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be proposed in France, for the more effectual prevention of Slavetrading by the Subjects of that Power. H. E. Viscount Granville, G.C.B.

I am, &c.



No. 123.-Lord Bloomfield to Mr. Sec. Canning.-(Rec. June 7.)
Stockholm, May 26, 1826.


I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, marked Slave-trade, enclosing Copies of the Papers, A and B, relative to the Slave-trade, which have been presented to both Houses of Parliament. I have, &c. The Right Hon. George Canning.


CONVENTION between Great Britain and Portugal, for providing for the maintenance of a Corps of British Troops, sent to Portugal.-Signed at Brighthelmstone, January 19, 1827.

In the Name of the Most Holy and Em Nome da Sanctissima e Indi

Undivided Trinity.

HER Royal Highness the Infanta Regent of Portugal having, in consequence of aggressions committed against the Portuguese Territory, claimed the fulfilment, by His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of the antient Treaties of Alliance and Friendship which subsist between the Two Crowns; and His Britannick Majesty having thereupon resolved to send, and having actually sent, a body of Troops to Portugal, the Two High Contracting Parties think it necessary to agree upon certain Arrangements for the maintenance of the said Troops during their stay in Portugal, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries for that



visivel Trindade.

HAVENDO Sua Alteza Real a Infanta Regente de Portugal, em consequencia das aggressoens commettidas contra o Territorio Portuguez, requerido a Sua Magestade El Rey do Reyno Unido da Gram Bretanha e Irlanda, o cumprimento dos antigos Tractados de Alliança e de Amizade que subsistem entre as duas Corôas; e havendo Sua Magestade Britannica por isso resolvido mandar, como com effeito já mandou, um Corpo de Tropas para Portugal, julgam as Duas Altas Partes Contractantes necessario convir em certos arranjos para a manutençao das dictas Tropas durante a sua estada em Portugal, e nomearam para esse fim, a saber:

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable George Canning, a Member of His said Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of Parliament, and His said Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs:-And Her Royal Highness the Infanta Regent of Portugal, the Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Lord, Don Pedro de Souza e Holstein, Marquis of Palmella, a Peer of the Kingdom of Portugal, Grand Cross of the Order of Christ, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Cross of several other Orders, and Her Royal Highness's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Britannick Majesty :—who, after having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

ART. I. Her Royal Highness the Infanta Regent of Portugal, anxious that the body of Troops which has been so promptly sent to Her Royal Highness's aid by His Britannick Majesty, should be treated with the hospitality becoming the Relations of the two Allied Nations, engages to provide the necessary Barracks and Quarters, and Buildings for Hospitals, and for Stores and Magazines, and the necessary Rations of Provisions and Forage for the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, and for the Horses and Cattle of the British Auxi

Sua Magestade El Rey do Reyno Unido da Gram Bretanha e Irlanda, ao Muito Honrado George Canning, Membro do Seu Conselho Privado, Membro do Parlamento, e Principal Secretario de Estado de Sua dicta Magestade na Repartiçao dos Negocios Estrangeiros:-E Sua Alteza Real a Infanta Regente de Portugal, ao Illustrissimo e Excellentissimo Senhor Dom Pedro de Souza e Holstein, Marquez de Palmella, Par do Reyno de Portugal, Gram Cruz da Ordem de Christo, Cavalleiro da Ordem do Tosao d'Ouro, Gram Cruz de varias outras Ordens, e Embaixador Extraordinario e Plenipotenciario de Sua Alteza Real junto a Sua Magestade Britannica:-Os quaes, depois de terem communicado um ao outro os seus respectivos Plenos Poderes, que se acharam em bôa e devida forma, ajustaram e concluiram os Artigos seguintes:

ART. I. Tendo Sua Alteza Real a Infanta Regente de Portugal o maior desejo de que o Corpo de Tropas que lhe foi tam promptamente enviado por Sua Magestade Britannica, seja tractado com aquella hospitalidade que he propria das Relacões que existem entre as duas Nações Alliadas, toma a sua conta o mandarlhe fornecer os Abarracamentos e Quarteis que forem necessarios, edificios para Hospitaes e Armazens, assim como as Rações de mantimentos e de forragens que forem precizas para os Officiaes, Officiaes inferiores, e Soldados, e

liary Army, according to the Regulations of the British Service.

II. The Provisions and Forage above specified are to be delivered to the British Commissariat, at a distance not greater than 6 Portuguese leagues from the Head Quarters of each British Detachment to which they are supplied, unless in cases where a different arrangement shall be made, with the consent of the British Commissariat.

III. In order to obviate the difficulties, which an immediate disbursement of Funds, for the purchase of the aforesaid Provisions and Forage, might occasion, under the present circumstances, to the Government of Portugal, it is agreed that the British Commissary General shall, for the present, provide those Supplies for the British Army, charging the cost thereof to the account of the Portuguese Government.

As, however, cases may arise, in which it may be more convenient to receive such Supplies from Portug ese Magazines, for the purpose of avoiding competition in the Markets, the British Commissary General shall, in the execution of this Agreement, concert his proceedings from time to time with a Person appointed for that end by the Government of Portugal.

IV. The Accounts of the British Commissariat being approved and signed by the Commander of the Auxiliary Army, shall be de

para os cavallos e gado do Exercito Auxiliar Inglez, conforme os regulamentos do Serviço Britannico.

II. Os mantimentos e forragens assima especificados seraō entregues ao Commissariado Britannico, a distancia quando muito de 6 Leguas Portuguezas do Quartel General d'aquelle Destacamento Inglez para que forem destinados, salvo nos casos em que outro arranjo for feito, com consentimento do Commissariado Britannico.

