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the Runic monuments) are the earliest specimens of this Danish-Swedish language, there are three dialects that of Skaane (the southmost province of Sweden) and those of Zealand and Jutland, the first of which is nearest the old language, while the last two have deviated from it by dropping the final consonants from the old inflexional endings and changing their vowels a, i, u to a less distinct e or a, retaining, however, the hard mutes p, k, t after vowels, as on the whole is still the case in Swedish and spoken Norwegian. The dialect of Zealand in the 14th and 15th centuries forms the foundation of modern Danish. The original vowels in almost all endings are there replaced by half-vowels, and the dental aspirate p by t or d; p, k, t, when following long vowels, are changed to b, g, d; masculine and feminine are merged in one common gender; nouns have no other case-ending than the possessive s for both numbers; verbs cease to indicate person (except in the imperative); and the singular number begins to supersede the plural, as it does everywhere in the spoken language from the 16th century. Danish, like Swedish, retains the suffixed definite article, which is characteristic of the Scandinavian languages. Its form is -et in the neuter, -en in the common gender, and -ne in the plural of both.

The influence of the Hanseatic League and the Oldenburg dynasty (from 1448) brought in a great number of Low-German words, especially relating to navigation and trade; while that of the order of St Bridget contributed a considerable Swedish element. In the first half of the 16th century the Danish language was chiefly used by religious writers, and the translation of the Bible (1550) is the first important monument of modern Danish. After this period Latin became once more the language of learning and culture, and for a century and a half there was no Danish writer of eminence. The influence of French was predominant in the 17th century, and that of HighGerman, which had been constant since the Reformation, culminated in the 18th century under the Struensee administration, when it was the language of government and public instruction. The result is, that Danish is indebted to German for fully one-third of its vocabulary. It was not till Holberg that the Danish written language began to be enriched from the stores of native expression in the spoken tongue. From the end of the 18th century revived study of Old Scandinavian and the development of a national poetic literature unfolded the language in a hitherto unsuspected richness and fullness, and since that time Danish prose has to a considerable extent worked itself out of its poverty and dependence. Danish is the softest of the Scandinavian languages, though less euphonious than Swedish. It is the language of the educated class in Norway, where it is considerably augmented from the native dialect, and is spoken with a somewhat harder pronunciation. The best histories of the language are by Petersen (2 vols. Copenhagen, 1829-30) and Molbech (b. 1846); grammars by Rask (2d ed. Lond. 1846), Lökke, Munch, Lyngby, Jessen, and Möbius (Kiel, 1871); and dictionaries by the Danish Academy (Copenhagen, 1793-1881), and Molbech (2d ed. 2 vols. ib. 1859), who also produced a Dansk-Dialekt-Lexikon (ib. 1841) and a Dansk Glossarium (ib. 1853-66) for antiquated words. Ferrall, Repp, and Rosing's Danish and English Dictionary, in 2 parts (4th ed. Copenhagen, 1873), is the best for English students.

Literature. After the Danish dialect had gradually separated itself from the Old Scandinavian as a softer and simpler speech, with a strong infusion of German ingredients, it was little used in writing down to the time of the Reformation. Saxo

