Phaser Game Prototyping: Building 100s of games using Game Prototyping templates in HTML5 and Phaser JavaScript FrameworkIndependently Published, 7 nov. 2016 - 472 pages This book is intended to be a hands-on guide for Game Prototype creations using the Phaser JavaScript Gaming Framework for both versions 2.x.x & 3.x.x.
As of February 2017, this book (edition #2) is the first and only available tutorial for Phaser v3.x.x and will continue to supplement version 3 as features become available. Therefore, if you purchased this book (edition #3) from, you will have a continually updated version. If you are a customer from Amazon, or Google Play, you may access the latest information on the book's website.
Phaser Game Prototyping is a hands-on guide for making browser games using Phaser's official, CE (community edition) and the new version 3.x.x (2018) JavaScript Game Framework. Master the important skills and techniques you need for Phaser version 3 now. This book delves into many of the great classic game mechanisms and design mechanics techniques. All written in a fun and friendly style with completed projects and open-ended exercises that encourage you to build your own game projects. You'll also download supporting tools to classify the book’s snippets and add your own modification.
Phaser Game Prototyping Part I demonstrates basic game mechanisms from the Phaser JavaScript Game Framework using "SCRUM-style sprints". It starts by showing you how you to build game mechanisms in both Phaser v2 and then in Phaser version 3! By the end of Part I, you’ll have a complete, fully-functional Game Prototype with the supporting tools to manage further game production. You’ll have a game character’s visual and meta descriptions, learned to control your avatar through the keyboard, mouse, or touch-screen interfaces, developed a game environment, created game scene migrations and then learned how to use collision detection within a standard v2 and the improved version 3 game loops, built dynamic menu response system, to build an interactive game world.
Phaser Game Prototyping Part II demonstrates how to connect all your new game prototypes into various game mechanics. What I show you will open the pathway to building a game in 7-days or a month. You’ll learn to make RPG maze games, code 6 different combat systems, develop heads-up displays (HUD) that are both internal to and outside of the Phaser canvas, apply 6 different artificial intelligence systems, create tiled-maps with the new Phaser v3 features, and other fast-paced actions that cover all the popular game perspective of 2D and 2.5D gaming. I'll reveal what I'm doing with Phaser v3 in 3D games. You’ll discover how to develop games and multi-level isometric scenes using new features in Phaser v3, and existing features in Phaser v2. All these techniques and supporting source code are explained in an easy-to-understand manner for game designers to gain new skills in Phaser v3 and update their skills in version 2.
You’ll find detailed working examples on the book's website with dozens of illustrations and many concepts you can freely apply to your own gaming projects. All the source code annotations enhance the book’s explanation. You can begin your current game conversions into Phaser 3 now.
What you’ll learn: By the end of this workbook, you’ll have integrated into your own game designs: Adopted processes for business project management and agile software development.Organized a standard file structure for developing games in general; Used a blank game template to scaffold further game projects; Converted and adopted the new upcoming changes in Phaser v3.Imported resources and game assets; Displayed, animated and moved game avatars on various screen renderings; Managed groups of game objects in v2 and v3;Deployed heads-up display (HUD) on game scenes both inside and outside the canvas;Used customized web fonts;Incorporated multiple game-inputs (touch, multi-touch, accelerometer, mouse, and keyboard);Rendered several physics systems in v2 and v3;Included graphics effects (gfx) (particle systems, rotations, fades, shaders and more);Created and managed game state-phases;Managed permanent game assets across state-phases;Optimized your game for various mobile devices;Integrated 3rd-party scripts and services for v2.Deploy single- and multi-player games.Web Sockets demystified for scalable massive online game deployments.Who This Book Is For: Students and professionals in game development with some experience in HTML5 and JavaScript who want to enhance -- or begin learning the essential techniques of -- Phaser v2 JavaScript skills into the next Phaser version 3 release. If you are interested in making browser games, especially for the mobile market, then Phaser Game Prototyping is a perfect choice. |
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