A cote de, by, by the side of. A fleur de, close to, even with. A raison de, at the rate of. A l'abri de, sheltered from, free from. A l'égal de, to, in comparison of, equal with. A l'égard de, with regard to, with respect to, as to, concerning. A la faveur de, by means of. A l'insçu de, without the knowledge of, unknown to. A la manière de, in or after the manner or fashion of. Vis-à-vis de, opposite. Au deçà de, } on this side. Au delà de, on that side, on the other side. Hors de, out, without. Au dessus de, above, over, upon. Au dessous de, under, below, beneath. Aller au devant de, to go to meet. Au lieu de, instead of. Au milieu de, in the middle of. Au prix de, en comparaison de, in comparison to. Faute de, for want of. A la hauteur de, (sea term), off. Le long de, along. Loin de, far from. Près, or proche de, near or nigh, by. Auprès de, } Pour l'amour de moi, de lui, d'elle, de vous, &c. for my sake, for his, her, your sake, &c. Tout auprès de, close, hard by. A l'épreuve de, proof against, (able to resist). EXERCISES. Come this way; we shall walk round the garden.-I se promener jardin, m. have sent nothing to your brother because of his idleness; but I forgive him on your account.-Sit down by that lady's sister.-Endeavour to be free from blame.-We are not yet V. ga-Tar initier is gone to London without the pieke gear moder-He left off trade unknown to gritter, v. 18 AX-Xw the Engish hadies dress s'habiller, v. after the Ti fok—Te now Ire on this side of the river.—Do aves de rou met my father on the other side of the Why did you stay end of the house?-Did you the digant lady who was in the box below loge, f. - a large tree before the house. I am grane te meet my aunt, will you accompany me?— Der is a the statue in the garden. He took my hat instead of his.-I can do nothing for want of money.-They were off the Cape of Good Hope when they were taken.— He is gone along the river.-We are still far from our house. I met your friend Mr. A. near the church. He passed by me without knowing me. -I do it for your sake as well as for sans, p. theirs.-My best friend lives close to the Royal Exchange, and he lived formerly close to St. James's palace.—The officers and soldiers were lodged in barracks which were caserne, f. cannon and bomb-proof.-My shoemaker very much wanted canon, m. bombe f. to make me a pair of boots water-proof. désirer, v. PREPOSITIONS THAT ARE FOLLOWED BY THE PRE POSITION à. Conformément, according, pursuant. Jusqu'à, till, until, even to, as far as, so far as, to. Par rapport à, with respect, on account. EXERCISE. He has been punished pursuant to an act of parliament.— parlement, m. Yesterday we waited for him till five o'clock in the morn de ing, They fought with obstinacy on both sides until the beginning of the night.—If I had not stopped him, he would entrée, f. have gone as far as Dover.-We accompanied them as far as Rochester, and they pursued their way to Canterbury.—I will do it for your sake, but never on account of them.—As for me, I will not give him a penny.—As for us, we were very much dissatisfied, I assure you.-As to what people may mecontent on pouvoir, v. SIMPLE PREPOSITIONS. Après, after. D'après, after *. Avant, before. Aree, with. A travers, through, across. Chez, in, to, at, among. Chez moi, chez toi, chez lui, chez elle, chez nous, &c., at or to my, thy, his, her, our, &c. house. Contre, against. Dans, in, into, within. De, about, through. Depuis, since, from. Derrière, behind. Des, from. Devant, before. De dessus, from the top. De dessous, from under, from beneath. We make use of this preposition in the following sense only:-—N peint d'après un bon maître; he paints after a good master. He arrived here an hour after you.-Miss A. paints after nature.-Let me drink before you.-Did you not see her Laisser, v. walk with her father?-It was the ancient Britons who cut a road chemin, m. 231 tailler through this mountain.-Such was the custom among the Romans.-I was going to your house, but as I have met you, we will go to mine, where we shall dine. Do not lean s'appuyer, v. against that wall.-Go and take a walk in the garden. I am going into my room.-I spoke to you about your affairs. His father died through grief.—I have not heard from her since her departure. Go into my room; you will find a letter behind the looking-glass; (be so kind as) to bring it to me.-Do not miroir, m. avoir la bonté de |