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mot Dii; par exemple, Marie, for example, Marie, Mary, read Marii.

lifez Marii.

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Cette règle, quoi qu'affez générale, a des exceptions; par exemple, Jerufalem, Hymen, Examen, Methusalem. Car on ne prononce pas Jérufalam, mais Jérufalem, comme il est écrit.

La feconde exception est quand Pé mafculin fe rencon tre devant l'e féminin dans la même fyllabe;

Par exemple, Bethlehem, Cananéen.

La troifième exception eft quand la voyelle i fe trouve devante; par ex. Parifien le

The E of this fame diphthong ie, in the beginning of words, must be pronounced like the mafculine e; for example, in Piéton, one who walks.

ié is not the fame diphthong as ie, fo that pitié, pity, muft not be pronounced pitee, because of the accent, which fhews that the e is not feminine.

How we must pronounce E before M or N.

The Sixth Leffon.

THE E joined with these

two liquids m, n, must be pronounced like an a; as for example, commencer, to begin; patiemment, patiently; are pronounced, commancer, patiamment.

This rule, though general enough, has fome exceptions; as for example, Jérufalem, Hymen, Examen, Methufalem. For you must not pronounce Jérufalam, but Jérufalem, as it

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prononce comme il eft écrit, & non pas Parifian.

On excepte les mots fui


as it is written, and not Parifian.

But here we must except the following words,

Audience, expérience, expédient, client, patience,

Qui doivent fe prononcer, Which must be pronounced,
Audiance, expériance, expédiant, cliant, patiance.

Cet e devant n à la troifième perfonne du pluriel des verbes, fe prononce fans cette liquide, qui fe perd; par exemple, ils parlent, lifez i parle.

Du fon de l'J.

Septième Leçon.

Nfonne, quand il com-
OTRE j eft auffi con-

commence la fyllabe joint à une voyelle; comme par exemple, jamais, jaloux, jetter, jour, juge, &c.

Il eft voyelle, quand une confonne fe rencontre devant dans la même fyllabe, comme au mot de particulier.

Il a toujours le même fon s'il fe prononce feul.

Quand il eft lié avec les confonnes, nous le prononçons comme les Anglois le font dans les mots if, it, &c. où il est ainfi lié avec les confonnes f, t, &c.

L'i ne fe prononce point dans la diphthongue ai devant la lettre i, & il ne fert qu'à la rendre liquide; par ex. ail,

This e before n in the thira perfon of the plural number of verbs, is pronounced without this liquid, which is there dropt; as for example, ils parlent, read i parle.

Of the found of J.

The Seventh Leffon.

OUR is also OUR is also a confonant, when it begins a fyllable joined to a vowel; as for example, jamais, jaloux, jetter, jour, juge, &c.

It is a vowel when a confonant comes before it in the fame fyllable, as in the word particulier.

It bath always the fame found if it be pronounced alone.

When it is joined with conjonants, we pronounce it as the English do in the words if, it, &c. in which it is joined with the confonants f, t, &c.

The i is not founded in the diphthong ai before the letter 1, it ferves only to make it liquid; as for example, ail, ailleurs,


ailleurs, bercail, caille, paille, travail, vaillant, &c.

Quand il eft lié avec deux ll, comme dans le mot fille, nous le prononçons devant & après la double /, c'est-à-dire, prefque comme s'il étoit écrit fillie.

Ville & tous fes compofés en font exceptés, & nous prononçons ville, comme s'il é toit écrit vi-le.

Il fe perd dans la triphthongue oui, devant la double 1, comme dans mouiller, où if change la fyllabe fuivante, deforte qu'il faut prononcer moulié.

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bercail, caille, paille, travail, vaillant, &c.

When it is joined with two Il, as in the word fille, a daughter, we pronounce it both before and after the double 1, that is to say, almost as if it were written fillie.

But bere ville and all its compounds are excepted; and we pronounce ville, town, as if it were written vi-le.

It is dropt in the triphthong oui, before the double 1, as in mouiller, where it alters the following fyllable, so that you must pronounce as if it were written moulié.

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Is pronounced as the English ow, or as the Latin, Italian, or Spanish O.

An o preceded by an a is not heard; for example, Paon, a peacock, read Pan; Faon, a fawn, read Fan; Laon, [a town's name] read Lan.

On is pronounced as ung by the English; as for example, bon, good, as if it were written bung.

00 is pronounced as the English double o, in their word. door.


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Du fon de l'U. confonne fe diftingue de pu voyelle, èrement par la différence que vous voyez dans leur caractère. Secondement, l'v confonne eft toujours fuivi d'une voyelle dans la même fyllabe; par exemple, dans le mot vous. Mais l'u voyelle eft prefque toujours précédé d'une confonne ou liquide, dans la même fyllabe; par exemple, en ces mots, nature, lueur.

L'u voyelle entre g & e fe perd felon la prononciation Angloife & Italienne; par exemple, guérir, lifez. gérir, à l'Angloife.

L'u voyelle entre g & i fe perd auffi felon la prononciation Angloife; par exemple, guide, lifez gide; guife, lifez gize.

On en excepte ce même mot Guife, quand il eft nom propre; par exemple, le Duc de Guife, lifez Gu-ize.

U voyelle marquée d'un circonflexe fe doit prononcer comme double u, ou uu; par exemple, éperdûment, lifez éperduument.

U voyelle entre q-a, q-e, q-i, q-o, q-u, fe perd, & on prononce qua, que, qui, quo, quu, comme s'ils étoient é crits, kaw, ka, kee, ko, ku, par les Anglois, & ca, che, chi, co, Cu, par les Italiens.

Of the found of U.

from a vowel, first by Confide,

the difference of their figure.

Secondly, v confonant is always followed by a vowel, in the fame fyllable; as for example, in the word vous, you.

But the a vowel is almoft always preceded by a confonant or liquid in the fame fyllable; as for example, in these words, nature, nature; lueur, brightnefs.

U vowel between g and is dropt according to the English and Italian pronunciation; for inftance, guérir, to cure, read gérir.

U vowel between g and i is dropt also as in English; as for example, guide, a guide, read gide; guife, manner, read gize.

This fame word Guise is excepted, when a proper name; as for example, the Duke of Guife, read Gu-ize.

U vowel marked with a circumflex must be pronounced as uu: as for example éperdûment, defperately, read éperduument.

U vowel between q-a, q-e, q-i, q-o, q-u,is loft, fo that qua, que, qui, quo, quu, are pronounced as if they were written, kaw, ka, kee, ko, ku, by the English, and cha, che, chi, co, cu, by the Italians.

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use are,

ES principales & les plus THE chiefeft and most in en ufage font,



Ces deux voyelles ne font une diphthongue que dans les


Dia-ble, dian-tre, Elles fe prononcent féparément dans ces mots,


These two vowels make a diphthong only in the words

fia-cre, fian-cer.

They are pronounced Separately in thefe words, Cri-a, fi-a, li-a, ni-a, pri-a, pli-a,


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