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REMAIN, (to,) rester, Note 1. 134; joined to this verb is not preceded by
demeurer, Note 3. 138.
a preposition, Obs. 101, 127.

REMETTRE*, to postpone, to put
off, (à,) 339.

SATISFIED (to be) with some one
or something, être content de quel-
qu'un, or de quelque chose, 161.
SCARCELY, a peine, 308.

RESTER, to remain, to stay, 81.
When does this verb take avoir *,
and when être *, in its compound
tenses? Note 1. 134. Rester, to
have left, 251. Obs. A. 252.
RETENIR *, to retain, to hold back, herself, elle-même; themselves, eux-
mêmes, elles-mêmes; one's self, soi-


SEE, (to,) voir *; seen, vu, 124.
SELF, selves, même, mêmes; my-
self, moi-même; himself, lui-même ;

RÉUSSIR, to succeed, (à bef. inf.,) même, 291, Obs. 292.


REVENIR *, to return, to come
back, 137, 138.

RIDE (to) on horseback, aller à
cheval, 166. To take a ride, se pro-
mener à cheval, 174. See ALLER.

RIEN qui or que, nothing that, re-
quires the next verb in the subjunc-
tive, Obs. E. 365.

RIGHT to the right, on the right
side or hand, à droite, sur la droite,
326. Right, raison. See To BE.

RIRE *, to laugh; pres. part. riant ;
past, ri, 275; se rire, ou se moquer
de quelqu'un, to laugh at, to deride
one; rire au nez de quelqu'un, to
laugh in a person's face, 276.

ROOM, (the,) la chambre; the
front room, la chambre du devant,
'or sur le devant; the back room, la
chambre sur le derrière, or la cham-
bre du derrière; the upper room, la
chambre du haut, 233.


SAIL, (a,) une voile. To set sail,
mettre à la voile, Note 2. 297. To
set sail for, faire voile pour; to sail
under full sail, marcher à pleines
voiles, 297.

SAME: the same thing, la même
chose; the same man, le même
homme; it is all one, (the same,)
c'est égal, 258.

SANS, without, is in French fol-
lowed by the infinitive, while in Eng-
lish it requires the present participle,
Obs. 167.

SAVOIR *, to know; pres. part. sa.
chant; past, su. The infinitive

SELON, according to; selon les
circonstances, according to circum-
stances; c'est selon, it depends, that
is according to circumstances, 269.

SENTIR *, to feel; pres. part. sen-
tant; past, senti, 226; sentir *, to
smell, 301.

SERVIR *, to serve, to wait upon;
pres. part. servant; past, servi, 205;
se servir de, to make use of, to use.
215; servir la soupe, to serve up the
soup; servir le dessert, to bring in
the dessert, 295. Servir, to be of
use: à quoi cela vous sert-il? of
what use is that to you? Servir de,

to stand instead, to be as: mon fusil
me sert de bâton, I use my gun as a
stick; servir (de bef. inf.) to avail;
à quoi vous sert-il de pleurer?'
what avails it to you to cry? cela ne
me sert à rien, it avails me nothing,
331. On a servi, dinner or supper
is on the table, (is served up ;) vous
servirai-je de la soupe? do you
choose any soup? shall I help you
to some soup? 298.

SET (to) out, to depart, to leave,
partir*, 105, 127, 128.

SEUL, fem. seule, alone, by one's
self, 313.

SHORTLY, (SOON,) bientôt, 137, 208.
SHOW, (to,) faire voir, montrer,
100. To show a disposition to, faire
mine de, 281. The show, (splendor,
brightness,) l'éclat; to make a great
show, faire de l'éclat, 376.

SI, if, 161. If before the personal
pronouns, il, he; ils, they; the let-
ter i of this conjunction suffers elision,
Obs. C. 318; after it the indefinite
pronoun on takes l', with an apos-

trophe, Obs. D. 318. In the use of the
conditional this conjunction is always
expressed or understood, Obs. D. 263;
que, used to avoid the repetition of
this conjunction, governs the sub-
junctive, Obs. E. 361.

