ON THE USES OF THE DEFINITIVE ARTICLE IN THE GREEK TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, Containing many New Proofs OF THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST, From Paffages which are wrongly translated COMMON ENGLISH VERSION. BY GRANVILLE SHARP. To which is added AN APPENDIX, Containing 1. A TABLE OF EVIDENCES OF CHRIST'S DIVINITY, 2. A PLAIN ARGUMENT FROM THE GOSPEL HIS- AND TWO OTHER APPENDIXES, Added by the Author. THIRD EDITION. LONDON: VERNOR AND HOOD; F.' AND C. RIVINGTON; J. WHITE; AND AND L. PENNINGTON, DURHAM. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. The Third Edition, publifhed by the Author himself, (for the purpose of correcting fome of his own inadvertent miftakes,) with the content of the learned and worthy Editor of the former editions, the Rev. Dr Burgefs, (now Lord Bishop of St David's,) whofe opinion and friendly patronage alone first oecafioned the publication of the work, as he felected it from among a number of other old MSS. that had been, for many years, laid afide by the Author, without the least intention of publishing them; fo that (except for this circumstance) the work, most probably, would never have been printed. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION. BT215 S5 1803 THE first part of the following Remarks, on the ufes of the definitive article in the Greek text of the New Teftament, was printed in the fecond Fafciculus of the Museum Oxonienfe. A Supplement to the Remarks was at the same time promifed to be published in the third Fafciculus of the Museum. But, as many learned friends concurred with the Editor in thinking that the Remarks contain a very valuable acceffion to the evidences of Chrift's divinity, he was unwilling to detain the Supplement, which exemplifies the rules of the Remarks, any longer from the public, and bas therefore prevailed on Mr Sharp to permit him to publish it with the Remarks. He earneftly recommends them both to Mr Wakefield's moft deliberate confideration. |