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and errors, their overseers being blinded with were given up in strength, understanding, the world and by the god of it, the faith of time and substance, to spend and be spent in Christ and Christianity was marred, the beau- the service of the Lord and his people. ty and comeliness gone, the temple and tabernacle of God ruined, and his divine service


and worship lost, as it was instituted by Concerning Offerings to God, in Prayer and



Thus it lay till the time of reformation and restoration, according to the appointment of THE offerings that are acceptable to God, the Father; which in mercy is largely mani- must be offered in righteousness, and with fested in our age, wherein Christ Jesus is clean hearts and lips. For the Lord is pure returned in the brightness and glory of his and holy, and will be sanctified of all that Father, to bring up the church out of the come near him, and his worship is in Spirit wilderness. He is bringing back and gather- and in truth. Prayer, supplication and ading his scattered flock, to the faith once deliv-dresses to God, being a special part of his ered to his saints, of which he is Author; and worship, must be performed in Spirit and in causing his divine light to shine in their Truth, with a right understanding, seasoned hearts, to give them the knowledge of the with grace and with the word of God; even glory of the Father; and raising the ruin of as the sacrifices under the old covenant were his temple and tabernacle, that he may dwell to be brought and offered in clean vessels, and tabernacle in us, and bring us into fellow-seasoned with salt and with fire. So all, now ship with the Father and himself, and one with another; and to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, and be partakers of his holy ordinance of baptism, baptizing by one spirit into one body, of which he is Head. He is renewing the heavenly gifts of his holy Spirit, both in doctrine and government. The everlasting Gospel is preached again, and order and discipline settled in the church, according to his former institution, for the preservation and growth of all his gathered flock, in the increase of God.

under the new covenant, who approach so nigh to God as to offer an offering in prayer, must have their hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and their bodies washed in clean water, and sanctified with the word of God, and their senses seasoned with his grace and spirit in divine understanding, and must offer that which is sound and pertinent, which the spirit makes known to be needful; whose intercession is acceptable, as a sweet smelling sacrifice to God, and a savour of life unto life, and of death unto death, though in sighs, groans, or few words, being sound, pithy and fervent. For the Lord knows the mind of the spirit, that makes intercession to him, who hears and graciously answers.

The care of the flock of Christ is committed to gifted men, whom the holy Ghost hath made overseers, and who are to take heed to themselves, and to the flock, that all the house of God, which is his people, may be All are to be careful, both what and how kept in order, with respect to all things di- they offer to God, who will be sanctified of vine and human, according to Gospel rule. all that come near him, and is a consuming All are to attend on their ministry and ser- fire, who consumed Nadab and Abihu, who vice, and fulfil it according to their ability offered strange fire, though they were of the and gift; that the house of God may be high priest's line. And there may be now settled on her own mountain, which is above offerings in prayer and supplication, in long all mountains and hills, and many shall repetitions of many words, in the openings of flow to it, and see the ancient beauty and some divine illumination, with a mixture of comeliness which the Lord is restoring to his heat and passion of the mind, and a zeal be church, in decking her with her former orna-yond knowledge; and in this heat, passion ments of Gospel rights and privileges. All and forward zeal, such run into many needconcerned in this great work of restoration, who have received a gift from Christ to officiate therein, are to attend to their office and service for the public good, and not to choose their own time, or ease in the flesh, or their will in the things of this world, which loads them as with clay, and hinders their service for the public, and is no example of selfdenial to the flock of Christ; but savours of that spirit of apostacy, which is to be purged out, as the old leaven, that so it may be seen we are in the footsteps of those who

less words, and long repetitions; and sometimes out of supplication into declaration, as though the Lord wanted information. These want the divine understanding, and go from the bounds and limits of the spirit and will of God, like that forced offering of king Saul, which Samuel called foolish, and the strange fire and forced offering. These offer what comes to hand and lavish all out, that may open and present to view at times, for their own benefit; as if there was no treasury to hold the Lord's treasures; so such in the end,

coming to poverty and want, sit down in the dry and barren ground. Wherefore all are to know their treasury, and treasure up the Lord's openings, and try the spirit by which they offer, that they may know the Lord's tried gold, and not mix it with dross or tin; and know his stamp, heavenly image and superscription, and not counterfeit, waste, or lavish it out, but mind the Lord's directions, who will call all to an account, and give to every one according to their deeds; and all the churches shall know that he searches the heart and tries the reins.

