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The possessive pronouns, that are used instead of a substantive, and always take the article, are,

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1. These pronouns always agree in gender and number with the substantive expressing the person or object possessed, and not, as in English, with that which expresses the possessor. Ex.

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2. But we use mon, ton, son, instead of ma, ta, sa, before a substantive feminine, if that substantive begin with a vowel or h mute. Ex.

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3. These possessive pronouns must, in French, be repeated before every substantive, though expressed before only one in English.


MON père, MA mère, et MES my father, mother, and sisters sœurs sont ici, are here.

4. Whenever we address any one by a noun expressing relationship (except papa and maman), or by one expressive of affection, that noun must be preceded by mon, ma, or mes, according to its gender or number. Ex.

Bonjour, MON père,
Venez ici, MON ami,

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good day, father.
come hither, friend.

5. The possessive pronouns, which are used instead of a must always agree in gender and number with the substantive to which they relate. Ex.


Mes livres et LES SIENS,
Votre sœur et LA MIENNE,


books and his. your sister and mine.

6. When mine, thine, yours, his, &c., are used in English after the verb to be, signifying to belong to, they must be rendered in French by the corresponding personal pronoun, preceded by the preposition à. Ex.

Ce livre est à мOI,

Ce chapeau est-il à NOUS ?

that book is mine.

is that hat yours?

7. But if the verb étre has for its nominative the indefinite pronoun ce, the English possessive pronoun must be rendered literally. Ex.

A qui est ce livre ?

C'EST le mien,

whose book is this?

it is mine.

8. The English expressions, of mine, of his, of ours, &c., which are frequently preceded by a substantive, must be rendered in French as in the following examples:

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dictionnaire, m.

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and grammar. She had grammaire, f.


lost her gloves and fan. Have you found your


gant, m. éventail, m. Avez


but her son

fils, m.

pen? His daughter is older than my son, plume, f. fille, f. ágé

(is not) so tall as my nephew.-Her brother says that he

n'est pas



dit que

will not refuse you what you ask of him.


ce que

father, pray forgive me.-My de grace pardonnez

demandez lui.


ambition is the only ambition, f.

seul cause of my imprudence.—I have seen your father, mocause, f.

imprudence, f.

ai vu

ther, brothers, and sisters. Her affection for me is affection, f. pour

false. Good night, cousin; I hope that you will soon




soir, m.


a bientôt

(to see) my country-house and gardens.-Your

viendrez voir de campagne maison1

horses and carriage are very beautiful; but the queen's

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Your daughter is handsomer than mine, but mine has

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more wit than yours.-Her house is more convenient

esprit, m. commode than ours; but yours is not so well situated as theirs.-This


hat is mine, and not yours; but this sword is yours, and

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not his. I lost a book of mine; and a friend of yours has

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couteau, m. had lent it to him.-Is that your broavait prété


ther's book? No: it is mine.-And these pens, whose are

they? They are ours.


à qui

Ce sont


The demonstrative pronouns are so called from their pointing out, as it were, the persons or things expressed by the substantives which they precede, or to which they refer. These pronouns are used before a substantive, or instead of one, as will be seen in the following lists:

Demonstrative Pronouns used before a Substantive.

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Pronouns which are always followed by DE, or by a relative

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Pronouns referring to an object, without naming it.

ceci, this ;

cela, that.


1. Ce, cet, cette, and ces, are always followed by the noun which they point out, and with which they agree in gender and number. Ex.

CETTE maison est bien haute,

this house is very high.

2. Cet is used only before nouns masculine, singular, beginning with a vowel or h mute.

CET hommes et CET enfant vous demandent,


this man and this child ask

after you.

3. When that and those are used in English, not before a substantive, but instead of one, they must be rendered in French by celui, celle, ceux, celles, according to the gender or number of the substantive to which they relate.

I have read your books, and those of your cousins.

J'ai lu vos livres et CEUX de vos cousins, Avez-vous vu mon cheval et have you seen my horse and CELUI de mon frère? my brother's?

4. From the last example it will be seen that when the place of the demonstrative pronoun is supplied in English by the possessive case, it must be rendered in French by the demonstrative pronoun: as, send me back my books and my brother's (i. e. those of my brother), renvoyez-moi mes livres et CEUX de mon frère.

5. The particles ci, here, and là, there, are often placed after the substantive before which ce, cet, cette, or ces, are used, in order to indicate more particularly the persons or things to which they refer. Ex.

Je n'aime pas cette pomme-CI,
Je mangerai cette poire-La',

I do not like this apple.
I shall eat that pear.

6. The same particles are added, for the same purpose, to the pronouns celui, ceux, celle, and celles. Ex.

De ces deux livres il choisit of these two books, he CELUI-LA, et chooses that one and I take this.


je prends

7. When the personal pronouns he, she, they, him, her, them, followed by the pronouns who, whom, &c., are used in English without reference to any noun previously expressed, they must be rendered in French by the demonstrative pro

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he who loves God, loves his neighbour.

CELUI QUI aime Dieu aime son prochain, CEUX DONT vous parlez sont they of whom you speak, are absens,


8. Whenever the English pronoun what can be changed into that which, it must be rendered in French by ce qui or

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