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The two Houses of Parliament; and may the Members of them who belong to the Society never forget the Institution which first taught them to distinguish themselves as Public Speakers; with the Healths of Sir George Clerk, Mr Horner, Mr Douglas Tune, "Tullochgorum."--Glee, "Mr Speak er, though 'tis late."

Proffessor Playfair-(By Mr Jeffrey). Mr Walter Scott.-(By Mr Horner.) Glee, "Glorious Apollo."

The Land of Cakes; and may it be long distinguished by its orators, its philosophers, and its poets-Song, "Caledonia."

The Members for the City and County. Principal Hill, the University of St Andrews, and the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen. (By Sir George Clerk.)-Tune, "College Hornpipe."

Mr Clerk and the Scottish Bar.-(By Professor Thomson.)

Professor Thomson, and the Medical School of Edinburgh.-(By Mr Simpson.)

Sir James Mackintosh, Mr Horner, Mr Brougham, and the English Bar.--(By Mr Jeffrey).

Mr Waugh; and may he never forget the Society, as the Society can never forget him. -(By Mr Moncrieff.)

The Reverend Sir Henry Moncrieff(By Mr John Murray.)

The Ordinary Members of the Society, on whose exertions its present prosperity depends. (By Mr Græme.)

The Honorary and Extraordinary Members. (By Mr Hunter, one of the Ordinary Members.)

Several other toasts were given, and the healths of many other distinguished members were drank in the course of the evening. Apologies expressive of regret were made on the part of the absent members, particularly of Professor Stewart, Mr Creech, and the Earl of Ancran; and two letters, one from Principal Hill, of the University of St Andrews, the other from Mr Brougham, M. P. lamenting their absence, and conveying their sentiments of gratitude and attachment, were read by the Secretary. We have been informed that a letter of the same purport has, since the meeting, been received from the Earl of Glasgow.

The toasts were, in general, introduced and followed by speeches truly worthy of the members of the institution.

On the healths of Lord Gillies and Lord Alloway being given, Lord Gillies expressed, with his usual manly eloquence, the strong and affectionate feelings of regard, which he and his brother Judge entertained towards the Society. The health of Mr Baron Adam was drunk with that enthusisam which

his situation was so well fitted for inspiring. His return to his native country was welcomed with every demonstration of heartfelt joy, and honest pride. Mr Adam addressed the meeting in a speech, in every respect conformable to the expectation excited by his high celebrity. It was animated, impressive, and affectionate; and strongly expressive of the advantage and pleasure which, he was kindly pleased to say, he had formerly derived from the dis cussions of the Society.

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At nine o'clock Principal Baird left the chair. His conduct in it was marked by the utmost good humour and kindness, blended with the dignity of his official character, and the highest urbanity of manner. quitted the room amid the warmest and most sincere expressions of gratitude and respect. In conformity to the suggestion of Dr Baird, Mr Walter Scott was, with the loudest acclamations, called to the chair, where" his gay conviviality of mood," and his inexhaustible fund of wit and pleasantry. contributed greatly towards the hilarity and harmony of the remainder of the evening. Mr Scott, about half-past ten, gave the concluding toast,

"May the next half century impart as much pleasure to the new members as the last one has done to the old."

He then put an end to the meeting, by leaving the chair. He was thanked with ardour and animation, though no thanks could express the feelings of delight which his conduct had imparted.

The conduct of the worthy and distinguished croupier received the well merited and grateful acknowledgements of the meeting; and thanks were also given, in a marked manner, to the Stewards, whose previous arrangements had been productive of much advantage.

Few public meetings can boast of a union of so many favourable circumstances as that which we have been describing. Seldom have so many men of talents, of professional eminence, of literature, and science, been assembled in one room; and, we may safely say, that there never was a public meeting in which there existed a more universal wish to give and receive pleasure. The utmost cordiality and unanimity of sentiment prevailed amongst the representatives of many successive generations, descending from the venerable fathers of the institution, men far advanced in life, down to the youngest member, the son of Dr Gregory. It would certainly be needless to make any observations on the celebrity of this institution; it has long been well known as a school for eloquence; and of the justness of its reputa.


tion the many great men whose talents it originally formed, give the most convincing proof.