SIEN, (le,) la sienne, les siens, les
siennes, his or hers, 22, 32, 240,

SIDE by the side of, à côté de,
Obs. A. 215. This side, de ce côté-
ci; that side, de ce côté-là; on this
side of the road, au deçà (en deçà)
du chemin; on that side of the road,
au delà du chemin, 146.

SILENT, (to be,) to stop speaking,
se taire *, 335.

SINCE or FROM, depuis; from that
time, depuis ce moment; from my
childhood, depuis ma jeunesse; from
here to there, depuis ici jusque là,
291. See DEPUIS. Since, (consid-
ering,) puisque, 290.

SIT (to) down, s'asseoir *, 210; to
sit, to be seated, être assis; fem. as-
sise, 253.

SLEEP, (to,) dormir *, 166. Are
you sleepy? avez-vous sommeil ? 13.
To feel sleepy, avoir envie de dor-
mir, 172.

SLOW, slowly, lentement, 211.
SNOW, (to,) neiger, 179. It snows,
il fait de la neige, 252.

So, (it,) le, Obs. A. 123, 124. So,
thus, ainsi; so so, comme cela, 132.
So that, (conjunction,) de sorte que,


SOIR, soirée; difference between
these two words, Note 2. 239.

SOME OF ANY, (before a noun,) du,
de la, des, 35, 233; before an ad-
jective, de, 35, 233, 234. Some of
it, any of it, of it, some of them, any
of them, of them, en; is always
placed before the verb, 38, 39.
Some, or any more, encore; some
more wine, encore du vin; some
more buttons, encore des boutons,
49. Somebody or anybody, quel-
qu'un, 22. Something or any thing,
quelque chose; something or any
thing good, quelque chose de bon, 13,
Obs. 13, 142. Sometimes, quelque-

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fois, 119. Somewhere or whither,
anywhere or whither, quelque part,
64. Nowhere, not anywhere, ne-
nulle part, 64.

SON, sa, ses, his or her, 22, 29,
Obs. B. C. 231.

SOON, bientôt, 137, 208. As soon
as, aussitôt que, 166. No sooner,
pas plutôt, when it is employed in
the use of the preterit anterior, 308.
SORTIR, to go out; pres. part.
sortant; past, sorti, 80, 88, 111,

SOUDAINEMENT, suddenly, all of a
sudden, 240.

SOUFFRIR *, to suffer; pres. part.
souffrant; past, souffert, 282.

Sous, (preposition,) under; des-
sous, (adverb,) under it, 128.

SOUVENIR *, (se,) se ressouvenir *,
to remember, to recollect, governs
the genitive, 210.

SOUVENT, often, 101. Aussi sou-
vent que, as often as, 101. Plus
souvent que, oftener than, 102.
Moins souvent que, not so often as,

SPEECH, (a,) un discours. To
make a speech, faire un discours,

SPEND (to) time in something, pas-
ser le temps à quelque chose, 200.
SPITE in spite of, en dépit de,

STEP, (a.) un pas. To walk a
step, faire un pas; to take a step,
(meaning to take measures,) faire
une démarche, 246.

STRIKE, (to,) frapper, 274. To
be struck with a thought, venir en
pensée, à l'idée, à l'esprit. A
thought strikes me, il me vient une
pensée, 312.

