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8. Sir C. Stuart to the Marquess of Londonderry Paris

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1821. Page 2d July

9. The Marquess of Londonderry to Sir C. Stuart Foreign Office, 27th Aug.
10. Sir C. Stuart to the Marquess of Londonderry Paris
24th Sept.
11. William Hamilton, Esq. to Sir C. Stuart Foreign Office, 28th Sept.
12. Viscount Sidmouth to Sir C. Stuart ..... Foreign Office, 30th Oct.
13. Sir C. Stuart to the Marquess of Londonderry Paris
14. Sir C. Stuart to the Marquess of Londonderry Paris






.22d Nov.



.21st Dec.




..28th Jan.





15. The Marquess of Londonderry to Sir C. Stuart Foreign Office, 18th Jan.
16. Sir C. Stuart to the Marquess of Londonderry Paris
17. Sir C. Stuart to the Marquess of Londonderry Paris
7th Feb.
18. Memorandum of the Comte de Caraman London .........12th Mar.
19. The Marquess of Londonderry to Sir C. Stuart Foreign Office, 26th Mar.

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20. The Earl of Clancarty to Viscount Castlereagh Brussels.........27th Mar. 27 21. Viscount Castlereagh to the Earl of Clancarty Foreign Office, 13th April 28 22. The Earl of Clancarty to the Marquess of

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34. The Marquess of Londonderry to the Earl of

35. William Hamilton, Esq. to the Earl of Clancarty Foreign Office, 23d Oct.
36. The Marquess of Londonderry to the Earl of

37. The Earl of Clancarty to the Marquess of

38. The Earl of Clancarty to the Marquess of Londonderry....

Foreign Office, 21st Sept.


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52. Viscount Castlereagh to Sir Henry Wellesley Foreign Office, 16th Feb.
53. Sir Henry Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh Madrid .........26th Mar.
54. Sir Henry Wellesley to Viscount Castlereagh Madrid
55. Sir Henry Wellesley to the Marquess of Lon-

56. Lionel Hervey, Esq. to the Marquess of Lon-

57. The Marquess of Londonderry to Lionel Hervey, Esq.

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58. The Marquess of Londonderry to Lionel Hervey, Esq.

59. The Marquess of Londonderry to Lionel Hervey, Esq.

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5th April 53

Madrid .........16th April 54

Madrid ......... 14th May



Foreign Office, 12th June


Foreign Office, 3d July


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5th Sept.


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60. William Hamilton, Esq. to Lionel Hervey, Esq. Foreign Office, 17th Aug.
61. William Hamilton, Esq. to Lionel Hervey, Esq. Foreign Office, 31st Aug.
62. Lionel Hervey, Esq. to the Marquess of Lon-

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No. 1.-Sir Charles Stuart to Viscount Castlereagh.—(Rec. Feb. 25.) Paris, 22d February, 1821.


I HAVE the honour to transmit to your Lordship the Copy of a Note I have received from Baron Pasquier, in answer to the Communication which announced the capture of the Slave Ship, the Louisa, in a Port of the Island of Antigua. I have, &c. Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.·


(Inclosure.)-The Baron Pasquier to Sir Charles Stuart.


Paris, le 15 Février, 1821.

J'AI reçu la Lettre que votre Excellence m'a fait l'honneur de m'adresser le 9 Janvier, pour me faire connaître l'arrestation et la dé

tention, à Antigua, du Navire la Louise, qui paraît avoir été employé à la Traite des Noirs.

J'ai l'honneur d'informer votre Excellence, que M. le Ministre de la Marine, à qui je m'étais empressé de faire part de cette Communication, vient d'écrire aux Administrateurs François de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique, pour que les poursuites contre la Louise soient faites par les Tribunaux, aussitôt que ce Navire aura été conduit, par ordre des Autorités Angloises, dans l'une ou l'autre de ces IПles.

S. E. Le Chevalier Stuart.

J'ai l'honneur, &c.


