YE royal priests of Jesus, rise, And join the Daily Sacrifice; Your meat and your drink offerings throw Whate'er we cast on Him alone On Him Who all our burdens bears, Mean are our noblest offerings, Our persons and our deeds aspire Mixed with the sacred smoke we rise, By the Eternal Spirit driven From earth, in CHRIST, we mount to heaven. From "Hymns on the Lord's Supper" by J. and C. WESLEY. PREPARING TO ENTER THE COURTS OF THE LORD'S HOUSE. All things are ready: be ye also ready. In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen. Veni Creator. OME, HOLY GHOST, our souls inspire, Psalm xliii. Judica me, Deus. IVE sentence with me, O GOD, and defend my cause against the ungodly people : O deliver me from the deceitful and wicked man. 2 For Thou art the GOD of my strength, why hast Thou put me from Thee: and why go I so heavily, while the enemy oppresseth me? 3 O send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may lead me and bring me unto Thy holy hill, and to Thy dwelling. 4 And that I may go unto the Altar of GOD, even unto the GOD of my joy and gladness and upon the harp will I give thanks unto Thee, O GOD, my GOD. 5 Why art thou so heavy. O my soul: and why art thou so disquieted within me? 5 O put thy trust in GOD: for I will yet give Him thanks, which is the help of my countenance, and my GOD. Glory be to the Father. WE SUPPLICATE and entreat Thy Goodness that this Mystery, planned for our salvation, may not be to the condemnation of any of Thy people, but to the blotting out of sin, and to the renewal of soul and body. May all our service be well pleasing to Thee our GOD and Father, through the mercy and love towards men of Thine only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Amen. DIRECTION OF THE INTENTION. MOST MERCIFUL FATHER, I humbly approach Thine Altar desiring to join in presenting before Thee the One Sacrifice which Thy Blessed Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, once made upon the Cross, and now continually pleads for us in Heaven, and which He hath commanded us to shew forth on earth till He come. I desire to offer It, first, for Thine own honour, praise, adoration, and glory, for Thou didst provide the Sacrifice which our High Priest ever presents. Secondly, in remembrance of His Blessed Passion and Precious Death, His most glorious Resurrection and Ascension. Thirdly, in thanksgiving for all Thy blessings bestowed in Him upon Thy whole Church, whether expectant in Paradise or militant on earth, and for those bestowed on me Thy unworthy servant (espec. .). Fourthly, for the remission of the sins of Thy whole Church, especially those which hinder the work of that Branch of Thy Church of which I am a member, those of the parish in which I live, of the household to which I belong, and particularly my own most grievous sins (espec. .). Lastly, for obtaining all those blessings for Thy Holy Catholic Church, for the Church in this land, the diocese, parish, and household to which I belong, and for me, as Thou knowest to be best for us, that such as are yet alive may finish their course with joy, and that such as are dead in the LORD may rest in peace and hope and rise in glory, for the LORD's sake whose Death we are now about to commemorate. Amen. TAKE AWAY from us, we beseech Thee, O LORD, all our iniquities, and the spirit of pride and arrogance which Thou resistest, and fill us with the spirit of holy fear, that we may worthily enter into the HOLY of HOLIES. Amen. IN THE OUTER COURT. APPROACH TO THE ALTAR OF BURNT OFFERING. I will go unto the Altar of God, even unto the God of my joy and gladness. The Lord's Prayer stands first, as summing up the whole of the Service in our LORD's words. Say it with Eucharistic intention. OUR FATHER, Which art in Heaven, Help us to realize afresh in this Eucharist the glory of Thy Name, May Thy Kingdom through Its mighty efficacy be more firmly and widely established in the earth, and Thy will as revealed in the Cross more perfectly adored. Feed us this day with the Bread of Life. Give us absolution for the past, and strength to meet all the dangers and trials of the future. Amen. The Collect for Purity emphasizes the necessity of cleansing before offering. As in the case of the Jewish Sacrifices, the victims were cut in pieces before they were offered, signifying the laying open to the eye of GOD the inmost being of the offerer; so we, before we offer our bodies, souls, and spirits, bare our inmost selves before His eye, recognizing that all the secrets of our hearts are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do." It is this recollection that leads us to pray so earnestly that He, by the inspiration of His Holy Spirit, will cleanse our thoughts, that we may not only perfectly love Him, but worthily magnify His Name in the offering up of our Eucharist. |