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12 plates,


Grottos. By T. Wright, of Durham. with explanations. Obl. fol. London, 1758. WRIGHT (THOMAS). — An Essay on the state of Literature and Learning under the AngloSaxons; introductory to the first section of the Biographia Britannica Literaria of the Royal Society of Literature. 8vo. London, 1839. S.K. WRIGHT (THOMAS).-The Homes of Other Days. A History of domestic manners and sentiments in England from the earliest known period to modern times. By T. Wright. Plates. Roy. 8vo. London, 1871. S.K. WRIGHT (THOMAS). Uriconium; a historical account of the ancient Roman City, and of the Excavations made upon its site, at Wroxeter in Shropshire, forming a sketch of the condition and history of the Welsh Border during the Roman Period. Royal 8vo. London, 1872. S.K. WRIGHT (W.). -Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, acquired since the year 1838. By W. Wright, LL.D. Part i. Printed by order of the Trustees. 4to. London, S.K. Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, acquired since the year 1838. By W. Wright, LL.D. Part ii. Printed by order of the


Trustees. 4to. London, 1871. S.K. WRITING.-Conjectural Observations on the Origin and Progress of Alphabetic Writing. With plates. 8vo. London, 1772.


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WUNDER (J.).—Galerie Royale de Dresde ou Recueil de lithographies d'après les principaux Tableaux, etc. etc. publiée par J. Wunder. Imp. fol. Leipzig, 1834.

WUNDER SELTZAME ; neue Malerei

erfunden durch 3 franciskaner Mönchen zu Hagenau. Im Monat September 1653. In verse. Reprint of the edition of 1653. Sm. fol. Strasbourg, n.d. WURMB (JULIUS von).-Lehrbuch der Kriegs-Baukunst zum Gebrauche der Kais. Kön. Génie-Academie. With atlas of 36 plates in fol. Text, 8vo. Olmütz, 1852. WURTEMBERG.

Denkmale des Alterthums und der alten Kunst in Württemberg. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843.

WURTZ (M. ADOLPHE).-Les hautes études pratiques dans les Universités Allemandes. Rapport présenté à son Exc. M. le Ministre de l'Instruction publique, par M. A. Wurtz. With plates. 4to. Paris, 1870. S.K.

WURZBACH von TANNENBERG (C.). Die Kirchen der Stadt Krakau. Wien, 1853.

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WURZBACH von TANNENBERG (C.).— Das Schiller-Buch. 40 photographs. Roy. 4to. Wien, 1859. WUSSIN (J.). Jonas Suyderhoef. Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche. 8vo. Leipzig, 1861. WUSTMANN (GUSTAV).—Apelles. Leben und Werke von G. Wustmann. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. S.K.

WYATT (LEWIS).-Prospectus of a Design for various Improvements in the Metropolis; principally about the Court. By an Architect [i.e. Lewis Wyatt.] 75 pp. 8vo. London, 1816.


sichten von Süd und Nord Tirol nach der Natur gezeichnet. Geschildert von J. Frdr. Lentner. Steel plates. Obl. fol. Salzburg, 1852-55. WUESTEMANN (E. F.).-Ueber die Kunstgärtnerei bey den alten Römern. 8vo. Gotha,


WULF (E.).-Die Geometrie in ihrer Künstlerischen Bedeutung für die Architektur und Tektonik. 74 pp. Sm. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Werden a. Rh. Author.)

WULFF (E.).-Vollständige Anleitung zur Construction massiver Brücken, Durchlässe und Unterführungen bis zu 40 Fuss Spannweite, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Eisenbahnbau. With 7 tables and 127 figures. 4to. Leipzig, 1869.

WUNDEMANN (JH. CHR. FR.).—Mecklenburg, in Hinsicht auf Kultur, Kunst und Geschmack. 2 parts. 8vo. Schwerin, 1800-3.

to accompany the Designs for a National Gallery. With photographs. 8vo. London, 1866. S.K. WYATT (SIR MATTHEW DIGBY).-Fine Art, a Sketch of its History, Theory, Practice, and Application to Industry, being a course of Lectures delivered at Cambridge in 1870. By M. D. Wyatt, M.A., Slade Professor of Fine Art. 8vo. London and New York, 1870.