On Friday the 16th Dec. a violent gale of wind was felt over most part of the island, and also in Ireland, which did great damage in many places, particularly on the Southwest coast of Scotland.—At Greenock much damage was done by the violence of the wind, and all the shipping were drove from their moorings, and several got ashore, but were afterwards got off.-Shortly after mid-day the quays overflowed, and the tide continuing to rise, the cellars adjacent to the breast of the different harbours have been inundated, and we are truly concerned to add, immense quantities of West India and other produce destroyed; much property has likewise been swept away, or materially injured on the quays. The damage was considerable, but not so much as was at first ape prehended. A great deal of damage was likewise done at Port Glasgow, by the overflowing of the tide.-The greater part of the

town of Dumbarton was laid under water by the same cause.

At Glasgow a brick tenement in Saracenlane, Gallowgate, two stories high, occupied as a house-carpenter's work-shop, &c. was, about 11 o'clock forenoon, blown down. Two boys were at work at the time, who escaped unhurt, though one of them was dug from among the ruins. In different places of that city, stacks of chimnies have been blown down, and many cans from off the chimney tops. Though the danger was great, happily no person was hurt.

"Liverpool, Dec. 17. 1815. "A very heavy gale of wind commenced yesterday morning from the S. W. and continued most part of the day with increasing violence. Considerable damage was done by the falling of chimneys, slates, &c. and the passage of the streets was exceedingly dangerous. Two houses, we are informed, have been blown down in the north part of the town, in one of which an old woman was killed. Some other persons have been very much hurt, and one man was seriously lamed. A great deal of mischief was done to the shipping in this port, and along the adjacent coasts.

"Whitehaven, Dec. 20. 1814. "The night of Thursday last was very tempestuous. Numbers of chimneys in this town were blown down; several houses suffered greatly in their roofs, and some were nearly unroofed. The next morning the streets, particularly on the side pavements, presented at every step heaps of rubbish

from broken bricks, slates, and rough-cast: such a devastation as, from our sheltered situation, is very rarely seen here.

"About eleven o'clock, great numbers of people witnessed a scene of imminent danger and distress.-A sloop called the Nelly and Betty, Christian, master, which had sailed from Douglas, Isle of Mann, about two o'clock the same morning, in attempting to get into the harbour, was, by the violence of the wind and the sea (which at that time raged astonishingly) driven behind the North Wall. The crew endeavour

ed to keep the vessel under shelter of that pier; but all their efforts proved ineffectual; the surf carried her towards Redress Point, a distance of about half a mile from the mouth of the harbour, where she struck, and inevitable destruction seemed to await her and all on board, amongst whom was a female passenger. Numbers of people flocked to the beach, many of whom followed bravery and generosity of British seamen, a the vessel till she struck, when, with the sufficient number immediately formed a connected line, by joining hands, and stood in the water until they nearly reached the lee-side of the vessel; and by a rope thrown on shore, and taking advantage of the receding waves, the crew were, one after another, enabled to quit the vessel; and, by assistance from the shore, were brought into safety.

"But, when the crew had thus been rescued, the female passenger remained on board alone. Unequal to the dangerous attempt of leaping overboard, her situation appeared hopeless. At that instant, with cool and intrepid determination, Alexander Carr, a young man (a mariner belonging to this port) watching the receding element, sprung towards the vessel, and reaching the chains, raised himself up to the deck, and immediately fastened the rope round the poor woman's waist, (then almost dead with terror) and holding her over the side until her as he could, he then dropped his charge, a favourable opportunity offered to lower which was immediately drawn to the shore by the volunteers employed in that humane service.

"The young man having thus saved the life of a fellow-creature, at the great peril and risk of his own,-leaped down from. the sloop, again committing himself to the mercy of the waves, and was assisted in getting on shore amidst the acclamations of the admiring multitude, who had witnessed, with a mixture of pain and astonishment, this unparalleled instance of disinterested and humane intrepidity."