SUBJUNCTIVE, 353, seqq. See PRE-

SUBSTANTIVE: formation of the
plural, Rule, 27. Obs. A. Notes 1, 2,
3. 28. Obs. B. C. 25, 230. Femi-
nine substantives, 230. Gender of
substantives, Obs. A. 146. Obs. 344.
Obs. D. 248. Note 1. 265. Obs. B.
138. Note 1. 239. Note 3. 302. Re-
mark 232. Compound substantives:

a substantive composed of a noun
and an adjective, both take the mark
of the plural, Obs. B. 134; of two
nouns by means of a preposition, ex-
pressed or understood, the first only
takes the mark of the plural, Obs.
E. 392. An English compound is
rendered in French by two words,
and the preposition de is put between
when the latter expresses the sub-
stance of which the former is made,
Obs. 11. Obs. A. 346; but when the
latter expresses the use of the for-
mer, the preposition à is put be-
tween, 346. Obs. B. 348. Substan-
tives having a distinct form for indi-
viduals of the female sex, Obs. B.
241; used for both sexes, Obs. C. 242.

SUCCEED, (to,) parvenir *. Do you
succeed in learning French? parve-
nez-vous à apprendre le français ?
188. To succeed, réussir. Do you
succeed in doing that? réussissez-
vous à faire cela? 290.

SUCH, un tel, une telle; pareil,
pareille, 258.

SUFFER, (to,) souffrir *, 282; to
suffer one's self to be beaten, se lais-
ser battre; to let or suffer one's self
to fall, se laisser tomber; to suffer
one's self to be insulted, se laisser
insulter, &c., 376.

SUFFIRE*, to suffice, to be suffi-
cient; pres. part. suffisant; past,
suffi, 297.

SUIT, (to,) convenir *, 188.

SUIVRE *, to follow; pres. part.
suivant; past, suivi, 283; suivre *
un conseil, to follow advice, (coun-
sel,) 328.

SUN, (the,) le soleil. We have
too much sun, il fait trop de soleil,

SUPERLATIVE, Obs. A. 108. Obs.
B. C. 108.

SUR, upon, (preposition ;) dessus,
upon it, (adverb,) 128.

SURFAIRE, to overcharge, to ask
too much, 292.

SURPRENDRE *, to surprise, 322.
SURPRISE, (to,) étonner. To be
surprised at something, être étonné
de quelque chose, 322.


TAIRE *, (se,) to hold one's tongue,
to stop speaking, to be silent; pres.
part. taisant; past, tu, 335.

TAKE (to) place, avoir lieu, 119.
To take care of something, prendre
(avoir *) soin de quelque chose, 205;
to take care of some one, to beware,
prendre garde à quelqu'un, 312; to
take an airing in a carriage, se pro-
mener en carosse, 174.

TANT, so much; tant par an, so
much a year; tant par tête, so much
a head, 160, 242; tant que, so long
as, 343; tant soit peu, just a little,
ever so little, 372.

TASTE, (to,) goûter, 160; the taste,
le goût; each man has his taste,
chaque homme a son goût, 171.

TEACH, (to,) enseigner; to teach
some one something, enseigner quel-
que chose à quelqu'un; to teach some
one to do something, apprendre à
quelqu'un à faire quelque chose, 216.

TEAR, (a,) une larme; to shed
tears, verser des larmes; with tears
in his, her, our, or my eyes, les larmes
aux yeux, 274.

TEINDRE, to dye, or to color; pres.
part. teignant; past, teint; teindre
en noir, en rouge, to dye black, red,

TEL, such; un tel homme, such a
man; de tels hommes, such men;
une telle femme, such a woman; de
telles femmes, such women, 258.

TELL, (to,) to say, dire *; told,
said, dit, 123.

TENIR, to hold; pres. part. te-
nant; past, tenu, 155. Se tenir
prêt, to keep one's self ready, 222.
Tenir pension, to keep a boarding-
house, 330. Tenir lieu de, to take
the place of, to be instead of, 346.
See To KEEP.

THAN, que de, (before a noun,) 53.
Than, before a number, is rendered
by de, and not by que: more than
nine, plus de neuf, Obs. B. 198.