III. Afim de occorrer as difficuldades que, nas circumstancias presentes, poderia occasionar ao Governo de Portugal o immediato desembolço dos fundos para a compra dos sobredictos mantimentos e forragens, fica ajustado que o Commissario Geral Inglez fornecera por agora aquelles provimentos ao Exercito Inglez, lançando em conta ao Governo Portuguez o custo d'elles.

Como porem, possam dar-se casos em que convenha mais receber taes provimentos dos Armazens Portuguezes, afim de evitar a competencia nos Mercados, o Commissario Geral Inglez, em execuçaõ d'este arranjo, concertará de tempos a tempos as suas operações com a pessoa que o Governo Portuguez, nomear para esse fim.

IV. As Contas do Commissariado Britannico, depois de approvadas e assignadas pelo Commandante do Exercito Auxiliar,

livered every 3 months to the Portuguese Government, which, having verified the same, shall either pay the amount thereof forthwith to the British Commissary General, or carry it over to the credit of the British Government, as shall be judged most convenient by the Two Governments.

V. The cost of Provisions and Forage for the British Troops shall be placed to the account of the Portuguese Government, from the day of the landing of the said Troops in Portugal, and shall cease to be placed to that account from the day of their departure, or of their passing the Frontiers of Portugal.

VI. Her Royal Highness The Infanta Regent of Portugal having consented that on this, as on former occasions, the Forts of St. Julien and Bugio shall be occupied by the British Troops, it is agreed that the said Occupation shall continue so long as the Auxiliary Army shall remain in Portugal. Those Forts shall be, from time to time, duly provisioned by the Portuguese Government, or by the British Commissariat on account of the Portuguese Government, in the same manner as is provided in the foregoing Articles, with respect to the Auxiliary Army.

serao entregues todos os tres mezes ao Governo Portuguez, o qual, depois de as haver verificado, pagará logo o importe d'ellas ao Commissario Geral Britannico, ou lançá-lo-ha em conta ao credito do Governo Inglez, segundo for julgado mais conveniente pelos dois Governos.

V. O custo dos mantimentos e das forragens para as Tropas Inglezas, correrá por conta do Governo Portuguez désde o dia do desembarque das dictas Tropas em Portugal, e cessaré de correr por conta d'elle dèsde o dia da sua partida, ou dèsde aquelle em que sahirem para fôra das Fronteiras de Portugal.

VI. Tendo Sua Alteza Real a Infanta Regente de Portugal consentido em que nesta, como em outras occasiões precedentes, os Fortes de S. Juliao e do Bugio, sejam occupados pelas Tropas Britannicas, fica ajustado que a dicta occupaçao continuará por todo o tempo que o Exercito Inglez permanecer em Portugal. Os dictos Fortes seraõ de tempos a tempos abastecidos de provimentos pelo Governo Portuguez, ou pelo Commissariado Inglez por conta do Governo Portuguez, do mesmo modo que fica determinado nos precedentes Artigos, a respeito do Exercito Auxiliar.

Arrangements shall be made O Governo Portuguez e o Combetween the Government of Por- mandante do Exercito Britannico tugal and the Commander of the convirao do modo por que ha de British Army, for the carrying on continuar a ser feito o serviço da of the Service of the Pratique, of Saude, da Policia do Porto, e das the Police of the Harbour, and of Alfandegas, pelos proprios Offithe Customs, by the proper Offi- ciaes ordinariamente empregados cers of the Portuguese Govern- pelo Governo Portuguez naquelles

ment usually employed for those purposes. A List of these Officers shall be given to the British Commanding Officer, and they shall be strictly under his command in all that may relate to Military Service, and to the defence of the Forts.

VII. His Britannick Majesty requiring on the part of His Ally only that which is indispensably necessary for ensuring the proper maintenance of His Troops, and for the good of the common Service, declares that he will not bring forward any pecuniary Claims whatever against the Portuguese Government, on account of the assistance furnished by His Majesty on this occasion to Portugal, beyond what is specified in the preceding Articles.

VIII. The Stipulations of this Convention shall remain in full force, until the Two High Contracting Parties shall mutually agree to make any change therein.

IX. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged in London, in the space of 6 weeks from the date hereof, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Brighthelmstone, the 19th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1827. (L.S.)

serviços. Ao Commandante Inglez será entregue uma lista d'esses empregados, e deveraō ficar estrictamente debaixo do seu Commando, em tudo o que respeita ao Serviço Militar, e à defesa dos Fortes.

VII. Requerendo Sua Magestade Britannica da Sua Alliada somente aquillo que hé indispensavelmente necessario para assegurar a devida manutençao das suas Tropas, e para o bem do Serviço commum, declara que nao presentará reclamaçao alguma pecuniaria contra o Governo Portuguez, por conta do auxilio prestado por Sua Magestade na presente occasio a Portugal, além do que se acha especificado nos Artigos precedentes.

VIII. As estipulações d'esta Convençao permaneceraõ em toda a força, em quanto as Duas Altas Partes Contractantes mutuamente nao convierem em fazer-lhes alteraçao.

IX. A presente Convenção será ratificada, e as Ratificaçoes serao trocadas em Londres dentro do espaço de seis semanas á contar da data da mesma, ou antes se poder ser.

Em testemunho do que os respectivos Plenipotenciarios a assignaram, e lhe apposeram os scellos das suas Armas.

Feita em Brighthelmstone, aos 19 dias de Janeiro, do Anno de Nosso Senhor Jesus Christo 1827.


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