.

veste, f. the wrong side outwards.-My brother and yours work in

emulation of each other.-I was stopped by thieves in broad l'un de l'autre.

duy-light - At any rate (I do not care) for it.—He did it in se soucier, v. en

the twinkling of an eye.-This morning I awoke suddenly; s'éveiller, v.

but I soon fell asleep again, and did not awake

se rendormir


se réveiller, v. avant

[blocks in formation]

Fort, very.

A fond, thoroughly.

De fond en comble, from top to bottom.

De front, abreast.

Galamment, genteelly, gallantly.

Goutte à goutte, by drops.

Guère or guères, little, but little, not much *.
A la háte, in haste.

En haut, } up stairs.

Là haut,

[blocks in formation]

*The particle ne is to be placed before the verb followed by guère.


Your brother learns easily, but he forgets almost as easily oublier, v.

as he learns.-Let every one speak in his turn, for if you


speak all together, how can I hear what you say?-How many

times did I tell you to write to your parents?- -I pret. ind. de

did speak to him only once, but I have seen him twice. ne lui ai parlé que

-My father generally goes to Germany thrice a-year.—

I saw him so many times.-Do you go often to London ? pret. ind.

I go now and then.—The king strongly opposed the enemy in

the action, where he fought

mélée, f.

[ocr errors]

résister à gallantly.Your little

combattre, v. bravement.

sister is very pretty. My brother knows French thoroughly.

-They demolished the house from top to bottom.-I tra

velled in a (post chaise) drawn by three horses abreast.chaise de poste, f. attelée de

Your brothers came to see us, and we received them politely.

-Do not give him much wine.-Never

Ne jamais, adv.

do things in

haste.-Go up stairs, you will find what you (look for) in the chercher, v.

drawer behind the door. We expect him from town tiroir, m. derrière, p.

every hour.-I went yesterday to London.-It rained very

much last night, and it has frozen very hard this morning.—

The day before yesterday, I met your brother, who was riding

on horseback.

à cheval.

se promener, v.

Ici, here.

Ici près, hard by.

D'ici, hence.


Dans l'espace de quinze jours, within a fortnight.

Dans quinze jours, in a fortnight.

Par ici, this way.

Par-ci par-là, here and there.

A l'instant, immediately, instantly.
Jamais, ever.
Ne-jamais, never.

A jamais, for ever.

Justement, just, precisely.

Jusqu'à quand? how long?

Jusqu'ici, hitherto, as far as this.
Jusque-là, so far, as far as that.
Jusqu'où? how far?

De jour, in the day time.

De jour à autre,

De jour en jour,

Chaque jour, daily.

from day to day.

Tous les deux jours, every other day.


(Did I not tell you) to stay here ?-How many miles Ne vous avais-je pas dit de

is it hence to Hampton Court?-How long has he lived y a-t-il

hard by? How far is it

to Canterbury?—I will d'ici Cantorbery? call upon your brother within a fortnight.—Come this way. passer chez —Come back immediately.—They required him to pay them Revenir exiger*

instantly. I do not believe that he ever will follow (subj.) your advice. My father never will see him again.-Great conseil, m. men will for ever be celebrated in history.-(This is) just


what I say. How long, O Catiline, will you abuse our

Voilà, adv.

abuser, v. de

Exiger governs the subjunctive mood.

patience ?-Hitherto the enemy has done nothing consirien de

derable.—Learn this piece of poetry as far as that.-How poésie, f.

far will you go?—You always come to see me at night;

le soir :

why do not you come in the day-time ?-We expect from s'attendre

day to day to receive news from the Continent. We are

daily exposed to great dangers.-My master comes here. every other day.—I shall go to France in a fortnight.

[blocks in formation]

Mieux, better.

De mieux en mieux, better and better.
Moins, less.

Moins-moins, the less-the less.
A moins, for less.

Au moins, du moins, at least, at the least.
Tout au moins,

Naïvement, plainly, ingenuously.

Naturellement, naturally, by nature.


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