Similar accounts were received from Dumfries, Stranraer, Portpatrick, on the

Ayrshire coast, the Isle of Bute, and at the Troon, where a vessel was totally lost, and several lives were lost.

The storm was very severely felt along the Irish coast.--At Dublin a deal of damage was done in the city, and several accidents happened. Twenty of the largest trees in the College Park were torn up by the roots, and there are very few houses in that city which have not sustained some injury.

At Limerick, Belfast, Cork, Sligo, &c. and along most of Ireland, considerable mischief was done both on shore and to the shipping, but we are happy to add few lives were lost. A vessel called the Conception, bound from Dublin to Wexford, was driven ashore and wrecked, at Ballynascar, near Wexford harbour. The crew took their boat, and with the exception of one man drowned, reached the shore; but they left behind them (fastened in the weather shrouds) a mother and a daughter, over whom the sea beat furiously, and every moment threatened to tear them from this their last refuge. A poor fisherman, named William Hanson, saw from the shore their dreadful situation; he collected some of the boldest of his fellows, who, with infinite difficulty, rowed him towards the wreck, now lying on her side, and consequently, the mast along on the surface of the sea. On the utmost point of the mast he fastened him. self (for his boat dared not approach the hull of the wreck) and from thence clambered to the body of the vessel. Here a new difficulty arose-the contest between the mother and daughter, which should, by the profered aid, first attempt the shore; nor was it ended till their gallant deliverer assured them that he should return to her who should remain. He first brought to the shore the mother—and, scarcely waiting to take breath, returned for the daughter, whom he afterwards, through the tremendous surge, landed in safety.

"Newcastle, Dec. 24.

"On Friday last, this district was visited by a hurricane, such as scarcely the oldest inhabitants can remember the parallel of. Fortunately for the shipping on the eastern coast, it blew from the S. W. so that the damage has been chiefly confined to the land. This, however, has been so general, by the blowing down of chimnies, unroofing houses, tearing up of trees, &c. &c. that it would be vain to attempt a particular description of the destruction of property; and happily the loss of lives, or injuries sustained in person, have been far fewer than was feared, or might have been expected. Every building, exposed to the full force of the

wind, has suffered more or less.-A part of the ornamental parapet wall, which surrounds the roof of All Saints church, was blown into Silver-street, breaking in its way several bars of the iron railing of the churchyard. One of the S. W. windows was blown in, carried over the gallery, and thrown into the body of the church, before the clerk's desk, with such force as to shiver the solid mahogany of the pews like glass. A large stone urn was blown from the steeple, and fell at the head of the Butcher Bank.-St Nicholas church sustained considerable injury in the windows, &c. and the large new window in the organ loft of Hanover-square chapel was completely driven in. A house without the Westgate was half demolished by the falling of chimnies. A similar accident happened to the Old Pack Horse inn, in Pilgrim-street, and to the lodging-house immediately adjoining the Queen's Head inn, in the same strect, occupied by Mr Scaife, whose family had a narrow escape, as the whole mass came tumbling upon them; and a child was actually saved by the top of a table, under which it happened to be, forming a shelving roof over its head; the legs of the table as well as the top being broken. The front wall of the house was so far driven out of the perpendicular by the shock, that it has been necessary to take two stories of it down. We regret to add, that the proprietor of this house, Mr Charles Turner, was also a great sufferer by the blowing down of a high chimney of his dwelling house, on the Moor Edge; but fortunately no person was hurt in the rooms through which it forced its way. A sailor was blown from the mast of a Yarmouth trader lying at the quay, and falling on the deck, was killed on the spot."

