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ch. 1. 29 & 2. 18.


P Ps. 20. 7. Cp. 1 Sam. 17. 45.

? ch. 15. 22.

19. 35.

8. 2.

eyes the outrage that had been lawlessly perpetrated upon the holy place, and the shameful handling of the city that had been turned to mockery, and further the overthrow of the mode of life Cp. ch. 15. received from their ancestors. 180 For they, said he, trust to arms, and withal to deeds of daring; but Pwe trust on the Almighty God, since he is able at a beck to cast down them that are coming against us, and even the whole world. 19 And moreover he recounted unto them the help given from time to time in the days of their ancestors, both the help given in the days of See 2 Kin. Sennacherib, how that a hundred fourscore and five thousand perished, 20 and the help given in the land of Babylon, even the battle that was fought against "Cp. 1 Mace. the Gauls, how that they came to the engagement eight thousand in all, with four thousand Macedonians, and how that, the Macedonians being hard pressed, the 2 six thousand destroyed the hundred and twenty thousand, because of the succour which they had from heaven, and took great booty. a1 And when he had with these words made them of Cp.1 Mace. laws and their country, he divided his good courage, and ready to die for the army into four parts; 228 appointing his brethren to be with himself leaders of the several bands, to wit, tSimon and u Joseph and Jonathan, giving each the command of fifteen hundred men, 23 and moreover Eleazar also: then, having read aloud the sacred book, and having given as watchword, THE HELP OF GOD, Cp. ch. 13. leading the first band himself, he joined battle with Nicanor. 24 And, since the Almighty fought on their side, they slew of the enemy above nine thousand, and wounded and disabled the more part of Nicanor's army, and compelled all to flee; 25 and they took the money y ver. 11, 34. of those that had come there to buy them. And after they had pursued them for some 5 distance, they returned, being constrained by the time of the

ch. 19. 14.

3. 21.

t ch. 10. 19, 20

& 14, 17. 1 Macc. 2. 3, al. "ch. 10. 19. 1 Macc. 2.



* See
1 Maco. 4.

4. 6.

1 Macc. 4. 23.

* Cp. ch. 12.

day; 26 for it was the day before the

sabbath, and for this cause they made no effort to chase them far. Cp. 1 Macc. when they had gathered the arms of 276 And the enemy together, and had stripped off a their spoils, they occupied themselves about the sabbath, blessing and thanking the Lord exceedingly, who had saved them unto this day, for that he had caused a beginning of mercy to distil upon them. 28 And after the sabbath, when they had given of "the spoils to the maimed, and to the widows and orphans, the residue they distributed


* Cp. ch. .


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the forces of Timotheus and Bacchides, 30 And having had an encounter with they killed above twenty thousand of them, and made themselves masters of strongholds exceeding high, and divided 1 Macc. 7. very much plunder, giving the 8 maimed and orphans and widows, and moreover the aged also, an equal share with themselves. 316 And when they had gathered the arms 9of the enemy together, they stored them all up carefully in the most important positions, and the residue of the spoils they carried to Jerusalem. 32 And they killed the 10 phylarch of Timotheus's forces, a most unholy man, and one who had done the Jews much. hurt. 3311 And as they kept the feast of victory in the 12 city of their fathers, they burned those that had set the Cp.1 Mace. sacred 18 gates on fire, and among them Callisthenes, who had fled into 14an outhouse; and so they received the meet reward of their impiety.

who had brought the thousand mer34 And the thrice-accursed Nicanor, chants kto buy the Jews for slaves, 35 being through the help of the Lord humbled by them who in his eyes were held to be of least account, put off his glorious apparel, and passing through the midland, 15 shunning all company like a fugitive slave, arrived at Antioch, 16 having, as he thought, had the greatest possible good fortune, though his host was destroyed. 36 And he that. had taken upon him "to make tribute sure for the Romans by the captivity of the men of Jerusalem published abroad that the Jews had One who fought for them, and that 17 because this was so the Jews were invulnerable, because they followed the laws ordained by him.