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Grammaticus (i.e. the learned') in the second half of the 12th century wrote in Latin his Historia Danica, the only literary production of medieval Denmark that retains any interest. The earliest writings in Danish are the church laws of Skaane (1162) and Zealand (1170), and the civil laws of Skaane (1160), Zealand (1170), and Jutland (1241); and after these a number of chronicles, partly in verse, of which the best known is the Riimkrönike, which was the first Danish book printed (in 1495). It is essentially an abridgment of Saxo. The famous Danish ballads called Kæmpeviser ('hero-songs'), some of which are said to belong to the latter part of the 11th century, were handed down orally from generation to generation, and were first collected, to the number of 100, by A. S. Vedel in 1591. In 1695 Peder Syv published a new edition with 100 more, and in 1812-14 appeared a selection of 222, edited by Abrahamson, Nyerup, and Rahbek. The most complete collection is in Svend Grundtvig's unfinished Gamle Folkeviser (5 vols. 1853-77). They are about 500 in number, and treat of the adventures of heroes, love, enchantment, spectres, and historical events. Doubtless they were sung to the dance, as is still the case in the Faroe Islands. They must have suffered much by their not being written down till the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Reformation only emancipated Danish culture from Latin to bind it fast to German, which at the death of Frederick I. in 1533 was the language of the upper classes. About that time Christian Pedersen set up a printing-press at Malmö, at which he published a great number of popular books, and finally in 1550 the first complete translation of the Bible. Pedersen (14801554) is justly called the father of Danish literature. The hymns and translations of the Psalms by his contemporary Tausen (1494-1561), as also by Kingo (1634-1703), Vormondsen (1491-1551), and Arrebo (1587-1637), and the national history (10 vols. Copenhagen, 1595-1604) of Hvitfeld (1549-1609) were well received; but the Danish language was still banished from higher society till the advent of the Norwegian Holberg (1684-1754), the founder of Danish comedy. He found Denmark on the point of being absorbed in Germany. The common people,' he says, 'had no histories but dry lists of dates; no poetry but congratulatory verses; no theology but homilies and funeral sermons; and for plays, nothing but old stories about Adam and Eve.' He wrote histories of Denmark, of the Jews, and of the Church; and the irresistible humour of his comedies and satires covered with ridicule the imitators of foreign speech and manners. What Holberg did for Danish prose, another Norwegian, Tullin (1728-65), did for Danish poetry. Equally dissatisfied with the current imitations of the 17th century court-poetry of France, and with the poetic reform of Klopstock (at Copenhagen from 1751), Tullin followed the guidance of the English poets Pope, Young, and Thomson, and in this was followed by most of his countrymen who were settled at Copenhagen, while the Danes clung to German models. Ewald (1743-81), an ardent disciple of Klopstock, was Denmark's first great lyric poet and tragic dramatist. His verse shows an unsurpassed mastery of form, and is expressed in pure, clear, and noble language. Wessel (1742-85), by his 'tragedy,' Love without Stockings (1772), a humorous parody of the Danish imitations of the classical French drama, succeeded in laughing them off the stage. Nordahl Brun (1745-1816), preacher and poet, Claus Frimann (1746-1829), the Burns of the Norwegians,' Claus Fasting (1746-91), Jonas Rein (1760-1821), Jens Zetlitz (1761-1821), and

