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There being no falvation but in Chrift alone, ib. Who hath purchafed it by his perfect obedience and facrifice of himfelf, con. viii. 5. cat. 83. For all the elect, and them only, con. iii. 6. To whom the outward means are made effectual for their falvation by the Spirit, con. vii. 5, 6. xxv. 3. cat. 154, 155, 161, 182. Who worketh in their hearts faith in Jefus Christ, con. xiv. 1. cat. 72. Which is neceffarily required of them for their juftification and falvation, con. vii. 3. xi. 1. cat. 32, 71. The Spirit alfo worketh repentance, and infufeth all other faving graces, con. xiii. 1. cat. 32, 75, 76, 77. Which neceffarily accompany faith, con. xi. 2. cat 73. The Spirit likewise enables them unto all obedience and the practice of holiness, which is the way that God hath appointed them to falvation, con. xii. 1. cat. 32. Elect infants dying in infancy are regenerated and faved by Chrift through the Spirit, &c. con. x. *3. Sanctification, what, con. xiii. 1. cat. 75. Infeparably joined with juftification, cat. 77. Wherein they differ, ib. It is throughout in the whole man, con. xiii. 2. cat. 78. But in this life it is not perfect in any, con. xiii. 2. cat. 77. Whence this imperfection proceeds, con. xiii. 2. cat. 78. Through the continual fupply of ftrength from the fanctifying Spirit of Chrift, the faints grow in grace, perfecting holiness in the fear of God, con. xiii. 3. At death they are made perfect in holiness, con. xxxii 1. cat. 86. And at the day of judgment they fhall be fully and for ever freed from all fin, cat. 90. Satisfaction. Repentance is no fatiffaction for fin, con. xv. 3. nor good works, and why, con. xvi. 5. Neither we, nor any other creature can make the leaft fatisfacti


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The fufficiency and perfection of the fcripture, con. i. 6. cat. 2, 5. Its perfpicuity, con. xvii. The infallible rule of interpreting fcripture, is the fcripture itself, con. i. 9. The fcripture is the only rule of faith and practice, con. i. 2. cat. 3. 5.; and of worship, con. xxi. 1. cat. 108, 109. The Spirit fpeaking in the fcriptures, is the fupreme judge of all controverfies. in religion, con. i. 10. The original text of the scriptures, is that to which the church is finally to appeal, con. i. 8. But they are to be tranflated into vulgar languages, con. i. 8. cat. 156 Becaufe all forts of people have an intereft in them, and are commanded to read them, ib. How they are to be read, cat. 157. The illumination of the Spirit of God is neceflary for the faving underftanding of the fcriptures, con. i. 6. cat. 157. How the reading of the word is made effectual to falvation, cat. 155. Mifinterpreting, mifapplying, or any way perverting the word, or any part of it, to profane jefts, is finful, cat. 113. Sin, what, cat. 24. Original fin,



what, cat. 25. The fin of our first parents, con. vi. 1. cat. 21. By it they fell from their original righteoufnefs, and communion with God, and had their natures wholly corrupted, con. vi. 2. cat. 25. 27. The guilt of this fin is imputed, and the corruption of natore conveyed to all their pofterity, con. vi. 3. cat. 22, 26. Who are thereby bound over to the wrath of God and curfe of the law, con. vi. 6. cat. 27, 194.. From the original corruption of nature, all actual fins proceed, con. vi. 4• cat. 25. Which are not all equally heinous, cat 150. The aggravations of fin, cat. 151. The demerit of every fin, con. vi. 6. cat. 152. Punishments of fin in this world, con. v. 5, 6. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 28, 83. In the world to come, con. xxxii. 1. xxxiii. 2. cat. 29, 86, 89. Sin is pardoned for Chrift's fake alone, con. xi, 1. xv. 3. cat. 70. See juftification, fatisfaction. Every man bound to pray for pardon of fin, con. xv. 6. God continues to pardon the fins of thofe that are justified, con. xi. 5. How pardon of fin is to be prayed for, cat. 194. The fin unto death, con. xxi. 4. cat. 183. Believers have the dominion of the whole body of fin destroyed, and the lufts thereof more and more weakened and mortified, con. vi. 5. xiii. I. cat. 75. See mortification, fanctification. How providence is exercised about fin, con.

4. Why God permitted the fin of our first parents, con. vi. 1. Why he leaves his children to fall into fin, con. v. 5. Why and how finners are hardened, con. v. 6. cat. 68.

Sins against the first commandment, cat. 105. Against the fecond, cat. 109. Against the third, cat. 113. Against the fourth, cat. 119. Sins of inferiors, cat. 128. Sins of

fuperiors, cat. 130. Sins of equals, cat. 132. Sins against the fixth commandment, cat. 136. Against the feventh, cat. 139. Against the eighth, cat. 142. Againft the ninth, cat. 145. Against the tenth, cat. 148. Sincerity. Believers love Chrift in fincerity, con, xviii. i. They are never utterly deftitute of fincerity of heart, con. xviii. 4. Minifters ought to preach fincerely, cat. 159. We are to pray with fincerity, cat. 185. God is pleafed to accept and reward the good works of believers, which are fincere, con. xvi. 6.

Singing of pfalms, a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5. Slandering, finful, cat. 145. Songs that are lafcivious, forbidden, cat. 139.

The foul of man is immortal, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. The flate of fouls, when fer rate from their bodies,





cat. 86.