As under the old covenant there was the Lord's fire, that was to burn continually on the altar, which received the acceptable offerings; so there was strange fire, which was rejected as well as the offering that was offered. And now in the new covenant there is a true fervency, heat and zeal, according to the true knowledge of God in the spirit and word of life, that dies not out, in which God receives the acceptable offerings: so there is also a wrong heat of spirit, and zeal without true knowledge, that with violence, through the passion of the mind, and forwardness of desire, runs into a multitude of needless words and long repetitions, thinking to be heard for much speaking, but is rejected, and is a grief, burthen and trouble to sensible weighty Friends, who sit in a divine sense of the teachings and movings of the Lord's good spirit, in which they have salt to savour withal; though the affectionate part in some, who are not so settled in that divine sense, as to distinguish between spirit and spirit, is raised with the flashes of this wrong heat and long repetitions, which augment the trouble of the faithful and sensible, who are concerned for the good and preservation of all.

his disciples to pray, bade them not be like the hypocrites, or heathen, who used many repetitions, and thought to be heard for their much speaking. "Therefore," saith he, "be not ye like unto them, for your Father knoweth what things you have need of before ye ask him." The prayer which he taught, is full of matter to the purpose, though comprehended in few words; and all his disciples and apostles are to learn of him, and observe his directions, and not the manner or customs of the heathen and hypocrites, in this weighty matter of approaching nigh unto God with offerings, in prayer and supplication.

Our Saviour also left us a good example, written for our learning. When he was under the sense of drinking that cup of sufferings for the sins of all mankind, and of offering to God that great offering for their ransom, he prayed in these words, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me, nevertheless not my will, but thine be done." And in giving thanks in these words, "I thank thee, O Father! Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes, even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight." And there are many more examples in the Scriptures, full and pertinent to the matter, comprehended in few words, and not like the heathen, in tedious repetitions, who think to be heard for their much speaking. Therefore all who approach God with their. offerings, are to be watchful and careful, both what and how they offer under this administration of the spirit, and dispensation of the new covenant.

I have travelled under a deep sense and concern in this matter for some time. WILLIAM EDMUNDSON.

The 12th of the First
month, 1695.

Son Tryal,

West Chester, the 12th of the
Fifth month, 1697.

We read that the priests of Baal in their offerings, were earnest, hot and fierce, and cut themselves, making long repetitions from morning until evening, so kept the people in expectation to little purpose. But Elijah having repaired the Lord's altar, and prepared his offering, in a few sensible words, pertinent I RECEIVED thine at Liverpool, with one by to the matter and service of the day, prayed order from the Monthly Meeting, and am thus in the spirit and power of God: "Lord heartily glad to hear that things are well with God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it you, and I pray God continue them so, with be known this day, that thou art God in the increase of his goodness. For no worldly Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I things would be so pleasing to me, as your have done all these things at thy word. Hear preservation from the corruptions that are in me, O Lord! hear me, that this people may the world, which the fear of God, and love know, that thou art the Lord God, and that to his blessed truth, preserve out of. If thou thou hast turned their hearts back again." and the rest take good heed unto this, it will Which the Lord heard and answered. So add to my comfort; and if it should be otherhere a few sensible words, with a good un-wise it will add to my trouble, and heap sorderstanding, pertinent to the matter, without row upon my head. Therefore I desire that needless repetitions, were prevalent with God. you may all be careful, in your conduct and Our Saviour, Christ Jesus, when he taught conversation, for God's glory, your own good

and credit, and my comfort. I am very well, considering my old age, and my travels and labours in the Lord's service, which hitherto the Lord hath given me strength and ability to perform, I hope to his honour and the good of many.

exercise, admires his infinite goodness, and praises his holy name.