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9 that Antiochus had returned 18 in dis

I Now about that time pit befell PCp.1 Mace.

order from the region of Persia.
called Persepolis, and he assayed to rob
29 For he had entered into the city
19a temple and to hold down the city.
Whereupon there was an onset of the
multitudes, and 20 Antiochus and his men
turned to make defence with arms; and
it came to pass that Antiochus was put
to flight by the people of the country
and broke up his camp with disgrace.
3 And while he was at Ecbatana,
news was brought him what had hap-
pened unto Nicanor and the forces of

7 Gr.

1 Gr. Galatians.
4 Gr. disabled in their limbs.
2 Some authorities read eight.
their arms... the spoils of the enemy.
5 Or, while
3 Gr. appointing his brethren also leaders.
6 The exact meaning of this clause is uncertain.
10 That is, probably, the captain of an irregular auxiliary force. Some write Phylarches, as a proper
8 Or, wounded Gr. shamefully handled.
name. 11 The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt.
Gr. of them.
solitary hut
reason of the destruction of his host
15 Gr. having made himself solitary.
18 Or, with dishonour

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Timotheus. 4 And being lifted up by his passion he thought to make the Jews suffer even for the evil-doing of those that had put him to rout. Wherefore, "the judgement from heaven even now accompanying him, he gave order to his charioteer to drive without ceasing and despatch the journey; for thus he arrogantly spake: I will make Jerusalem wa common graveyard of Jews, when come there. 5 But the All-seeing Lord, the God of Israel, smote him with a 2 fatal and invisible stroke; and as soon as he had ceased speaking this word, an incurable pain of the bowels seized him, and bitter torments of the inner parts; 6 and that most justly, for he had tormented other men's bowels with many and strange sufferings. 7 But he in no wise ceased from his rude insolence; nay, still more was he filled with arrogancy, breathing fire in his passion against the Jews, and commanding to haste the journey. But it came to pass moreover that he fell from his chariot as it rushed along, and having a grievous fall was racked in all the members of his body. 8 And he that but now supposed himself to have the waves of the sea at his bidding, so vainglorious was he beyond the condition of a man, and that thought to weigh the heights of the mountains in a balance, was now brought to the ground and carried din a litter, shewing unto all that the power was manifestly God's; 9so that out of the body of the impious man e worms swarmed, and while he was still living in anguish and pains, his flesh fell off, and by reason of the stench all the army turned with loathing from his corruption. 10 And the man that a little afore supposed himself to touch the stars of heaven, no one could endure to carry for his intolerable stench. 119 Hereupon therefore he began in great part to cease from his arrogancy, being broken in spirit, and to come to knowledge under the scourge of God, his pains increasing every moment. 12 And when he himself could not abide his own smell, he said these words: It is right to be subject unto God, and that one who is mortal should not be minded arrogantly. 13 And the vile man vowed unto the Sovereign Lord, who now no more would have pity upon him, saying on this wise: 14 that the holy city, to the which he was going in haste, to lay it even with the ground and to make it ma common graveyard, he would declare free; 15 and as touching the Jews, whom he had decided not even to count worthy of burial, but to cast them out to the beasts with their infants, for the birds to devour, he would make them all equal to citizens

of " Athens; 16 and the holy sanctuary,
which before he had spoiled, he would
adorn with goodliest offerings, and would
restore all the sacred vessels many
times multiplied, and Pout of his own
revenues would defray the charges that
were required for the sacrifices; 17 and,
beside all this, that he would become
a Jew, and would visit every inhabited
place, publishing abroad the might of
God. 18 But when his sufferings did in
no wise cease, for the judgement of God
had come upon him in righteousness,
having given up all hope of himself, he
wrote unto the Jews the letter written
below, having the nature of a supplica-
tion, to this effect:

* Cp. ch. 6.


ch. 5. 16.

P See ch. 3. 3.

& 5. 23.

3. 37.

