El libro verde de Aragón

Miguel Angel Motis Dolader
Libros Certeza, 2003 - 291 pages
Contains a transcription by Monique Combescure Thiry of an index of Converso lineages from Aragón, and especially Zaragoza, published in 1550. It was based on Inquisition records of Conversos who were brought to trial. The index was presumably written by the Inquisition functionary Juan de Anchías. In her introduction (pp. lxv-lxxvi) Combescure Thiry states that the importance of the index lay in the fact that its publication provoked great turmoil in official circles, because it proved the Jewish origin of the most powerful Christian families of Aragón and Zaragoza (who were supposedly of pure blood). The introduction by Motis Dolader (pp. xi-lx) explains the historical context in which the index was written and published. Focuses on the social history of the Conversos of Aragón and on the praxis of the Inquisition.

Table des matières

hitos y evolución
un universo escindido
tribunales de distrito
Praxis inquisitorial
Conversos aragoneses procesados por la Inquisición 14841515
Droits d'auteur

Informations bibliographiques