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XAVIER (PAUL).-Méthode simplifiée rendant facile l'usage du daguerréotype. 8vo.

Paris, Melun (printed), 1844.


YANOSKY (JEAN) and DAVID (JULES).—| Syrie ancienne et moderne. With many steel plates. Large 8vo. Paris, 1848.

Another edition :-In "L'Univers Pittoresque." 8vo. Paris, 1862. S.K. YAPP (GEORGE WAGSTAFFE).- Popular Guide to the London International Exhibition of 1871. By G. W. Yapp. Crown 8vo. London, 1871. S.K.

YARMOUTH, EXHIBITION, 1863-64.Catalogue of the Loan Exhibition at the Priory Hall, Yarmouth, Dec. 31st, 1863, to Jan. 11th, 1864. Sm. 4to. Yarmouth, (1863).


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YCIAR (JUAN DE).-Recopilacion subtilissima: intitulada Orthographia practica: por la qual se enseña a escrivír perfectamente: ansi por practica como por geometria todas las suertes de letras que mas en nuestra España y fuera della se vsan. Woodcuts. 4to. Çaragoça, 1548. YCIAR (JUAN DE).-Arte subtilissima por laqual se enseña a escreuir perfectamente, hecho y experimentado. (Engraved throughout in wood, with borders; the text in moveable characters by J. de Yciar and J. de Vingles). 8vo. Çaragoça, 1550.

Another edition. 8vo. Çaragoça, 1555. YCIAR (JUAN DE).-Libro subtilissimo por el qual se enseña á escrevir y contar pfectamente el qual llena el misimo orden que llena un maestro con su discipulo...Woodcuts. 4to. Impreso a costas de miguel de Suelues, alias, çapila in faucon mercador de libros, 1556.

YDEUS (STEVEN). -Histoire van het H. Sacrament van Mirakelen berustende tot Bruessel inde Collegiale Kercke van S. Goedele Beschreven door M. St. Ydeus. 17 plates by Adrien Collaert. 12mo. Bruessel, 1608.

YDEWALLE (Béthune d').—Restauration de la Mosaique Carlovingienne dans la Coupole du Dôme d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Mémoire présenté au Chapitre de la Basilique. With 3 plates. 4to. Bruges, 1872. S.K.

YEATES (THOMAS).-A Dissertation on the antiquity, origin, and design of the principal Pyramids of Egypt. Plates. 4to. London, 1833.

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YORK.- An accurate description and history of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St. Peter, York, from its first foundation to the present year. Illustrated with copper-plates, etc. 2nd edition. 12mo. York, 1783. YORK.-The History and Antiquities of the city of York, from its origin to the present times. Illustrated with Twenty-two copper-plates. 3 vols. Post 8vo. York, 1785. S.K. YORK.-Views of the Parish Churches in York; with a short account of each. 4to. York, S.K.



YORK.-The Stranger's Guide through the City of York, and its Cathedral. Illustrated with a plan of the City, and 13 wood engravings. The whole first compiled from original and authentic documents. The 4th edition, considerably enlarged. 12mo. York, 1832. YORK.-The Hand-Book for the City of York: with trips to Knaresborough, Harrogate, Boston Spa, Ripon, Fountain's Abbey, Castle Howard, Scarborough, and Whitby...Embellished with a map, and 40 engravings on wood. Crown 8vo. York, (1858).


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gation of his reported murder). By E. D. Young. YPES (H.).-De axonometrische perspectief. Revised by F. Waller. With illustrations. 8vo. 3 folding lithographs. 8vo. Daventer, 1869. London, 1868. YRIARTE (CHARLES). Les Frises du Parthénon par Phidias, vingt-deux planches reproduites par le procédé de phototypie de Tessié du Motay et Maréchal par G. Aroza e Cie. With letterpress by C. Yriarte. Fol. Paris, 1868. B.M. YRIARTE (TOMAS).- Tables on subjects connected with literature, imitated from the Spanish, by John Belfour. 4 plates by Pye after G. Jones. Sm. 8vo. London, 1804.