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others, formed themselves (1772) into a 'Nor- the erotic and piquant and sometimes frivolous wegian Society' at Copenhagen, under the leader- song-writer Aarestrup (1800-56); and Lembcke ship of Wessel. It was the literary manifestation (b. 1815), the translator of Shakespeare. of the Norwegian aspiration to separate nation- A great impulse was given to all branches of ality, which afterwards led to the foundation of science from the beginning of the 19th century. the university of Christiania in 1811. From the The leading theologians were Grundtvig, the endeath of Wessel in 1785 to the beginning of the thusiastic champion of the faith of his fathers present century the literature became entangled against rationalism, and advocate of a union of in rationalistic and political polemics, and pro- the Scandinavian kingdoms, but with the church duced little that is noteworthy. Its chief writers separated from the state; Mynster (1775-1850), were P. A. Heiberg (1758-1841) and Malte Kon- Bishop of Zealand; Clausen (1793-1877), the rad Brun (1775-1826), both of whom were driven disciple of Schleiermacher, and theological opinto exile in 1799-1800, the latter afterwards ponent of Grundtvig; Martensen (1808-84), Bishop famous as a geographer; the critic Rahbek (1760- of Zealand, and author of standard works on 1830); the dramatists Samsö (1759-96) and Sander systematic theology and ethics; and Kierkegaard (1756-1819); and the lyrist Thaarup (1749-1821). (1813-55), the most original thinker of Denmark. The poet and humorist Baggesen (1764-1826) The chief exponents of philosophy were Sibbern forms the link between the 18th century and the (1785-1872), Nielsen (b. 1809), and Bröchner early part of the 19th, when Danish literature (1820-76); and in natural science the greatest took an entirely new departure, partly owing to names were those of Oersted (1777-1851), the disthe study of Kant, Fichte, and Schelling, and the coverer of electro-magnetism, the botanist Schouw influence of Schelling's follower Steffens (1773-(1789-1852), the geologist and chemist Forch1845); partly also to the strict censorship of the hammer (1794-1864), and the zoologist and archæpress in force from the year 1799. The educated ologist Steenstrup (b. 1813). Much has been classes turned from their controversies on points done for the study of Scandinavian antiquity by of literary criticism and theology to scientific the Sagabibliothek of Müller (1776-1834), and the inquiry; and the people, whose national feeling researches of Finn Magnusson (1791-1846) in had been aroused by the French Revolution, by mythology, and of Thomsen (1785-1865) and the share of Denmark in the Napoleonic wars, Worsaae (1821-85) in archæology. The chief and especially by the events of 1801 and 1807, the 19th-century writers of national history have been war with Sweden (1808), and the loss of Norway Werlauff (1781-1871), Molbech (1783-1857), Allen (1814), welcomed with enthusiasm the rise of a (1811-77), Schiern (b. 1816), and K. P. Paludannew school, led by the romantic poet Oehlen- Müller (1805-82); and of the history of the schläger (1779-1850), who was equally distinguished national literature and language, Petersen (1781as a lyrical and dramatic writer, and is still 1862). In philology, Rask (1787-1831) and Madregarded by many as the greatest Danish poet. vig (1804-86) have a European fame. Contemporary with him were the poets SchackStaffeldt (1769-1826) and Grundtvig (1783-1872), afterwards more eminent as a theologian; Inge. mann (1789-1862), long the most popular novelist of Denmark; J. L. Heiberg (1781-1860), director of the royal theatre at Copenhagen, writer of numerous vaudevilles, and of the still popular national play, Elves' Hill (1828); Hauch (17911872), dramatist, novelist, and critic; and Blicher (1782-1848), who in his tales of Jutland was the first worker in the field which has since been cultivated in Germany by Jeremias Gotthelf and Berthold Auerbach. Of the other novelists of this period the chief are Brosböll (b. 1820); Fru Gyllembourg-Ehrensvärd (1773-1856), mother of J. L. Heiberg; Saint-Aubain, or Karl Bernhard' (1798– 1865); and the still more popular Winther (17961876), the charming poet of Danish country life. Herz (1798-1870), from the time when his Ghost Letters (1830) surprised the public with a poetic revival of the muse of Baggesen, has, now with his lyric poems, now with his tales, now in romantic and national tragedies, now in comedies and light vaudevilles, provided his countrymen with artistic and attractive works. Overskou (1798-1874) is a skilful dramatist, and Hostrup (b. 1818) a popular author of comedies. All these writers are surpassed by Hans Christian Andersen (1805-75), whose wonderful stories are known throughout the civilised world. Less popular, but more profound, was the versatile writer Fr. Paludan-Müller (1809-76), who from his play Love at Court (1832) to his great epic poem Adam Homo (1841-48) has wooed all the muses in succession. Here may be mentioned Bergsöe (b. 1835), writer of novels and popular works on scientific subjects; Goldschmidt (1819-87), editor of the influential democratic journals, The Corsair, North and South, and Home and Abroad, and afterwards author of numerous romances; Holst (b. 1811), a writer of pleasing lyrics and tales; Kaalund (1818-85), with his two collections of poems, A Spring and An Autumn;