As I wrote in my last to thee, my children's folly is as a weapon in the hand of evil doers, against the Lord's work in my hands; but the Lord, who knows my heart's integrity and innocency, out-balances all opposition with his irresistible power, and crowns his testimony with dominion over all gainsayers; blessed

There is some service before me in three or four counties in these northern parts, which I am now entering upon, resigned to the will of God, whether to live or die. George be his name. Yet it is a grief and sore trouRooke, my companion, who hath hitherto been very serviceable and helpful, is now leaving me and coming to Ireland, with Amos Strettle; so that I am left alone, but hope the Lord will not leave me, who hath been with me hitherto, and blessed and prospered his work and service, giving strength and ability beyond the ordinary course of nature; blessed be his name for ever.

ble to be wounded with an arrow that sprung from my own loins, prepared through my children's folly for want of the fear of God, and reverence to such a father, whom the Lord hath endued with many favours. It ought to seize all your hearts and break them in a deep sense of bitter sorrow, and be a warning to all of you, who are innocent, to be watchful over your own ways in godly fear, that you fall not into the like tempta. tions, which dishonour God, and are a blot and stain to their name, who fall into them, not easily to be done away out of the memory of God and men. A good name deservedly lost, is hard to regain: therefore thou my son, Remember my tender fatherly love to thy with the rest that are innocent, fear the Lord, brothers and sisters, and to my grandchildren, love his truth, take advice of approved elders, desiring they may all do well, and so walk, which may be for your preservation in credit that no occasion may be given by any of them with God and good men; and experience against the Lord's blessed truth, or for de-shows, that they who honour the Lord, he famation of themselves. For in everything, doth honour them. I was at Liverpool and wherein any sin against God and dishonour Chester, thinking to come over with George him, they discredit and dishonour themselves: Rooke, but was not clear of this service which but all that honour the Lord in their conversation, he honours, and will honour with many favours. This is what offers at present from a tender careful father.

And now, my son, it will be gladness to me, that thou show thyself a man for truth, in all thy concerns; and if thou truly fear God, thou wilt learn wisdom, which will give thee credit and favour with the Lord and his people.


York, the 7th of the Sixth
month, 1697.

I am upon, and must not leave it until performed. I earnestly desire thou wilt be careful on thy part, in the fear and wisdom of God, to perform what thou hast written, that I may have comfort of thee: for nothing in the world is so pleasant to me, as to see my children doing well, walking in the blessed truth. I have had many large and full meetings since George Rooke left me, in Cheshire, LancaSon Tryal, shire and thus far in Yorkshire; many Friends THIS may let thee and the rest know, who came far to meetings, and the Lord's power desire to hear of my welfare, that through answered their expectation, and many honest the mercies of the Lord I am well, and sensi-hearts are thankful and glad of this labour of ble of his renewing my strength every way, love. I came this day to this city, and intend to perform his service required of me, which to stay their meeting to-morrow, being firstI hope will be to his praise and the good of day, and then as the Lord enables, to go tomany when I am gone. My chief care is, wards Burlington, Scarborough and Whitby; that I may do my day's work in time, according to his will; first in general, and secondly in particular for my children and offspring of my family. To be clear of all men's blood I in the day of account, my service is more than ordinary in several things, and strength and ability given accordingly. The Lord is great, and greatly to be reverenced and feared; his wisdom is infinite, and the ways of his judgments unsearchable. My soul and spirit, in the sense of his wonders, in the depths of

and when clear there, through Bishoprick and Westmoreland into Cumberland, and if the Lord lengthen my time, then to see you again. know not yet whether to ship at Liverpool, or go by land to Port-Patrick in Scotland. I hope in the Lord's strength to be in Cumberland in three weeks from this date. Remember my dear love to elders and honest Friends of our Monthly Meeting, as if I named them one by one; and I charge thee to give them a true copy of this, and let them read it in the

men's meeting, and it shall be a witness for me, if I should not see your faces again.

elders in all such cases, walked as good examples, that the flock might follow their footAnd now my son, my prayers are for thee, steps, as they followed Christ, in the daily and my care is for thy well-doing, that thy cross and self-denial, in their dwellings, callbehaviour in all things may give thee credit, ings, eating, drinking, buying, selling, marryand me comfort. Show thyself a man in all ing and giving in marriage. And this answerconcerns, and act in all things as in the sighted the Lord and his witness in all consciences, of God, who orders all things for the best, for them that fear him, and cast themselves upon his ordering providential power, that rules all things. It is safe to keep there out of all selfwill and haste.

WILLIAM EDmundson.

and gave us great credit among men.