YOUNG (WILLIAM).-Picturesque examples of old English Churches and Cottages, from sketches in Sussex and adjoining counties. With 30 plates, engraved by the anastatic process. 4to. Birmingham, 1869. S.K. YOUNG (WILLIAM).-Picturesque Architectural Studies and practical Designs for Gate Lodges, Cottages, Cottage Hospitals, Villas, Vicarages, Country Residences, Schools, Village Churches, etc., etc. 4to. London, 1872.


YRON (― DE).-Des antiquitez de la ville

de Nismes. 4to. Nismes, 1663.

ZABEL (TH.).—Ornamente zur practischen Anwendung für Gold- und Silber- Waaren-Fabrikation. Lithographs. Fol. Frankfurt-a-O., 1850. ZABEO (GIO. PROSDOCIMO). Elogio a

Paolo Cagliari. 8vo. Venezia, 1813. ZACCO (TEODORO DI, Conte).- Ricerche storiche del costume tunica, cintura, mantello e calzamento. 24 pp. 8vo. Padova, 1870. ZACCO (TEODORO DI, Conte).- Del Bello e dell' Arte. Delle facoltà dell' anima che concorrono alla percezione del bello. Dei differenti generi di bellezza, e della loro armonia. Del genio dell' arte. Delle arti principali; del loro scopo comune; e dei differenti lor mezzi. Architettura e Scoltura. Musica e Pittura. Supremazia della Poesia. Lavoro inedito del Conte T. di Zacco. From the "Giornale di Padova." Imp. 8vo. Padova, 1871.


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du Jour, Poëme traduit de l'Allemand de M. Zacharie (par Capitaine). With 5 plates and 4 vignettes after Ch. Eisen, engraved by C. Baquoy.

8vo. Paris, 1769.


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antichissime greche iscrizioni. Plate. 4to. Venetia, 1755.

ZANETTI (GUIDO ANTONIO).-Delle zecche nella Lunigiana, e specialmente della famiglia Malaspina, dissertazione. Fol. Bologna, 1789. ZANETTI (GUIDO ANTONIO). - Lettere inedite sulla monete e zecche d' Italia, pubblicate per cura di B. Biondelli. 8vo. Milano, 1861. ZANETTI (VINCENZO).-Piccola guida d Murano e delle sue officine, del Cav. V. Zanetti 8vo. Venezia, 1869.

ZANETTI (VINCENZO).-La chiesa della Madonna dell' Orto in Venezia illustrata. Venezia, 1870.


Pub-ZANNONI (ANTONIO).—Sugli Scavi della
Certosa. Relazione letta all' Inaugurazione del
Museo Civico di Bologna, il 2 Ottobre 1871, dall'
Ingegnere-Architetto capo A. Zannoni. 4to.
Bologna, 1871.

ZAHN (ALBERT von). Musterbuch für häusliche Kunstarbeiten. 24 lithographs with text. Fol. Leipzig, 1861.

The same, Neue Folge. 24 lithographs with text. Fol. Leipzig, 1866. The same, I. Abtheilung. lithographs with text. Fol. ZAHN (ALBERT von).—Anatomisches Ta

Second edition. 24 Leipzig, 1870.

schenbüchlein zur Nachhülfe beim Studium nach

Natur und Antike. 2nd edition. 40 pp., with woodcuts. Large 8vo. Leipzig, 1864. ZAHN (ALBERT von).-Bericht ueber die Resultate des Kunstunterrichts in Bezug auf den

ZANNONI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA).-Illustrationi di due urne e di alcuni vasi Hamiltoniani. 2 plates. 8vo. Firenze, 1812. ZANOTTI (EUSTACHIO).-Tratatto teoricopratico di prospettiva. 11 plates. 4to. Bologna, 1766.


scelte. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1818. ZANOTTI (GIAMPIETRO CAVAZZONI).Lettera di G. P. Zanotti, da premettersi alle Vite

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