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About 1850 the enthusiasm for the national. past, which had been excited by Oehlenschläger in Denmark, and by Tegnér, Geijer, and others in Sweden, together with the hatred of Germany aroused by the war of 1848-50, rose to a pitch of fanaticism. The northern force which had controlled the world' was extolled by Ploug and others as 'the only means whereby the victory of the Cause of Humanity could be achieved.' After Ploug (b. 1813) the chief exponents of this great historic mission of the northern kingdoms were C. K. F. Molbech (1821-88), a euphonious lyrist and skilful dramatist, and translator of Dante; and Erik Bögh (b. 1822), a fertile writer of feuilletons and adapter of plays. A cosmopolitan reaction set in about 1870, led by Georg Brandes (b. 1842), who proved in his lectures on literature that Denmark was only a side-chapel in the temple of European thought and art, and that this overstrained Scandinavianism' was but the northern phase of the reaction from the tendencies of the 18th century, which had been experienced in England, France, and Germany many years before. Brandes withdrew to Berlin for some years from the storm of popular opposition. Not only in Denmark, but in Norway and Sweden also, his followers are now the prevailing party. The most conspicuous of these have been Jacobsen (1847-85), the translator and adherent of Darwin, and author of Mogens (1872) and other novels; and (till in 1883 he became a Conservative) Drachmann (b. 1846). Of recent writers, the most noteworthy are Schandorph (b. 1836), who is equally happy in his sketches of the Zealand peasant and the Copenhagen snob; the versatile writer Hermann Bang (b. 1858); and the dramatist Edvard Brandes (b. 1847), brother of Georg Brandes.

Of the three Scandinavian nations, the Danes have shown the greatest aptitude for the imitative arts, and their art is comparatively the most independent. While the painters of Norway have been mostly trained at Düsseldorf, and those of

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Sweden at Paris, the artists of Denmark have been especially attracted to Rome. The sculptor Thorwaldsen (q.v.) has left a great monument of his genius in the works contained in the Thorwaldsen Museum at Copenhagen. Of later artists may be mentioned the painters Marstrand, Carl Bloch, Exner, Kroyers, Henningsen, and Otto Bache. Of music, the chief composers in the 19th century have been Hartmann, Gade, and Heise.

See Nyerup and Rahbek, Den danske Digtekunsts Historie, 4 vols. (1800-8), and Udsigt over den danske Digtekunst under Frederik V. og Christian VII. (1819-28); Nyerup and J. E. Kraft, Almindeligt Litteraturlexikon for Danmark, Norge og Island (Copenhagen, 1818-20); Petersen, Den danske Literaturs Historie, 6 vols. (185364); Overskou, Den danske Skueplads i dens Historie (1859-74); G. Brandes, Ludvig Holberg og hans Tid (1884); the general treatises in Danish by Thortsen (1814; 6th ed. 1866), Heiberg (1831), Molbech (1839), Ström (1871), Erikson (Christiania, 1878), Winkel-Horn (1880), and Hansen (1884 et seq.); and in German by Strodtmann (1873), Wollheim de Fonseca (1874-77), and Winkel-Horn (1880). See also a part of Edmund W. Gosse's Studies in the Literature of Northern Europe (1879).

Dennery, ADOLPHE PHILIPPE, a French dramatic writer of Jewish extraction, was born at Paris on June 17, 1811. His first employment was that of clerk to a notary; but he soon became a successful dramatic author, and was so prolific that between 1831 and 1881 he produced, by himself or in concert with others, about two hundred pieces in one style or another, including regular dramas, vaudevilles, and operatic texts. One of the most successful was the drama, Marie Jeanne (1845). He was the. creator of the now wellknown Norman watering-place, Cabourg.

Dennewitz, a small village in the province of Brandenburg, Prussia, 42 miles SSW. of Berlin. Here was fought, on the 6th of September 1813, a battle in which 70,000 French, Saxons, and Poles, under Ney, were routed, after obstinate fighting, by 50,000 Prussians, under Bulow.

