of the American Psychological Association EDITED BY HOWARD C. WARREN, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY (Review) MADISON BENTLEY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (J. of Exp. Psych.) RAYMOND DODGE, YALE UNIVERSITY (Monographs) SAMUEL W. FERNBERGER, UNIV. OF PENN. (Bulletin) WALTER S. HUNTER, CLARK UNIVERSITY (Index) HERBERT S. LANGFELD, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, BUSINESS EDITOR. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW containing original contributions only, appears bi-monthly, January, March, May, July, September, and November, the six numbers comprising a volume of about 480 pages. PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN critical reviews of books and articles, psychological news and notes, university notices, and announcements, appears monthly, the annual volume comprising about 720 pages. Special issues of the BULLETIN consist of general reviews of recent work in some department of psychology. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY containing original contributions of an experimental character, appears bimonthly, February, April, June, August, October, and December, the six numbers comprising a volume of about 480 pages. PSYCHOLOGICAL INDEX is a compendious bibliography of books, monographs, and articles upon psychological and cognate topics that have appeared during the year. The INDEX is issued annually in May, and may be subscribed for in connection with the periodicals above, or purchased separately. PSYCHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS consist of longer researches or treatises or collections of laboratory studies which it is important to publish promptly and as units. The price of single numbers varies according to their size. The MONOGRAPHS appear at irregular intervals and are gathered into volumes of about 500 pages. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES Review: $5.00 (Foreign, $5.25). Review and Bulletin: $9.50 (Foreign, $10.00). Review, Bulletin, and Journal: $14.00 (Foreign, $14.75). Review, Bulletin, Journal and Index: $15.00 (Foreign, $15.75). Current Numbers: Review or Journal, $1.00; Bulletin, 60c; Index, $2.00. Psychological Monographs: $6.00 per volume (Foreign, $6.30). Current Issues: prices vary according to size. Subscriptions, orders, and business communications may be sent direct to the FOREIGN AGENTS: G. E. STECHERT & CO., London (2 Star Yard, Carey St., PSYCHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOL. XXVIII 123. Quantitative Aspects of the Evolution of Concepts. CLARK L. HULL. Pp. 85. VOL. XXIX 130. A Qualitative Analysis of the Process of Forgetting. HAROLD R. CROSLAND. Pp. VOL. XXX 184. A Tentative Standardization of a Hard Opposites Test. MARIN HACKL MEANS. VOL. XXXI 140. University of Iowa Studies in Psychology. No. VIII. Edited by CARL E. SEASHORE. VOL. XXX¡I 143. Memory Defects in the Organic Psychoses. JOHANN LILJENCRANTS. Pp. 77. $1.25. VOL. XXXIII 148. The Effect of Manual Guidance upon Maze Learning. KATHERINE EVA LUDGATE. VOL. XXXIV Pp. 191. $1.50. 154. The Influence of Tuition in the Acquisition of Skill. TSU LIEN WANG. Pp. 51. VOLUME XXXV 162. On the Melodic Relativity of Tones. OTTO ORTMANN. $.55. 163. Studies in Psy- VOL. XXXVI. 167. University of Iowa Studies in Psychology, No. IX. Edited by CARL E. SEASHORE. 170. The Creative Imagination of VOL. XXXVII. Théophile Gautier: A Study in Literary Psychology. Directory of American Psychological Periodicals American Journal of Psychology-Ithaca, N. Y.; Cornell University. Subscription $6.50. 624 pages ann. Ed. by M. F. Washburn, K. M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley and E. G. Boring. Quarterly. General and experimental psychology. Founded 1887. The Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology-Worcester, Mass.: Clark University. Subscription $7.00. 700 pages ann. Carl Murchison. Quarterly. Child behavior, differential and genetic psychology. Founded 1891. Ed. by Psychological Review-Princeton, N. J.: Psychological Review Company. Subscription $5.00. 480 pages annually. Bi-monthly. General. Founded 1894. Edited by Howard C. Warren. Psychological Bulletin-Princeton, N. J.: Psychological Review Company. Subscription $5.50. 720 pages annually. Psychological literature. Monthly. Founded 1904. Edited by Samuel W. Fernberger. Psychological Monographs-Princeton, N. J.: Psychological Review Company. Subscription $6.00 per vol. 500 pp. Founded 1895. Edited by Raymond Dodge. Published without fixed dates, each issue one or more researches. Psychological Index-Princeton, N. J.: Psychological Review Company. Subscription $2.00. 200 pp. Founded 1895. Edited by W. S. Hunter. An annual bibliography of psychological literature. Journal of Philosophy-New York; 515 W. 116th St. Subscription $4. 728 pages per volume. Founded 1904. Bi-weekly. Edited by F. J. E. Woodbridge, Wendell T. Bush and H. W. Archives of Psychology-Columbia University P. O., New York City. Subscription $6. 500 pp. ann. Founded 1906. Ed. by R. S. Woodworth. Published without fixed dates, each number a single experimental study. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology-Albany, N. Y. Subscription $5; foreign $5.25. Boyd Printing Company. Ed. by Morton Prince. Quarterly. 432 pages ann. Founded 1906. Abnormal and social. Psychological Clinic-Philadelphia: Psychological Clinic Press. Subscription $2.50. 288 pages. Ed. by Lightner Witmer. Founded 1907. Without fixed dates (9 numbers). Orthogenics, psychology, hygiene. Training School Bulletin-Vineland, N. J.: The Training School. Subscription $1. 160 pp. ann. Ed. by E. R. Johnstone. Founded 1904. Monthly (10 numbers). Psychology and training of defectives. Comparative Psychology Monographs Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. Subscription $5. 500 pages per volume. Edited by W. S. Hunter. Published without fixed dates, each number a single research. Psychoanalytic Review-Washington, D. C.: 3617 10th St., N. W. Subscription $6. 500 pages annually Psychoanalysis. Quarterly. Founded 1913. Ed. by W. A. White and S. E. Jelliffe. Journal of Experimental Psychology -Princeton, N. J. Psychological Review Company. 480 pages annually. Experimental. Subscription $5.00. Founded 1916. Bi-monthly. Ed. by Madison Bentley. Journal of Applied Psychology-Bloomington, Ind.; Indiana University Press. Subscription $5. 400 pages annually. Founded 1917. Quarterly. Edited by James P. Porter and William F. Book. Journal of Comparative Psychology-Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. Subscription $5. 500 pages annually. Founded 1921. Bi-monthly. Edited by Knight Dunlap and Robert M. Yerkes. Genetic Psychology Monographs-Worcester, Mass. Clark University. Subscription $7. 600 pages ann. Ed. by Carl Murchison. Bi-monthly. Each number a complete research. Child behavior, differential and genetic psychology. Founded 1925. Psychological Abstracts-Eno Hall, Princeton, N. J. Edited by W. S. Hunter. Subscription $6.00. Monthly. 600 pages annually. Founded 1927. Archives of Psychoanalysis-New York: 2 East 65th St. Subscription $20.00. 1000 pages ann. Ed. by L. Pierce Clark. Quarterly. Detailed analyses of cases of narcistic neuroses and psychoses showing psychoanalytic technic. Foreign abstracts and translations. |