THAT or which, que, relative pro-
noun, 25. That, (meaning that
thing,) cela, 119, 123. That, or the

one, celui, plur. ceux; celle, plur.
celles, 14, 31, 234. That which, the
one which, those which, celui que,
ceux que; celle que, celles que, 25,
31, 234. That which, or the thing
which, ce que, 92.

THE, definite article, le, la, les, 9,
27, 230. See ARTICLE.

trop tard, too soon, too early, trop
tôt; too large, too great, trop grand;
too little, trop peu; too small, trop
petit, 111.

TOUR À TOUR, alternately, turn by
turn, 347.

TOUT, all; plar. tous. Tout le
vin, all the wine; tous les livres, all
THEIR, leur, leurs, 29. Obs. B. D. the books, 147. Tout autant, quite


THEIRS, le (la) leur, les leurs, 32,
240, 241.

THEN, alors; until then, jusqu'-
alors, 141.

(or just) as much, as many, 52.

TOWARDS, envers or vers, 218, 337.
TRAVEL, (to,) voyager, 146. See
ALLER. To travel through Europe,
faire le tour de l'Europe, 343.

THERE, thither, to it, at it, in it,
y, 64, Obs. 64, 73, 74. To go thith-
er, y aller; to be there, y être, 64.
There, là, y, 81. There is, behold,
voilà; here is my book, voici mon
livre; there it is, le voilà, fem. la
voilà; there they are, les voilà, 264,
THINE, le tien, la tienne, les tiens, too many, Obs. 42, 111.
les tiennes, 79, 240, 241.

TREAT (to) or to use somebody
well, en user bien avec quelqu'un ;
to use somebody ill, en user mal avec
quelqu'un, 338.

THIS or THAT, these or those, ce,
cet, cette, ces, 14, 24, 29, 232. This
one, that one, these, those, celui-ci,
celui-là; ceux-ci, ceux-là; celle-ci,
celle-là; celles-ci, celles-là, 24, 32,

THOU, tu, Note 1. 78.

THUNDER, le tonnerre. It thun-
ders very much, il fait beaucoup de
tonnerre, 166.

THUS or So, ainsi, 288.

THY, ton, ta, tes, 79, Obs. B. C.

TIEN, (le,) la tienne, les tiens, les
tiennes, thine, 79, 240, 241.

TILL, until, jusque; till twelve
o'clock, (till noon,) jusqu'à midi,
141. Not until, pas avant, takes de
before the infinitive, 263.

TIRED, (to be,) être las, lasse,
373. To get (or to be) tired, s'en-
nuyer, 323.

TIRER, to pull, to draw, to shoot,
to fire, 195.

To, à, Obs. B. 73. To, (meaning
in order to,) pour, 67, Obs. A. 311.
TON, ta, tes, 79. Obs. B. C. 231.
Too, trop, 111. Too much, too
many, trop, 42, Obs. 43; too late,

TROMPER, to deceive, to cheat,
171. Tromper, (se,) to mistake, to
be mistaken, 171.

TROP, too, 111. Trop, too much,

TRUST (to) some one, se fier à quel-
qu'un; to distrust one, se défier de
quelqu'un, 275.

Tu, thou; use of the pronoun of
address, Note 1. 78.

TURN (to) a soldier, a merchant, a
lawyer, se faire soldat, marchand,
avocat, 176. To turn to account, (to
make the best of,) faire valoir, 372.
To turn some one into ridicule, tour-
ner quelqu'un en ridicule, 332. Turn,
(the,) le tour. To take a turn, (a
walk,) faire un tour, 193, 194, 343.


UN, une, a or an, 39, 233. Obs.
A. 96. Pas un qui or que, not one
that, requires the next verb in the
subjunctive, Obs. E. 365. L'un
l'autre, l'une l'autre, each other;
êtes-vous contents l'un de l'autre,
are you pleased with each other!
Nous le sommes, we are, 281.

