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Philip, Alexander's father, to banish from his states a man


who had spoken ill of him; I shall by no means do it, answered he; he would go every where and speak ill of me.

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Your brother is in good circumstances now.-Somebody told me he was in great favour with the king.—My brother James is out of favour with my father, because he is a burden on the family.—I thought Mr. A. and Mrs. D. went halves in that affair; but I heard the contrary.-Suffer me to tell apprendre

you, you do very wrong to treat her as you do; you faire mal de

undoubtedly have forgotten she is in your mother's favour. sans doute, 254

Well, though she is in favour, do you imagine I am not to s'imaginer


tell her what I think of her conduct?-The two fleets were

within gun-shot, and very near beginning the engagement, when we lost sight of them.-We will be within call.—Why les perdímes de vue.

do you not take a coach now and then? said she to me.

I would willingly take one sometimes, replied I to her, but I cannot afford it.

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Il ne fait que boire et man- he does nothing but eat and


Se faire des amis, des ennemis;
Se faire des affaires;
S'en faire accroire ;

C'en est fait de moi;
C'en était fait de lui;

C'en sera fait d'elle;

C'en serait fait de nous;


to get friends, enemies.

to bring one's self into trouble. to be conceited, to have a good opinion of one's self.

I am undone, it is over with


he was undone, it was over with him.

she will be undone, it will be over with her.

we should be undone, it would be over with us.

The English verb, to cause, preceding the verb to be, immediately followed by a participle past, is rendered in

French by the verb faire, and then the verb to be is not expressed, but the participle past is turned by the infinitive mood. Ex.

Il le fit punir;

he caused him to be punished.


Do not lose that ring, for I value it much; it is a particular friend of mine who gave it me.—I would go and take a walk, if I were well. That man goes a great way for a trifle.— Mr. P.sets up for a wit wherever he goes.-You may rely upon what I tell you.-I begin to be very much satisfied with his brother, who now does his best, and will soon be able to write a French letter to his father.-Let me know whether he will pay you or not.—We shall set sail about the fifteenth of the next month.-Why did you not bespeak three or four pair of shoes more ?-Send word to your brother, or let him know, de plus

that there is a letter for him here.-I will give him an

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exercise, and oblige him to do it in my presence. She pretends theme, m.

not to listen; but I assure you she does not lose a word of

what you say. We were but just come in when it began to


rain. It would have been over with us, had the enemy known what passed in our camp.-You do nothing but play from


morning till night.-That young lady will get friends every au soir.

where. If you do not take care, you will bring yourself into trouble.-Permit me to tell you, that they are too conceited.— Your brother is undone, if his master come to know it.In 1606, king James caused the oath of allegiance



(to be drawn up ;) and, in 1621, summoned a parliament, in dresser which (were formed) the two parties, called Whigs and se formèrent

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I choose rather to set out now than later.-She told me she

had rather do any thing than speak to Mr. L.-They had tout au monde


rather have had you stay in Italy two or three years longer. mieux que -Do not you think Mrs. H. takes a great deal upon herself?— se donner des airs? It is no wonder that I do not speak French so well as you;


you have been several years in France, and I never was

there. I hope your brother will succeed in his undertaking; for he goes the right way to work, and I am certain that he will bring it about. Your cousin, on the contrary, will always be poor; for he goes the wrong way to work in every thing he à undertakes.

She longs to see your father, and tell him how well


you have behaved all the time of his absence.-I had like

se comporter

to have been killed in coming here.—If he lose, he will lay the blame upon you.-Why do you lay the blame upon her? she was not even in the room when that happened.-Should not your sister succeed, whom would she lay the fault upon ?—I long to tell you something; yet I do not know how to communicate it to you, for fear of your repeating crainte que


When you have something disagreeable to tell me, you

should go quite a different way to work.—I beg of you not to take amiss what I tell you.-Do not begin a thing unless you are sure to bring it about.

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