| Royal Society (Great Britain) - 1775 - 348 pages
...JOHN, Bart. An account of a remarkable frost on the 23d June, 1 783. - LXXIV. 416 CURRIE, JAMES, MD An account of the remarkable effects of a shipwreck on...immersion in fresh and salt water, hot and cold, on the powers of the living body. LXXXII. 199 D DAL DAV Vol. Page. DALBY, ISAAC. Remarks on Major-General... | |
| 1799 - 614 pages
...paper is closed by a fewjudicious remarks. In the year 1702, Dr. C. presented to the Royal Society an Account of the remarkable Effects of a Shipwreck on...Experiments and Observations on the Influence of Immersion m fresh and salt Water, hot and cold, on the Powers of tie livmg B,dy. This paper was inserted in the... | |
| Jeremias David Reuss - 1804 - 574 pages
...offered on nie general ftate of Europe , by jfafptr tVilfon (ie James Carrie). 1793. 8. (I ft. 6 d.) An account of the remarkable effects of a .Shipwreck on the mariners, /with experiments and obfervatioiif on the influence of iiiimerfion ill frefh and fait water, hot and cold, on the powers... | |
| Lant Carpenter - 1820 - 514 pages
...one accustomed to accurate observations and scientific researches. The 15th chapter, containing " an account of the remarkable effects of a shipwreck on...immersion in fresh and salt water, hot and cold, on the powers of the living body." must be regarded as a fine specimen of philosophical investigation ; and... | |
| Simone Stratico - 1823 - 234 pages
...Maskelyne, aatronomo renio , intorno alia longitudine di Cambridge neíla nnova Inghilterra. (73) An account of the remarkable effects of a shipwreck on...immersion in fresh and salt water , hot and cold on the powers of living body. By Jamee Cuzrie , 1793. Ragguaglio dei rimarchevoli effetti di un naufragio... | |
| Sir Daniel Keyte Sandford - 1841 - 510 pages
...1791, he presented a paper to the Royal Society, " On the remarkable effects of a Shipwreck on some mariners, with experiments, and observations on the influence of immersion in fresh ami salt water, hot and cold, on the powers of the living body," which gained him the honour of being... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1853 - 366 pages
...presented to the Hoyal Society, a paper giving " An account of the remarkable effect of shipwreck on mariners, with experiments and observations on the...immersion in fresh and salt water, hot and cold, on the powers of the body," which appeared in the Philosophical Transactions of that year, and which may be... | |
| Austin Flint - 1873 - 564 pages
...orer 103°, and in another, in fifteen minutes, to 101° (Loc. cit., pp. 43, 44). * CCRRIE, An Aceount of the remarkable Effects of a Shipwreck on the Mariners...Observations on the Influence of Immersion in fresh and tall Water, hot and cold, on the Poieen of the living Body. — Philosophical Iransactions, London,... | |
| Georg Wilhelm August Kahlbaum - 1897 - 690 pages
...Durnfriesshire, gest. 1805 Sidmouth. Praktischer Arzt in Liverpool. Die obige Arbeit war betitelt: Account of the remarkable effects of a Shipwreck on...Mariners with experiments and observations on the influetice of Immersion in fresh and salt water, hot and cold, on the power of the living body. K.... | |
| Georg Wilhelm August Kahlbaum - 1898 - 212 pages
...Fleming, Dumfriesshire, gest. 1805 Sidmouth. Praktischer Arzt in Liverpool. Die obige Arbeit war betitelt: Account of the remarkable effects of a Shipwreck on....water, hot and cold, on the power of the living body. K. fische Wärme des venösen und arteriellen Blutes müssen wiederholt werden, und das werde ich,... | |
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