5 JESUS CHRIST. SECT. 33 Fefus delivered the parable of the marriage feastreplied to the Pharifees and Herodians, on the payment of tribute - confounded the Sadducees, by proving the refurrection-answered a Scribe, respecting the first and great commandment-baffled the Pharifees, by proposing a question about the Meffiah-warned his disciples against the Scribes and Pharifees, whom he reproved and condemned in the most awful lan guage. "WHERE is the wife? where is the Scribe ? where is the disputer of this world*?" Such were the opponents of our Lord; and in their proud and I malicious contentions with him they were completely vanquished and confounded. Towards the close of his life, especially, they set upon him with all their subtlety, in order to ensnare him; but their bestconcerted plans were baffled. We know also, that all his adverfaries, who object to his Gofpel, though they may be thought to possess an uncommon degree of fagacity and learning, shall be convicted of the groffeft folly, and finally be filenced and over overcome. be ashamed*.” Tuesday in "All that are incenfed against him shall Part of his audience had withdrawn, Partion week. being enraged by his faithful admonitions; but he proceeded to instruct the rest by a very interesting parable t. In language something fimilar to what he had used on a former occafion I, he reprefented the great blefings of the Gospel under the defcription of a feaft. Plenteous provisions, and fuch as are most exquifite in their nature, are here exhibited. They are sufficient for the fupply of every gueft, and capable of yielding inexpressible delight. This is more than a common entertainment: it is a royal banquet; what the King of heaven has prepared for the accommodation of his creatures upon earth. It is, also, designed for the celebration of a marriage, the union of his own Son with the Church: for Jesus is the Bridegroom of his people, having espoufed them to himself. What extensive and unparalleled grace does this display! A numerous company had been defired to give their attendance; and at the proper season, when reminded of their sovereign's expectations, they refused to obey his summons. Yet fuch was his condescenfion, that after this insult he renewed the invitation, and fent one message upon another, affuring them that his table was richly furnished for their reception, and requesting their prefence withoutdelay. Even then his kindness was rejected with disdain, being confidered as a matter not worth regarding: for " they made light of it," and turned their attention to their common occupations. Is this a natural description? Are men, in general, backward to partake of a sumptuous entertainment? Do they not run with eagerness to gratify their sensual appetites? Yes: but the feast here exhibited, is spiritual; and the con * Ifa. xlv. 24. † Matt. xxii. 1-14. | Sect. 26. tempt, |