19 To the worthy Jews, his fellow- Cp. ch. 4.
citizens, Antiochus, king and general,
wisheth much joy and health and pros-
perity. 206 May ye and your children
fare well; and your affairs shall be to
your mind. Having my hope in hea-
ven, 21 I remembered with affection your
honour and good will toward me. Re-
turning rout of the region of Persia, ver. 1.
and being taken with a noisome sickness,
I deemed it necessary to take thought
for the common safety of all, 22 not
despairing of myself, but having great
hope to escape from the sickness. 23 But
considering that my father also, at what
time she led an army into the upper Cr.1 Mace.
country, appointed his successor, 24 to
the end that, if anything fell out con-
trary to expectation, or if any un-
welcome tidings were brought, they
that remained in the country, knowing
to whom the state had been left, might
not be troubled; 25 and, beside all this,
observing how that the princes that
are borderers and neighbours unto my
kingdom watch opportunities, and look
for the future event, I have appointed See1 Macc.
my son Antiochus to be king, whom I
often committed and commended to
most of you, when I was hastening
unto the upper provinces; and I have
written to him what is written below.
26 I exhort you therefore and beseech
you, having in your remembrance "the "See ver. 14
benefits done to you in common and
severally, to preserve each of you your
present good will toward me and my
son. 27 For I am persuaded that he in
gentleness and kindness will follow my
purpose and treat you with indulgence.
28 So the murderer and blasphemer, Cp.1 Mace.
having endured the sorest sufferings,
even as he had dealt with other men,
ended his life among the mountains
by a most piteous fate in a strange
land. 29 And w Philip his foster-brother 1 Macc. 6.
conveyed the body home; and then,
fearing the son of Antiochus, he be
took himself to Ptolemy Philometor
in Egypt.

1 Or, in his spirit 2 Gr. remediless. 3 Or, shewing manifestly unto all the power of God 4 Some
authorities read be minded as if equal to God. 5 Gr. build. Or, Ye fare well, and your children;
and your affairs are to your mind. The Greek text in verses 20 and 21 is uncertain.

1. 10.


6. 16.

14, 55, 63,

*ch. 4. 21. Seel Macc. 1. 18.

y ch. 2. 22 Cp. ch. 11.


Cp. 1 Macc.

1. 47.

1 Macc. 4


Cp. ch. 2.


& 14. 36. 1 Macc. 4. 47.


1 Macc. 4. 50, 51.


24. 14 & Ecclus. 2. 18.

See 1 Macc.

1. 54.

Cp.1 Macc. 4. 56.

A Lev. 23. 40.

1 And Maccabæus and they that

IO were with him, the Lord leading

them on, recovered the temple and the city; and they pulled down the altars that had been built in the marketplace by the aliens, and also the walls of sacred inclosures. 3 And a having cleansed the sanctuary they made another altar of sacrifice; and striking stones and taking fire out of them, they offered sacrifices, after they had ceased for two years, cand burned incense, and lighted lamps, and set forth the shewbread. 4 And when they had done these Cp. ch. 13. things, they fell prostrate and besought the Lord that they might fall no more into such evils; but that, if ever they Cp. 2 Sam. should sin, they might be chastened by him with forbearance, and not be delivered unto blaspheming and barbarous heathen. 5 Now on the same day that the sanctuary was profaned by aliens, upon that very day did it come to pass that the cleansing of the sanctuary was made, even on the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is Chislev. 69 And they kept eight days with gladness in the manner of the feast of tabernacles, remembering how that not long afore, during the feast of tabernacles, they were wandering in the mountains and in the caves after the manner of wild beasts. 7 Wherefore bearing wands wreathed with leaves, and fair boughs, and palms also, they offered up hymns of thanksgiving to him that had prosCp. 1 Macc. perously brought to pass the cleansing of his own place. 8They ordained also with a common statute and decree, for all the nation of the Jews, that they should keep these days every year. 9 And such was the end of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes. 10 But now will we declare what came to pass under Antiochus named 4m Eupator, who proved himself a true son of that ungodly man, and will gather up briefly the successive evils of the wars. For this man, when he succeeded to the kingdom, appointed one "Lysias to be chancellor, and supreme governor of Colesyria and Phoenicia. 12 For Ptolemy that was called Macron, setting an example of observing justice toward the Jews because of the wrong that had been done unto them, endeavoured to 6 conduct his dealings with them on peaceful terms. 13 Whereupon being accused by the king's Friends before Eupator, and hearing himself called traitor at every turn, because he had abandoned Cyprus which Philometor had intrusted to him, and had withdrawn himself unto Antiochus called Epiphanes, and failing to uphold the honour of his office, he took poison and made away with himself.

Neh. 8. 15. Op. ch. 14.

13. 51.

1 ver. 38.

* Cp. 1 Macc.

6. 16. 'See 1 Macc. 1. 10.

ch. 2. 20
& 13. 1.
1 Macc. 6,

" See

1 Mace. 3. 32

• See ch. 4. 45.

P See ch. 8. 9.