No. 2.-Sir Charles Stuart to Viscount Castlereagh.-(Rec. April 1.)
Paris, 29th March, 1821.

I INCLOSE, for your Lordship's information, Copies of the further Correspondence which has taken place with the French Government, upon the subject of the repeated infractions of the Law which abolishes the Slave Trade in the Territories of His Most Christian Majesty. I have, &c.

Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.



(Inclosure 1.)—Sir Charles Stuart to the Baron Pasquier.

Paris, 23d March, 1821.

I HAVE the honour to inclose to your Excellency the annexed Paper*, which I am assured is the exact Copy of an Agreement recently concluded by certain mercantile houses in the Port of Havre.

The substitution of the word Mules for Negroes shows the real nature of this Agreement, since it is well known that there are no mules to be purchased on the Coast of Africa. I feel that it is my duty to submit this Document to the attention of His Most Christian Majesty's Government, in the hope that they may be enabled to prevent the Parties from carrying their designs into execution.

His Excellency the Baron Pasquier.

I have, &c.


(Inclosure 2.)-The Baron Pasquier to Sir Charles Stuart.


Paris, le

Mars, 1821.

Au moment où je recevois la Lettre que votre Excellence m'a fait l'honneur de m'écrire le 23 de ce mois, relativement à une spéculation qui paraît cacher un projet de Traite des Noirs, le Ministre de la Marine me faisait part des mêmes informations, en ajoutant, qu'il venait de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour que l'opération ne puisse effectuer, et pour que les spéculateurs soient recherchés et punis. Le le dont on a cherché à la couvrir, facile d'ailleurs à pénétrer, est un if de plus pour que le Gouvernement suive cette affaire de manière *Not transmitted to the Foreign Office.

à prouver à ceux qui tenteraient de nouvelles contraventions, qu'elles ne peuvent échapper à sa surveillance. J'ai l'honneur, &c. S. E. Le Chevalier Stuart.



No. 3.-The Marquess of Londonderry to Sir Charles Stuart. Foreign Office, 8th May, 1821. I HAVE the honour to forward to you Copies of several Documents transmitted to me by the Secretary of the African Institution,* tending to show the continuance of the illicit Trade in Slaves by French Subjects. These Papers appear to contain important information, and I have to refer your Excellency to my former Correspondence on this subject, for the guidance of your conduct in the use which your Excellency may judge it expedient to make of them. H. E. Sir Charles Stuart, G.C.B.


No.4.-Sir Charles Stuart to the Marq. of Londonderry.-(Rec. June 14.)
Paris, 11th June, 1821.

I HAVE received in due course your Lordship's Despatch of the 8th of May, and, according to the spirit of my Instructions, I have addressed the official Note (of which I have the honour to inclose a Copy) to Baron Pasquier; and I presume that this resolution will meet with the approbation of His Majesty's Government.

I have, &c.


The Marquess of Londonderry, K.G.


(Inclosure.)-Sir Charles Stuart to the Baron Pasquier.

Paris, 9th June, 1821. THE Papers of which I inclose Copies, have been transmitted to His Majesty's Government from the African Institution; and as the information they contain tends decidedly to prove the continuance of an illicit Trade in Slaves by French Subjects, under circumstances which easily admit of satisfactory investigation on the part of His Most Christian Majesty's Government, I hope they will not only be added to the mass of Communictations relating to this subject which I have already submitted to your Excellency, but that they will offer additional motives for the adoption of measures to carry into effect the views His Most Christian Majesty's Ministers profess to entertain.

The bad success of the endeavours to root out this Commerce would discourage further Representations, if the assurances your Excellency has repeatedly held forth did not justify the hope of a cordial co-operation on the part of the French Government.

Referring, therefore, once more, to the facts which have been brought forward, I shall merely remind your Excellency, that it is to be feared the combinations I have denounced may acquire force and consistency

* Transmitted in Original.

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