God hath moft so50inion over his crea

vere ture, to by them, for them, or upon them whatfoever he pleafeth, con. ii. 2. The light of nature Theweth that God hath lordship and fovereignty over all, con. xxi 1. Eternal fovereignty to bet fcribed to God alone, cat. 196. We are to pray with due apprehenfions of his fovereign power cat. 175, 189. Spirit. See Holy Ghost. Stage-plays, forbidden, cat, 139. Stews not to be tolerated, cat. 139. Supererogation impoffible, con. xvi. 4. Superiors, why stiled fathers and mothers, cat. 125. How to be honoured, con. xxiii. 4. cat. 127. Their duty, con. xxiii. 1. 2, 3. cat. 129. Their fins, cat. 150. See magiftracy. Superftition. God may not be worfhipped according to the imagina

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Swearing. See oaths. Vain or rafh fwearing by the name of God, or

Toleration. A falfe religion not to
be tolerated, cat. 109.
Tradition, no pretence for ufing fu-
perftitious devices in the worship
of God, cat. 109. No traditions
of men to be added to the fcrip-
ture, con. i. 6.
Tranfubftantiation is repugnant not
only to fcripture, but to common
fenfe and reafon, con. xxix. 6.
And is the caufe of manifold fuper-
ftitions, yea of grofs idolatries, ib.
The tree of life was a pledge of the
covenant of works, cat. 20.
The Trinity. See God, perfons.
Truth between man and man, how
preferved and promoted, cat. 144.
What contrary to it, cat., 145.



of the elect with Chrift,

to fwear at all by any other thing, Uion. xv. 1. xxvi. 1. cat. 66.

is to be abhorred, con. xxii. 2. Synods. See councils.



It is infeparable, cat. 79. Believers are united to one another in love, con. xxvi. 1.

Terbeartion. Why Godleaves Union of the two natures in Chrift.

his children to mai Lemptations, con. v. 5. 1 ed given up to the temptatio world, con. v. 6. Temptatios to fin are to be avoided and refifteu, ca. 66, 99, 135, 138. How temptation is to be prayed againít, cat. 195. Teftament. The books of the Old and New Teftament are the word .of God, con. i. 2. cat. 3. And the only rule of faith and obedience, ib. See Scriptures. Teftament, why the covenant of grace

is called a teftament, con. vii. 4. As it was adminiftred under the law, it is called the Old Testament, con. vii. 5. And as adminiftred under the gospel, it is called the New Teftament, con. vii.,6. Thanksgiving, to be joined with prayer, con.. xxi. 3, cat. 108, 178. It is to be made in the name of Chrift, con xxi. 3. Solemn thanksgiving, a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5.

See perfonal union. Unregenerate, the use of the moral law to them, cat. 96. Their best works cannot please God, and why, con. xvi 7. But their neglect to do what God commands, is more finful, ib. Vocation. See calling. Vow, a part of religious worship,

con. xxi. 5. What it is, and how to be made, con. xxii. 5, 6. To be made to God alone, con. xxv. 6. cat. 108. What vows are unlawful, con. xxii. 7. Violating of lawful vows, and fulfilling of unJawful, is finful, cat. 113. Ufury unlawful, cat. 142.

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the good works of believers are accepted by God in Chrift, and rewarded, con. xvi. 6. The works of unregenerate men cannot please God, and why, con xvi. 7. But to neglect to do what God commands, is more finful, ib. All perfons fhall, in the day of judg ment, receive according to what they have done in the body, whether good or evil, con. xxxiii. 1. Worthip. To God is due from his creatures, whatever worship he is pleafed to require, con. ii. 2. The light of nature fheweth that God is to be worshipped, con. xxi.

Will. The counfel of God's will is moft wife and holy, con. iii. 1. cat. 12. It is unfearchable, con ili. 7. cat. 13. It is free and immutable, con. v. 1. cat. 14; and moit righteous, con. ii. 1. How the will of God is to be done and fubmitted to, cat. 192. The will of God, revealed in the fcriptures, is the only rule of faith, worship, and practice. See fcripture. Chrift revealeth to his church by his Spirit and word the whole will of God, in all things concerning their edification and falvation, cat. 48. Free-will. The will of man is neither forced, nor by any abfolute neceffity of nature determined to do good or evil, con. iii. 1. ix. !. Man in his state of innocency had freedom and power to will and do good, con, iv. 2. ix. 2. cat. 17. By his fall be loft all ability of will to any fpiritual good accompanying falvation, con. vi. 2. 4. ix. 3. cat. 25. 192. The will is renewed in converfion, con. ix. 4. 3. 1. cat. 67. It is made perfectly and immutably free to do good alone in the ftate of glory, c. ix. 5. Word, See fcripture, reading, preachTog, hearing.

Worldly mindedness, finful, cat. 105.. i42.

Works. What are good works and what not, con. xvi. I. Good works are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith, con. xvi. 2.

The ufes and ends of



But the acceptable way of worfhipping God, is inftituted by himself in the fcriptures, ib. He may not be worshipped according to the imaginations and devices of men, con. xxi. 1. cat. 109. Falfe worship is to be oppofed, cat. 108. As alfo any worship not inftituted by God himfelf, cat. 109. there are fome circumstances concerning the worship of God which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Chriftian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, con. i. 6 Religions worfhip is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and to him alone; and that only in the, mediation of Chrift, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179, 181. The parts of re. ligious worthip, con. xxi. 3, 5. Religious worship not tied to any place, but God is to be worthipped every where in spirit and truth, as in private families daily, and in fecret, each one by himself; fo more folemnly in the public affcmblies, which are not to be neglected, con. xxi. 9. Wrath. See curfe.

good works, ib. Ability to do good works is wholly from the Spirit of Chrift, con. xvi. 3. The actual influence of the Spirit is required for the performance of them, ib. This no plea for negligence, ib. Supererogation, impoffible, con. xvi. 4. We cannot by our belt works merit pardon of fin or eternal life at the hand of God, and why, con. xvi. 5. Yet

EAL for God, a duty, cat. 104Corrupt, blind, and indifcreet zeal, finful, cat. 105.




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