Dennis, JOHN, critic, was born in London in 1657, the son of a prosperous saddler. He had his education at Harrow, and Caius College, Cambridge, where he graduated B. A. in 1679. After a tour through France and Italy, he took his place among the wits and men of fashion, and brought a sufficiently rancorous pen to the assistance of the Whig party. His acquaintance with Dryden and Wycherley and other distinguished wits, as well as his native bent, made him a playwright. His plays had but little success. Of the nine, the two most famous were Liberty Asserted (1704) and Appius and Virginia (produced 1709). Pope's Essay on Criticism (1711) contained a contemptuous allusion to the latter, answered by Dennis next month in Reflections, Critical and Satirical, which was the commencement of a long and embittered feud between the poet and the critic. Pope's Narrative of Dr Robert Norris, concerning the Strange and Deplorable Frenzy of John Dennis, an officer in the Custom-House (1713), was a virulent, vulgar, and officious attack made on Addison's behalf, but in which that genial author, through Steele, disavowed any complicity. Dennis was poor and blind during his last years. weeks after a theatrical performance, got up for his benefit by Pope and some others, he died, 6th January 1734. Dennis was embroiled in controversy all his life, and his naturally impatient temper became completely soured. He made many enemies, and his name, which his own writings could scarce preserve, will live for ever in their contempt and hate. He is one of the bestabused men in English literature. Swift lampooned him, and Pope not only assailed him in

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the Essay on Criticism, but finally 'damned him to everlasting fame' in the Dunciad. Yet he was no fool, and his Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry (1701) and The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry (1704) will still repay perusal. 'Spite of the growling of poor old Dennis,' says Mr Lowell, 'his sandy pedantry was not without an oasis of refreshing sound judgment here and there.'

Dénouement (Fr. dénouer, 'to untie'), a French term naturalised in England, applied generally to the termination or catastrophe of a play or romance; but, more strictly speaking, to the train of circumstances solving the plot, and hastening the catastrophe.

Dens, PETER, a well-known Roman Catholic theologian, was born in 1690, at Boom, near Antwerp. Little is known of his early life; but from the epitaph on his tomb in the chapel of the archiepiscopal college of Malines, it appears that he was reader in theology at Malines for twelve years, plebanus or parish priest of St Rumold's, and president of the College of Malines for forty years. He died 15th February 1775, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. The work which has rendered Dens's name familiar, even to the Protestant public, is his Theologia Moralis et Dogmatica. It is a systematic exposition and defencein the form of a catechism-of every point of ethics and doctrine maintained by Roman Catholics, and is extensively adopted as the text-book of theology in their colleges. It appears to owe its popularity more to its being a handy and usable compilation than to any great talent exhibited by its author. The casuistical parts of the work have been severely criticised by Protestant moralists. An edition was published at Dublin in 1832.

Density. When of two bodies of equal bulk, one contains more matter than the other, it is said to have greater density than that other. Since weight is proportional to mass, the same numbers may be and are used to represent specific gravity and density. Lithium is the least dense metal known, its density being 0:59 if that of water be called unity. Ordinary air may be easily comIridium pressed so as to be denser than lithium. is probably the densest substance known, its density being 22.4 times that of water. Osmium, however, is very nearly if not quite as dense. The more ordinary metals stand in the following order as regards density: Aluminium, antimony, zinc, iron ( (wrought), copper, bismuth, silver, lead, gold, platinum.

Dental Formula. See TEETH.

Dentalium (Lat. dens, 'a tooth'), or Elephant's Tusk Shell, a remarkable genus of molluscs, type of a small class called Scaphopoda. The shell is tubular, like an elephant's tusk, open at both ends, and lined by an almost completely tubular 'mantle."

Dentalium, in natural position in sand.

