Supplement to the Universal Catalogue of Books on Art: Compiled for the Use of the National Art Library and the Schools of Art in the United Kingdom, Volume 1H.M. Stationery Office, 1877 - 654 pages |
Table des matières
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Supplement to the Universal Catalogue of Books on Art: Compiled for the Use ... National Art Library (Great Britain) Aucun aperçu disponible - 2021 |
Fréquemment cités
Page 508 - REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc.
Page 482 - The CABINET LAWYER ; a Popular Digest of the Laws of England, Civil, Criminal, and Constitutional: intended for Practical 'Use and General Information.
Page 80 - BLAIR'S Chronological Tables. Revised and Enlarged. Comprehending the Chronology and History of the World, from the Earliest Times to the Russian Treaty of Peace, April 1856.
Page 280 - GUILLEMIN. Translated from the French by MRS. NORMAN LOCKYER ; and Edited, with Additions and Notes, by J. NORMAN LOCKYER, FRS Illustrated by II Coloured Plates and 455 Woodcuts.
Page 9 - The High-Pressure Steam Engine. THE HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM ENGINE ; an Exposition of its Comparative Merits, and an Essay towards an Improved System of Construction, adapted especially to secure Safety and Economy. By Dr. ERNST ALBAN, Practical Machine Maker, Plau, Mecklenberg. Translated from the German, with Notes, by Dr. POLE, FRS, M.
Page 399 - Gennesareth, &c. A Canoe Cruise in Palestine and Egypt, and the Waters of Damascus.
Page 569 - Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of fac-similes of original documents ; scenes of...
Page 132 - Records of the Chase, and Memoirs of Celebrated Sportsmen ; Illustrating some of the Usages of Olden Times and comparing them -with prevailing Customs : Together with an Introduction to most of the Fashionable Hunting Countries ; and Comments.
Page 379 - Recherches critiques, historiques et géographiques sur les fragments d'Héron d'Alexandrie, ou du Système métrique égyptien considéré dans ses bases, dans ses rapports avec les mesures itinéraires des Grecs et des Romains , et dans les modifications qu'il a subies depuis le règne des Pharaons jusqu'à l'invasion des Arabes; ouvrage posthume de M.
Page 52 - By PETER BARLOW, FRS A New Edition, revised by his Sons, PW BARLOW, FRS, and WH BARLOW, FRS ; to which are added, Experiments by HODGKINSON, FAIRBAIRN, and KIRKALDY; and Formulae for Calculating Girders, &c.