CONTEMPLATIONS ON THE GOD OF ISRAEL, IN A SERIES OF LETTERS TO A FRIEND. By WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, S.S. MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AT PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, LITTLE TITCHFIELD-STREET, LONDON: PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET. 1802. CONTEMPLATIONS, &c. LETTER I. To the Rev. J. JENKINS, Lewes, Suffex. CRICKLEWOOD. Dear fon in the faith of our Lord Jefus Chrift, grace and peace be multiplied. I HAVE for fome time had it upon my mind to fend thee fome account of my late goings on, having for fome few weeks back been much indulged and helped by the Holy Spirit of promife, of whose influence, help, and energetic interceffion at the throne of grace, I have been very watchful and obfervant; and, on the other hand, could not but wonder at the backwardness, deadness, drynefs, and barrennefs, both in power and in expreffion, when his fenfible influence was withheld from me. His divine person, and his most benign influences and operations, were for many days my meditation, both by night and by day; and, during this time, these things were the principal fubjects of my ministry; and, had I wrote them then, I have no doubt B but |