The animal has an indistinct cylindrical head with a mouth at its extremity, surrounded by a circle of tentacles. Two pads at the base of the head and above the foot bear ciliated contractile filaments, possibly respiratory. The 'foot' is long and divided into three at the end. The mouth includes


a rasper. There are no eyes, but an ear-sac is present. Neither heart nor gills are developed. The sexes are similar and separate. The larva is ciliated and free-swimming. The type is of much zoological interest, but its affinities are still uncertain. The animal lives with the anterior end plunged into the sand on the sea-coast, at depths of ten to a hundred fathoms. By means of the foot they can creep slowly. They feed on minute animals, and have an almost cosmopolitan distri"bution. The class includes two or more other genera. D. entale occurs off British coasts; and about forty living species are known. The genus occurs as a fossil from Carboniferous strata (or perhaps earlier) onwards. The shells are used for currency and for ornament by the Indians of the northern Pacific coast of America. See LacazeDuthiers, Histoire des Dentales (1856-58).

Dentaria, or CORAL-ROOT (both names due to knobbed root-stock), is a small genus of Cruciferæ, represented in Britain by the rare D. bulbifera, in which the upper leaves bear Bulbils (q.v.), while the pods rarely ripen. The root-stock being pungent, was formerly dried as a remedy for toothache. D. diphylla, a North American species, is called Pepper-root from the same property. The name Coral-root is also applied to the orchid Corallorhiza, while the true Toothwort (q.v.) is Lathrœa squamaria.

Dentex, a genus of acanthopterous fishes near perches. One species (D. vulgaris), the Dentex of the ancient Romans, abounds in the Mediterranean,


and has occasionally been taken on the southern shores of Britain. It is an excessively voracious fish, with large sharp teeth, and attains a large size, sometimes three feet in length, and 20 to 30 pounds weight. Great numbers are taken in the mouths of rivers in Dalmatia and the Levant, where they are cut in pieces, and packed in barrels with vinegar and spices, just as the ancients used

to treat them.

Dentifrice. See TOOTH-POWDER. Dentine, or IVORY, the principal constituent of mammalian teeth. See TEETH.

Dentirostres, a somewhat old-fashioned title for one of the subdivisions of singing Passerine birds or Oscines. The term, as equivalent to 'toothedbilled,' is used in opposition to Conirostres (conebilled') and Tenuirostres ('slender-billed'). It would include warblers, thrushes, chatterers, crows, &c., but the character is purely adaptive to the better securing of the prey and the like, and is of little significance in classification.

Dentistry, the art of the dentist, or that of treating disease in the teeth (Dental Surgery), and of replacing these organs when lost (Mechanical Dentistry). The art is a very ancient one. The Laws of the Twelve Tables (5th century B. C.) provided for the case of teeth bound with gold,' it being lawful in this connection to burn or bury gold with the dead person. An Etruscan skull found in 1885 had a set of animal's teeth artificially fixed in it. The dentistry of the United States has in recent times become specially celebrated.

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(1) Dental Surgery.-The disorders to which the teeth are liable are those arising from defective development, such as imperfections in form or structure, irregularity of position, &c.; those, again, constituting diseases more properly so called, such as caries or dental decay, necrosis or death of a tooth, inflammation of the soft tissues, such as the gum, the central pulp or nerve, as it is popularly called, neuralgic affections, &c. ; lastly, those arising from accidents of various kinds, such as blows, falls, and the like. For the constitution and diseases of the teeth, see TEETH.

The object of the dentist, in treating decayed teeth, is twofold: he either attempts to arrest the decay, and repair its ravages; or he removes the diseased tooth altogether. These operations, along with supplying artificial teeth when the natural ones are lost, constitute the main offices of dentistry.