? Cp ch. 4


ch. 4. 21 & 9, 29.

1 Gr. Aring. the events of the end. 7 The Greek text here is corrupt.

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14 But Gorgias, when he was made governor of the district, maintained a force of mercenaries, and at every turn kept up war with the Jews. 15 And together with him the Idumæans also, Cp 1 Mace. being masters of important strongholds, harassed the Jews; and receiving unto them those that had taken refuge there from Jerusalem, they assayed to keep up war. 16 But Maccabæus and his men, having made solemn supplication and besought God to fight on their side, rushed upon the strongholds of the Idumæans; 17 and assaulting them vigorously they made themselves masters of the positions, and kept off all that fought upon the wall, and slew those that fell in their way, and killed no fewer than twenty thousand. 18 And because no less than nine thousand were fled into two towers exceeding strong and having all things needed for a siege, 19 Maccabæus, having left "Simon and "ch. & 22 u Joseph, and Zacchæus besides and them that were with him, a force sufficient to besiege them, departed himself unto places where he was most needed. 20 But Simon and they that were with him, yielding to covetousness, were bribed by certain of those that were in the towers, and receiving seventy thousand drachmas let some of them slip away. 21 But when word was brought to Maccabæus of what was done, he gathered the leaders of the people together, and accused those men of having sold their brethren for money, by setting their enemies free to fight against them. az So he slew these men for having turned traitors, and forthwith took possession of the two towers. 23 And w prospering with his arms in all things he took in hand, he destroyed in the two strongholds more than twenty thousand.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

24 Now Timotheus, who had been before defeated by the Jews, having gathered together foreign forces in great multitudes, and having collected the horsemen which belonged to Asia, not a few, came as though he would take Judæa by force of arms. 25 But as he drew near, Maccabæus and his men a sprinkled earth upon their heads and bgirded their loins with sackcloth, in supplication to God, 26 and falling down upon the step in front of the altar, besought him to become gracious to them, and be an enemy to their enemies and Ex. 23 22. an adversary to their adversaries, as the law declareth. 27 And rising from their prayer they took up their arms, and advanced some distance from the city; and when they had come near to their enemies they 10 halted. #8 And when the dawn was now spreading, the two armies joined battle; the one part having

3 Gr. nich were Or, settle his relations with 10 Gr. were by themselves.

Or, not long afore they kept the feast of tabernacles by wandering
That is, son of a good father. Or, chief
Gr. propitious.

* Or, horses

ch. 3. 19. See 2 Sam. 3. 31.

d See 2 Sam. 22. 3.

* See ch. 2. 21

JCp. ch, 11, 8.

Cp.1 Macc.

4. 15
& 5. 8(?).

Cp. ver. 37.

(See ch. 8. C.

J Cp. chỉ 12 2, 24.

* Cp. ch. 8.


& 11. 9.

I ver. 7.

Cp. 1 Macc. 13. 51.

m See
1 Macc. 3.


4. 28.

1. 28.



1 Macc. 4. 29.

See Ex. 23. 20.

* Cp. ch. 10.
See ch. 2.

& 13, 12.

