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do wrong, I repent it immediately.-They are now in s'en repentir

England.-Virtue is amiable even in an enemy.-You blame

him, and nevertheless you act in the same manner.-You agir, v.

work better than your sister.-She reads French better and

better.-My cousin has less money and merit.-The less

[blocks in formation]

He will not do it for less.-If you cannot come, at least write to us. He replied plainly to all my questions, and I am much pleased with him.-What he does, he does it de, p.

naturally.—(I will neither) see him nor speak to him.-I Je ne veux ni

(asked for) a glass of wine, and not a glass of water.-Will demander, v.

you come with me? No, for you always travel by night.—

Always speak kindly.—Where did you meet them?—It was

here that I saw your brother for the last time. It was at que Caernarvon where Edward the Second was born, the first naître, v.


who bore the title of Prince of Wales.-It was near the

Galles, f.

walls of Corunna in Spain, where (or that) the brave



John Moore was wounded, and died a few hours after.

England will long regret the loss of that great general.

Have you executed my orders? No, sir.-Will your ether go and see his uncle? No, he will not go.—Do you

know if our friend will go to France this year? No; I have

ked in; but he neither

said yes or no.-You are a

m'a répondu

strange being; I never can

get from you either yes or no. obtenir

-What has happened to your brother? I cannot tell it

you: it would make you miserable. I dare not mention maiheureux.

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parler It to anybody.-I have seen nobody this day.-Will you

[ocr errors]

never go to France-Take care that your mother (be

not informed of) your father's death.-The effect would be apprendre

more dangerous than you think.

That poor man has eaten nothing these two days but a


crust of bread.-He looks strong. Yes; he is so.—Well a l'air

Hé bien then; why does he not work?-Neither you nor I can boast done; que

of being without defect.-Tell me, madam, have you not

read Shakspeare? Yes, I have, (not only once,) but three non pas une fois,

or four times.-The army was on foot the whole night fut sur


(in order) not to be (taken by surprise).-I (am afraid) they afin de


crains qu'

will be beaten. Mr. O. will never succeed; he has no

étre battu.

friends. How is your brother? He is

still very ill; he


gets no sleep; he does not eat; he is in great danger.



D'où? whence?

Par où? through what place? which way?

[blocks in formation]

Peu, little.

Peu à peu, by little and little, by degrees.
A peu près,

A peu de chose près, almost, nearly so, thereabouts.

Dans peu, in a short time.

Depuis peu, lately, not long ago, a little while ago.
A pied, on foot.

A pieds nuds, barefoot, barefooted.

Au pis aller, let the worst come to the worst.
De pis en pis, worse and worse.

A pleines mains, largely.

Plus, more, above.

Plus-plus, the more-the more.
Moins-moins, the less-the less.
Au plus, tout au plus, at the most.
De plus en plus, more and more.

A plus forte raison, much rather, much more.


Did my brothers tell you whence they came?—Which

way are they gone?


The hole through which they

(made their escape) was so small, that I do not know how

s'échapper, v.

they could pret. def.

get out. Do you know your lesson? Yes,

Sir.—I will follow you step by step.—The battle

kept up st maintenir, T.


combat, m. pret. def.

a long time with an equal advantage on both

sides.—I cannot find my book anywhere.—There is no going On ne peut aller

raywhere in winter. He speaks so low, that I can hardly

hear what he says.

so closely,

de si près, adv.

The Spaniards pursued them
Espagnol, m.

that they entered the town helter-skelter.—I

shall see you perhaps to-morrow.-He has little money.—If you give me a verb, I will learn it by little and little.—She is as tall as you, or very near.—I heard that your sister will be married in a short time.-Have you heard from your mother lately?—I received a letter from her not long ago.

I was on foot, and he was in a coach.-I often pity the plaindre

en a

poor little chimney sweepers, cheminée, f. ramoneur de, m.

who walk barefooted in

winter.-Let the worst come to the worst, we (can but come revenir sur nos back). Your brother writes worse and worse.-He is so pas, fut.


charitable, that he gives alms largely.-I shall never more aumône, f.

complain of it.-Hardly had he sat down than he (began to se plaindre se mettre à quarrel) with every body.—I have written three letters, neiquereller

ther more nor less.—You are above twenty years old *.—The

[ocr errors]

Say, You have more than twenty years, VOUS AVEZ PLUS DE ...

more we are above

au dessus de, p.

others, the more it becomes us to


be modest and humble.-He studies more than ever.-How

many pounds have you left?—I have six (at the most.)— encore? J'en ai

I shall endeavour to deserve your kindness more and more.

If I have done that to oblige my friends, much more

pour, p.

would I do it for my relations.



Plutót, sooner.

Point du tout, not at all.

A point nommé, in the very nick of time.
Apropos, to the purpose, suitably, in right time.
Pourquoi? or que ne? why? if the sentence be negative.
De près, near, nearly, narrowly.


En premier lieu, first, in the first place.

Dès à présent, from this moment.

Presque, almost.

Presque jamais, hardly ever (with a negation).

Presque toujours, most commonly, almost always.

De propos délibéré, on purpose, purposely, deliberately, intentionally, designedly.

Par derrière, behind, from behind, in the back.

Par dessus le marché, into the bargain.

Par en bas, downward, at bottom.

Par en haut, upward, at top.

Par malice, through ill-nature, out of ill-nature.

Par mégarde, unawares.

Par terre, upon the ground, down.


My father arrived yesterday sooner than we expected him.


-How do you like that book? Not at all.—You come very

seasonably. He speaks little, but he speaks to the purpose.—

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