UNDER, Sous; under it, dessous,


UNDERSTAND, (to,) comprendre *;
understood, compris, 133. To make
one's self understood, se faire com-
prendre, 317.

UP: to get up, (to rise,) se lever,
174. To go up, monter, Note 2.
254. To stand up, être debout; to
remain up, rester debout, 321. Up
stairs, en haut, 146. Up to the top,
jusqu'en haut, 373.

UPON, sur; upon it, dessus, 128.
USER, to wear out, 132. En user
bien avec quelqu'un, to treat or to
use somebody well; en user mal
avec quelqu'un, to use somebody ill,


VALOIR, to be worth; pres. part.
valant; past, valu, 151; valoir *
mieux, to be better, ibid.; valoir*
la peine, to be worth while. Cela
vaut-il la peine? Is it worth while?

VENIR *, to come; pres. part. ve-
nant, coming; past, venu, 64, 88,
127. Followed by the preposition de
and the infinitive this verb expresses
an action recently past, Obs. F. 199.
Venir en pensée, (à l'idée, à l'es-
prit,) to be struck with a thought,
312. Venir and aller are in
French followed by the infinitive,
and the conjunction and is not ren-
dered, Obs. A. 322.

VERB: the four conjugations, 55,
56. Means to distinguish each of
them, 55. Note 3. 85. Verbs which
do not require a preposition before
the infinitive, Obs. A. B. 112, 113.
Table for the formation of all the
tenses in the French verbs, 379, &
seqq. Compound and derivative
verbs are conjugated like their prim-
itives, Obs. A. 132. Auxiliary verbs:
see AVOIR *, ÊTRE *. Verbs which
require être, to be, for their aux-
iliary, Obs. E. 248. The past par-
ticiple of such verbs must agree in
gender and number with the nomi-
native of être, 249. Objective
pronouns, i. e. those which are not in
the nominative, stand in French be-
fore the verb, and in compound
tenses before the auxiliary, IF A.
118 Active verbs, 122. Neuter

verbs, 127. Passive verbs, 164. The
passive participle agrees with the
nominative in number and gender,

199. Reflective verbs, 169. In
French all reflective verbs, without
exception, take in their compound
tenses the auxiliary être *, while in
English they take to have, 174. In
reflective verbs the pronoun of the
object is the same person as that of
the subject; each person is there-
fore conjugated with a double per-
sonal pronoun, 169. Obs. A. 170.
Impersonal verbs, 179. Impersonal
verbs governing the subjunctive, Re-
mark A. 353. Obs. C. 354. Other
verbs governing the subjunctive, Re-
mark B. 354. Obs. D. 355. Obs. E.
356. Do and am when used to inter-
rogate for all persons and tenses may
be rendered by est-ce que. In some
verbs they cannot be rendered other-
wise, Obs. Note 1.-104. Verbs with
which the negation ne is used with-
out pas, Obs. B. 325. Position of
the verb in the sentence, Rule 4.
405, & seqq.

VERS, envers, towards, 218; the
former is used physically, the latter
morally, 337.

VIS-À-VIS de, opposite to, 332.

VIVRE, to live; pres. part. v-
vant; past, vécu, 166. Fait-il bon
vivre à Paris? Is it good living in
Paris? Is the living good in Paris?

VOILÀ, there is; voici, here is;
voilà pourquoi, that is the reason
why; voilà pourquoi je le dis, there-
fore I say so, 264, 265.

VOILE, a veil, is masculine; mean-
ing a sail, it is feminine, Note 2.297.
"A pleines voiles, (à toutes voiles,)
under full sail, 297.

VOIR *, to see; pres. part. voyant ;
past, vu, 67, 88, 124.

VOTRE, plur. vos, your, 10, 29
Obs. B. 231.

VÔTRE, (le, la,) les vôtres, yours,
Obs. A. 15. Obs. A. 241.

VOULOIR *, to be willing, to wish;
pres. part. voulant; past, voulu, 59,

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