this, beside their virtue, for a pledge of and drawing near to a Bethsuron, which
success and victory, that they had fled was a strong place and distant from Je-
unto the Lord for drefuge, the others rusalem about five leagues, he pressed
making their passion their leader in the it hard. 6 But when Maccabæus and
strife. 29 But when the battle waxed his men learned that he was besieging
strong, there appeared out of heaven the strongholds, they and all the people
unto their adversaries five men on horses with lamentations and tears made sup-
with bridles of gold, in splendid array; plication unto the Lord to send a good ch. 15. 23.
land two of them, leading on the Jews, angel to save Israel. 7 And Maccabæus
30 and taking Maccabeus in the midst of himself took up arms first, and exhorted
them, and covering him with their own the others to jeopard themselves together
armour, guarded him from wounds, with him and succour their brethren;
while on the adversaries they shot forth and they sallied forth with him right
arrows and thunderbolts; by reason willingly. 8 And as they were there,
whereof they were blinded and thrown close to Jerusalem, there appeared at
into confusion, and were cut to pieces, their head one on horseback in white
filled with bewilderment. 31 And there apparel, brandishing 5 weapons of gold.
were slain twenty thousand and five 9 And they all together praised the ch. 8. 29
hundred, beside six hundred horsemen. merciful God, and were yet more strength.
32 But Timotheus himself fled into a ened in heart: being ready to assail
stronghold called 9 Gazara, a fortress of not men only but the wildest beasts,
exceeding strength, Chereas being in and walls of iron, 10 they advanced in
command there. 33 But Maccabæus and array, having him that is in heaven to
his men were glad and laid siege to the fight on their side, for the Lord had
fortress four and twenty days. 34 And mercy on them. 11 And hurling them-
they that were within, trusting to the selves like lions upon the enemy, "they
strength of the place, blasphemed ex- slew of them eleven thousand footmen
ceedingly, and hurled forth impious and sixteen hundred horsemen, and
words. 35 But at dawn of the five and forced all the rest to flee. 12 But the
twentieth day certain young men of the more part of them escaped wounded and
company of Maccabæus, inflamed with naked; and Lysias also himself escaped
passion because of the blasphemies, by shameful flight. 13 But as he was a
assaulted the wall with masculine force man not void of understanding, weighing
and with 2furious passion, and cut down with himself the defeat which had be-
whosoever came in their way. 36 And fallen him, and considering that the
others climbing up in like manner, Hebrews could not be overcome, because
while the besieged were distracted with the Almighty God fought on their side,
them that had made their way within, he sent again unto them, 14 and per-
set fire to the towers, and kindling fires suaded them to come to terms on
burned the blasphemers alive; while condition that all their rights were ac-
others broke open the gates, and, having knowledged, and 7promised that he
given entrance to the rest of the band, would also persuade the king to become
occupied the city. 37 And they slew their friend. 15 And Maccabæus gave
Timotheus, who was hidden in a cistern, consent upon all the conditions which
and his brother Chæreas, and Apollo-m Lysias proposed to him, being careful
phanes. 38 And when they had accom-
plished these things, they blessed the
Lord with hymns and thanksgivings,
him who doeth great benefits unto
Israel, and giveth them the victory.

Now after a very little time

II m Lysias, the king's guardian and kinsman and chancellor, being sore displeased for the things that had come "Cp.1 Macc. to pass, an collected about fourscore thousand footmen and all his horsemen and came against the Jews, thinking to make Cp.1 Macc. the city a place for Greeks to dwell in, 3 and to levy tribute on the temple, as on the other sacred places of the nations, and Pto put up the high priesthood to sale every year; 4 holding in no account the might of God, but puffed up with his ten thousands of footmen, and his thousands of horsemen, and his fourscore elephants. 5 And coming into Judæa

P Cp ch. 4. 8, 23, 24.

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& 12 LL

Lysias unto the people of the Jews, greeting. 17 John and Absalom, who Cp.1 Ms c. were sent from you, having delivered the petition written below, made request concerning the things signified therein. 18 What things soever therefore had need to be brought before the king I declared to him, and what things were possible he allowed. 19 If then ye will preserve your good will toward the state, henceforward also will I endeavour to contribute to your good. 20 10 And on this behalf I have given order in detail, both to these men and to those that are sent from me, to confer with you. 2 Gr. passion as of wild beasts. The Greek text here is uncertain. 5 Gr. a panoply. 8 Gr. multitude. 9 Or, document 10 Or,

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ver. 33, 38.

Acts 15. 29 & 23.30 (mg.).

"Cp.1 Macc. 10. 18 & 11. 30.

6. 59.

21 Fare ye well. Written in the hundred forty and eighth year, on the four and twentieth day of the month 1Dioscorinthius.

22 And the king's letter was in these words:

King Antiochus unto his abrother Lysias, greeting. 23 Seeing that our father passed unto the gods having the wish that the subjects of his kingdom 2should be undisturbed and give themselves to the care of their own affairs, 24 we, having heard that the Jews do not Cp. ch. 6. 1. consent to our father's purpose to turn them unto the customs of the Greeks, but choose rather their own manner "Cp.1 Macc. of living, and make request that the customs of their law be allowed unto them,-25 choosing therefore that this nation also should be free from disturbance, we determine that their Cp. ch. 10. temple dbe restored to them, and that they live according to the customs that were in the days of their ancestors. 26 Thou wilt therefore do well to send messengers unto them and give them the right hand of friendship, that they, knowing our mind, may be of good heart, and gladly occupy themselves with the conduct of their own affairs.