At North Shiels, much damage was done among the chimnies and tiled roofs at were exposed to the violence of the wind. Happily no lives were lost, though some persons were bruised considerably by the falling in of two high chimnies in George Street, which were occupied by a Mr Pattison and Mr Robt. Armstrong. A brick garden wall thirty yards long, near Bedford Street, with the fruit trees, was laid flat, almost in a mass. Chimnies, roofs, weather vanes, &c. were scattered in all directions. At Whithall Point, the inn having a hipped roof, the chimnies at each end were precipitated through the pantiles upon the ceiling. Fortunately no person was hurt. keel was driven out to sea by the violence of the hurricane, with one man on board who being fortunately taken up by a ship, was put ashore at Holy Island.


At Sunderland, the wind did considerable damage. Several keels laden with coals


were sunk in the river Wear, the roofs of several houses were blown in, and chimnies blown down; and Mr George Cameron, a bricklayer, aged 37 years, was killed by the falling of a garden wall in Nile Street. He has left a widow and five children.

From the Downs to Falmouth the tide rose very high, but less damage was done than on the coast of St George's Channel.

The storm was but little felt on the northeast coast of Scotland, but the tide was high every where during the 16th, and several vessels were drove from their anchors, but we have not heard of a single vessel being lost.

His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry has presented the Rev. Mr George Heron to the church and parish of Terregles.

His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch has presented Mr James Donaldson, preacher of the gospel, to the church and parish of Cannobie.

John Home of Longformacus, Esq. has presented Mr George Bell, preacher of the gospel, to the church and parish of Longformacus, vacant by the death of the Reverend Selby Ord.

Lady Stuart of Castlemilk has presented Mr Patrick Clason, preacher, (son to the Reverend Robert Clason of Logie,) to the church and parish of Carmunnock, in the Presbytery of Glasgow.

The Rev. Mr Manual, of St Ninian's, near Stirling, is elected, by a large majority, to be the pastor of the Scots Church, London Wall, in the room of the late Rev. Dr Young, deceased.

On the 9th Dec. the Associate congregation of Auchinleck gave a harmonious call to Mr Andrew Issac, preacher of the gos pel, to be their pastor.

On the 21st Dec. Mr John Johnstone, preacher of the gospel, was ordained minister of the Associate (Burgher) congregation, Leslie. The Rev. William Gibson, Balgeedie, preached and presided.

On the 22d Dec. the Associate Antiburgher congregation of Minnyhive, gave an unanimous call to Mr William Rattray, preacher of the gospel, to be their pastor.

The Associate Burgher congregation of Dundee gave an unanimous call, on Nov. 20th, to Mr George Donaldson, preacher of the gospel, under the inspection of the Associate Synod.

Mr Robert Paul, writer to the signet, is admitted, by the Judge Admiral of Scotland, a procurator of the High Court of Admiralty.

On the 7th Dec. Mr George Simpson, South Bridge, was unanimously chosen, by Jan. 1815.

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Professor J. Playfair, President. Sir George S. Mackenzie, Bart. Vice-President. James Bonar, Esq. Treasurer. Dr David Brewster, Secretary. James Jardine, Esq. Astronomer.

Directors.-Lord Provost. The Conve


Professor of Natural History. Professor of Mathematics. Professor of Practical Astronomy. Andrew Waddel, Esq. Thomas Thomson, Esq. Lord Meadowbank. Mr Andrew Mylne. Gilbert Innes, Esq. James Russel, Esq. Alexander Keith, Esq. Dr Gordon. Daniel Ellis, Esq.James Innes, Esq. Sir H. Moncrieff, Bart. Dr James Gregory. Dr T. C. Hope. Professor D. Stewart. Right Hon. Lord Gray. H. R. Brown, Esq. William Trotter, Esq. Henry Jardine, Esq.


President.-R. Jameson, Esq. re-elected. Vice-Presidents.-Dr C. Anderson. Dr Yule. Dr Home. Colonel Imrie.

Patrick Neill, Esq. Secretary. Sir P. Walker, Treasurer. James Wilson, Esq. Librarian. P. Syme, Esq. Painter.

Council. Dr Wright. Dr Barclay. R. Stevenson, Esq. Dr John Gordon. Dr Alex. Monro., R. Maughan, Esq. W. Ellis, Esq. Lord Gray.