Scaling. This is a little operation, by which the accumulation of a substance termed 'tartar' is removed from the teeth. Tartar or salivary calculus is of different densities and colours, and is a deposit from the saliva. It is most frequently found at the necks of the teeth, and lodges in greatest quantity most commonly behind the lower front-teeth. Where it accumulates it is generally accompanied by absorption of the gums, whereby the necks of the teeth are exposed, and they become loosened. Its removal is effected by little hoeshaped steel instruments, bent in a manner to reach more easily those situations in which the tartar is found. Their mode of use is by inserting the point of any one of them under the free edge of the mass of tartar, at the gum, and lifting it away from the backs of the teeth to which it is adherent. The teeth are then freed from any particles still sticking about them, and their surface smoothed by being rubbed with pumice-powder or chalk. In certain diseased conditions of the structures about the necks of the teeth, considerable purulent discharges occur, and tartar frequently becomes largely deposited.

Regulating. The teeth of the second, or permanent or adult set, are very liable to be crowded and misplaced, one overlapping the other, or those of the upper jaw falling behind those of the lower when the mouth is closed, thus producing the prominent condition of the under jaw denominated 'under-hung.' To remedy these defects, a variety of means have been adopted by dentists; the principle upon which all of them act, however, being that of pressing the displaced tooth or teeth into the natural position. This, of course, requires that room or space should exist for them to be thus adjusted; and where this is not the case, the usual procedure is to remove one or more of the backteeth, or any others which it is less desirable to preserve. In other cases the dental arch itself is malformed, and may be enlarged by regulated pressure so as to afford more accommodation for the teeth, as well as to improve its contour. Some considerable time is necessary to complete the regulation of misplaced teeth; and even after they have assumed their proper position, they require to be carefully maintained there, otherwise a tendency to resume their former irregularity soon

manifests itself.

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Stopping or Filling.-This is one of the most important and delicate operations the dentist has to perform. The first step to be taken in filling or 'stopping' a tooth, is to clear away all decayed and decaying substance. For this purpose, number of slender digging and excavating steel instruments, termed excavators,' are required. The dental-engine' is another valuable means of preparing the cavity for filling, and acts by means of small drills and file-headed points rapidly rotating, so as to cut away what is desired of

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the tooth substance. With these, the hollow in the tooth is scooped out and thoroughly cleaned. If pain be occasioned by this process, the obtunding of the tooth's sensitiveness, or destroying the nerve,' as it is called, had better at once be resorted to. This is performed in several ways. Where the tooth is single-fanged, as in front-teeth, the nerve, or more correctly the pulp, may be removed by passing a slender broach, or square and pointed brad-shaped, or slender serrated steel probe up into the central cavity of the tooth, with a slight rotary motion, so as to break up and remove the pulp. Where this cannot be done at once the best plan is to destroy the pulp by some caustic application, such as arsenious acid, chloride of zinc, carbolic acid, &c., carefully applied, a variety of other substances being used for the same purpose.

able, are in use for what is termed toothache -a disorder which, however, is not always one and the same in its nature. Their intention, in general, is either to destroy the nervous fibres existing in a tooth, or to narcotise and render them insensible. Among those acting in the former manner are such as creasote, arsenious acid, carbolic acid, pepsine, chloride of zinc, nitrate of silver, alum, tannin, &c.; among those acting in the latter mode are chloroform, laudanum, ether, spirit of camphor, menthol, cocaine, &c. In all cases the decayed cavity should previously be well cleaned out, otherwise the remedy employed may be altogether prevented from reaching the spot where it is intended to act.