1 Macc. 6. 58.

/Seel Macc. 12. 6.

See ch. 4. 23.

↳ See ver. 21.

1 Macc. 8. 1. Cp. 1 Mace. 7.1.

ver. 1.

27 And unto the nation the king's letter was after this manner:

King Antiochus to the senate of the Jews and to the other Jews, greeting. 28 If ye fare well, we have our desire: we ourselves also are in good health. 299 Menelaus informed us that your desire was to return home and follow your own business. 30 They therefore that depart home up to the thirtieth day of Xanthicus shall have our friendship, with full permission 31 that the Jews use their own proper meats and observe their own laws, even as heretofore; and none of them shall be in any way molested for the things that have been ignorantly done. 32 Moreover I have sent Menelaus also, that he may encourage you. 33 Fare ye well. Written in the hundred forty and eighth year, on the fifteenth day of Xanthicus.

34 And the Romans also sent unto them a letter in these words:

Quintus Memmius and Titus Manius, ambassadors of the Romans, unto the people of the Jews, greeting. 35 In regard to the things which Lysias the king's kinsman granted you, we also give consent. 36 But as for the things which he judged should be referred to the king, send one forthwith, after ye have advised thereof, that we may publish such decrees as befit your case; See 1 Macc. for we are on our way to Antioch. 37 Wherefore send some with speed,

Cp. ver. 18

3. 37.

that we also may learn what is your mind. 385h Farewell. Written in the hundred forty and eighth year, on the fifteenth day of Xanthicus.

So when these covenants had

12 been made, Lysias departed unto the king, and the Jews went about their husbandry.

=Cp. ch. 11. 29, 30.


1 Mace. 5. Cp. chỉ 10. 37.

• See

1 Macc. 2 38.

P ch. 4. 29 & 10. 13.

1 Macc. 10.


But certain of the governors of districts, "Timotheus and Apollonius the ver. 21 son of Gennæus, and Hieronymus also and Demophon, and beside them Nicanor the governor of P Cyprus, would not suffer them to enjoy tranquillity and live in peace. 3 And men of Joppa perpetrated this great impiety: they invited the Jews that dwelt among them to go See with their wives and children into the boats which they had provided, as though they had no ill will towards them; 4and when the Jews, relying on the common decree of the city, accepted the invitation, as men desiring to live in peace and suspecting nothing, they took them out to sea and drowned them, in number not less than two hundred. 5 But when Judas heard of the cruelty done unto his fellow-countrymen, giving command to the men that were with him 6and calling upon God the righteous ver. 41. Judge, he came against the murderers of his brethren, and set the haven on fire by night, and burned the boats, and Cp. ch. 8. 7 put to the sword those that had fled thither. 7 But when the town was closed against him, he withdrew, intending to come again to root out the whole community of the men of Joppa. 8 But learning that the men of Jamnia were minded to do in like manner unto the Jews that sojourned among them, 9 he fell upon the Jamnites also by night, and set fire to the haven together with the fleet, so that the glare of the light was seen at Jerusalem, two hundred and forty furlongs distant.

Ps. 7. 11. 2 Esd. 14. 32.

& 13. 15.

* ver. 40. See 1 Macc. 4. 15.

1 Macc. 5. 39.


10 Now when they had drawn off nine furlongs from thence, as they marched against Timotheus, a host of "Arabiansch. 5. 8. attacked him, no fewer than five thou sand footmen and five hundred horsemen. 11 And when a sore battle had been fought, and Judas and his company by the help of God had good" See ch. 13. success, the nomads being overcome besought Judas to grant them friendship, promising to give him cattle, and to help his people in all other ways. 12 So Judas, thinking that they would indeed be profitable in many things, agreed to live in peace with them; and receiving pledges of friendship they departed to their tents. 13 And he also fell upon a certain city Gephyrun, strong and fenced about with walls, and

This name is not found elsewhere, and is perhaps corrupt. 2 Or, should not be disquieted but 3 Or, disquiet Gr. right hand. 5 Gr. Be in good health. Gr. they also, 7 Gr. after. 8 Gr. them.

The relation between the names Gephyrun and Caspin is unknown, and perhaps the Greek text is corrupt. Compare Gephrun, the name of a city of Gilead mentioned by Polybius, v. 70. 12; and Casphor, 1 Mace, 5. 26, 36.

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