Ordinary Directors.-Alex. Liston Ramage, Esq. Walter Brown, Esq. James Erskine, Esq. William Henderson, Esq. Robert Anderson, Esq. Charles White, Esq. Samuel Paterson, Esq. William Ellis, Esq. John Cheape, Esq. Adolphus Sceales, sen. Esq. Archibald Campbell, Esq. Thomas Burns, Esq. Forrest Alex. ander, Esq. John Anderson, Esq., and George Brunton, Esq.

Alexander Macartney, Esq. Manager. Extraordinary Directors.-Colonel Alexander MacGregor Murray. Donald MacLeod of Geanies, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel


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The following gentlemen were added to the list of Ordinary Members of the Society, viz:

Andrew Bonar, Esq. banker in Edinburgh. William Waring Hay, Esq. James Haig, Esq. merchant in Edinburgh. Captain John Donaldson Boswall, royal navy. C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Advocate. Sir Patrick Walker, advocate. Thomas Allan, Esq. banker. John Wardrop, Esq. banker. Ro. Pearce Gillies, Esq. advocate. John Thomson, Esq. merchant. Rev. William Ritchie, Athelstonford. Rev. Mr Milne, A. M. William Stewart, Esq. of Ardvorlich. Mr James Hogg, author of the Queen's Wake. Jo. Stainton, Esq. Robert Maclauchlan, Esq. of Castle Lachlan. Robert Jamieson, Esq.

The following gentlemen were also admitted Honorary Members of the Society :

Alexander Humboldt, Member of the Institute of France.

Jean Baptiste Biot, Member of the Institute of France, of the Board of Longitude, and Professor of Mathematics in the College of France.

Francis Arago, Member of the Institute of France, and of the Board of Longitude. T. F. Artaud, Director of the Museum of Antiquities of Lyons.


[From the London Gazette.] Whitehall-Dec. 27.-The Prince Regen has granted the dignity of a Baronet of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ire land to the following Gentlemen respective ly, and the heirs male of their bodies law fully begotten, viz.—

Sir Alexander Campbell, Knt. Major-Ge neral in the Army, and Lieutenant-Genera and Commander of the Forces in the Isle of France.

The Right Hon. William M'Mahon, Master of the Rolls in Ireland.

George Buchan Hepburn, of Smeaton, in the county of Haddington, Esq. late one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland.

The Right Hon. John Marjoribanks, Lord Provost of the city of Edinburgh.

John Silvester, of Yardly-House, in the county of Essex, Esq. Recorder of the city of London.

Thomas Hugh Clifford, of Tixall, in the county of Stafford, Esq.

John Simeon, of Grazeley, in the county of Berks, Esq.

Guy Campbell, Lieutenant-Colonel in the army, and Major in the 6th regiment of


Gilbert King, of Charleston, in the county of Roscommon, Esq. Colonel in the army. John Jackson, of Ailsey, in the county of Bedford, Esq.

Henry Steuart, of Allanton, in the county of Lanark, Esq. with remainder to his son-in-law, Ranald or Reginald Macdonald, of Staffa, and his heirs male.

George Griffiths Williams, of Llwyny Wormwood, in the county of Carmarthen, Esq.

David Dundas, of Richmond, in the county of Surry, and of Llanelly, in the county of Carmarthen, Esq. Serjeant-Surgeon to the King.

Robert Holt Leigh, in Whitley, in the county of Lancaster, Esq. with remainder to the heirs male of Holt Leigh, of Whitley, Esq. deceased, father of the said Robert Holt Leigh.

Edmund Antrobus, of Antrobus, in the county of Chester, and of Rutherford, in the county of Roxburgh, Esq. with remainder to his nephew, Edmund Antrobus, jun. Esq. and his heirs male, and in default of such issue, to his nephew, Gibbs Crawford Antrobus, Esq. and his heirs male, both sons of his late brother, John Antrobus, Esq. deceased.

Samuel Egerton Brydges, of Denton Court, in the county of Kent. Esq. Jonathan Wathen Waller, of Braywick Lodge,

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