Extraction. This is the principal surgical operation falling to the dentist. It is performed by The cavity being properly shaped and cleaned means of instruments adapted to the special out until its walls are of sound and hard tooth- peculiarities of the tooth requiring removal, or bone, is to be well dried, and the plug of stopping to the circumstances in which it exists. material inserted. Various substances are em- great matter is, that each tooth should be exployed for this purpose, and the mode of using each tracted in accordance with its anatomical configuis somewhat different. For temporary stoppings, ration; and to accomplish this of course requires pure gutta-percha is a serviceable material. A an intimate knowledge of the natural form proper quantity sufficient to fill the cavity, and somewhat to each of these organs individually; without this, more, is to be gently warmed over a spirit-lamp-it is impossible to extract any tooth upon a correct not in hot water-and when quite plastic is to be principle. The tooth is grasped, as far as the firmly pressed with a blunt-pointed stopping-instru- instrument can be made to do so, by that portion ment or plugger' into all the interstices of the of the root or fang which just emerges from, or hollow in the tooth-more and more being pressed perhaps which is just within, the socket; it is in, until the surface of the plug so formed is on then loosened, not exactly by pulling, but rather a level with the surface of the tooth, when all by moving it in a lateral or in a rotatory manner, superfluous portions should be removed, and the in strict accordance with the respective character solid plug smoothly finished. Osteo-plastic fillings of fang possessed; and finally, on its being thus consist of varieties of the metallic oxychlorides and detached from its connection with the jaw, it is, phosphates. They are inserted in a soft condition with very little force, easily lifted from its socket. into the tooth, where they harden in the course of a few minutes.

Another variety of stopping-material consists of amalgams of different kinds. Many absurd statements have been made regarding the evil effects of amalgam stoppings, but the only real disadvantage attending their use is shrinkage, and that many of them get black in the mouth, and discolour the tooth, while some that do not get black are friable, and crumble away in a short space of time. Some of those containing copper exercise a beneficial action on the tooth-bone, but darken its colour very much. The amalgam is rubbed up with mercury to a firm, plastic consistence, and carefully introduced into the dried cavity in the same way as the gutta-percha plug.

Gold-stopping is an operation of a much more complicated and difficult description. The materials used here are either gold-foil-that is, thick goldleaf--or the peculiar form in which gold exists known as sponge-gold; or again, 'pellets' of gold made up in a soft spongy condition of various sizes ready for use. In stopping a tooth with gold, even more care is necessary in preparing the cavity than what has been already inculcated. Its shape and condition must now be particularly taken into account, and the nearer it approaches to a cylindrical form the better. Various modes of pack ing the gold are adopted according to two conditions in which gold exists-namely adhesive, where each portion can be welded to the other; or non-adhesive, where they are securely fixed merely by tightly wedging them together. Nonadhesive gold can be made adhesive by heating it to redness. The surface of a gold plug, formed in any of these ways, should be well consolidated by hard pressure with a blunt plugger, or lightly hammered with a suitable mallet, and the superfluous portion being removed, it ought to be burnished until it assumes a brilliant metallic lustre.

Remedies. Many remedies, more or less service


Anæsthetics are employed in the extraction of teeth in the same manner as for other surgical operations, where it is desirable to abolish pain. See ANESTHESIA. Neither ether nor chloroform should be given by inexperienced hands, nor should both the giving of the anaesthetic and the extraction be attempted by one individual on any occasion. Nitrous oxide or laughing-gas is of much service, answering all the purposes of chloroform or ether in short operations. A combination of two or more of these anaesthetics has been employed with apparent success, such as nitrous oxide with ether. Freezing the gum, the injection into it of cocaine, and other modes of inducing insensibility, local or general, have been proposed from time to time, but one after another has been abandoned as unserviceable.

(2) Mechanical Dentistry. The various conditions of the mouth requiring the adaptation of artificial teeth, range from cases where only one tooth may be wanting, to those where not a single tooth remains in the jaw, above or below. Accordingly, artificial teeth are spoken of as partial or complete sets-a partial set being one for either upper or lower jaw, where some of the natural teeth still remain; a complete set being one for either jaw, where none are left, or for both jaws, when both are in such circumstances.

The transplantation of the teeth of another individual is a very old usage revived every now and again, and equally often falling into desuetude; and implantation is a recent modification of the process.

The simplest form of partial sets is what is termed a pivoted tooth. This is an artificial tooth fixed in the mouth upon the fang or root of one whose crown has been lost by decay or otherwise. The most usual mode of procedure is as follows: An artificial tooth, as near as possible to the colour and form of that to be replaced, is selected. This artificial tooth used to be the crown of a natural human tooth corresponding to that lost, but is

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