But as our number increased, it happened that such a spirit came in among us, as was among the Jews, when they came up out of Egypt. This began to look back into the world, and traded with the credit which was not of its own purchasing, striving to be great

A Postscript to an Epistle from Leinster Pro- in the riches and possessions of this world.

vince Meeting.

Then great fair buildings, in city and country, fine and fashionable furniture, and apparel suitable, dainty and voluptuous provision, rich matches in marriage, and excessive, customary, uncomely smoking of tobacco came into practice, under colour of being lawful and serviceable, far wide from the footsteps of the ministers and elders whom the Lord raised up, and sent forth into his work and service at the beginning; and contrary to the example that our Lord and Master Christ Jesus left us, when he was tempted in the wilderness with the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, which he despised.

WHEN the Lord first called and gathered us to be a people, and opened the eyes of our understandings, we saw the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the wickedness that was in the world; and a perfect abhorrence was fixed in our hearts against all the wicked, unjust, vain, ungodly, unlawful part of the world in all respects. We saw that the goodly and most lawful things of the world were abused and misused; and that many snares and temptations lay in them, with troubles and dangers of divers kinds, which we felt the load of, and that we could not carry them, And of Moses, who refused the crown of and run the race the Lord had set before us, Egypt, and to be called the son of Pharaoh's so cheerfully as to win the prize of our sal- daughter; rather choosing affliction with the vation. Wherefore our care was to cast off Lord's people-having a regard to the rethis great load and burthen, viz: great and compense of reward. And the holy apostle gainful ways of getting riches, and to lessen writes to the church of Christ, both fathers, our concerns therein, that we might be ready young men and children, advising against the to answer Christ Jesus our Captain, who had love of the world, and the fashions thereof, called us to follow him in a spiritual warfare, which are working as the old leaven at this under the discipline of his daily cross and very time, to corrupt the heritage of God, self-denial. Then the things of this world and to fill it with briars, thorns, thistles, tares were of small value with us, so that we might and wild grapes, to make the Lord reject win Christ; and the goodliest things thereof it and lay it waste. But the Lord of all were not near us, so that we might be near the Lord; for the Lord's truth out-balanced all the world, even the most glorious part of it.

Then great trading was a burthen, and great concerns a great trouble; all needless things, fine houses, rich furniture and gaudy apparel, was an eye-sore. Our eye being single to the Lord, and to the inshining of his light in our hearts, this gave us the sight of the knowledge of the glory of God, which so affected our minds, that it stained the glory of all earthly things; and they bore no mastery with us, either in dwelling, eating, drinking, buying, selling, marrying, or giving in marriage. The Lord was the object of our eye, and we were all humble and low before him, self being of small repute. Ministers and

our mercies, whose eye hath been over us for good, since he gathered us to be a people, and entered into covenant with us; according to his ancient promise, is lifting up his spirit, as a standard against the invasion of this enemy, and raising up his living word and testimony in the hearts of many, to stand in and fence up the gap, which this floating, high, worldly, libertine spirit hath made, that leads from the footsteps of those that follow Christ, and know him to limit them with his bounds, and dare not in their own will and time, lay hold on presentations and opportunities to get riches, which many have had, and refused for truth's sake, and the Lord hath accepted thereof as an offering, and rewarded them with great comfort, to the praise of his great name. WILLIAM EDMUNDSON.


My dear Friends,

fellowship of his light, as co-workers together in his vineyard. Thus all things may be kept clean and sweet, and every weed and seed that God hath not sown, may be plucked up and rooted out of his garden, which is to bring forth good and pleasant fruit to his honour, that he may take pleasure to walk, and dwell in you, to sup and make his abode with you, and in you, to your comfort. And if it should be my lot in my old age to see you again, I might be comforted in your faithfulness and growth in the blessed truth, and a godly concern fixed in your minds, for the promotion of the government of it, both in doctrine and discipline.

In this nation we are very peaceable, and truth prospers; Friends are in good esteem, and a godly concern comes upon many, to be devoted with their whole abilities to serve the Lord, who gives them wisdom and understanding in the management of truth's affairs, for the good of all. And the Lord blesseth their endeavours; so that in his spirit and power, which is strong and mighty with us, the authority of truth in church government is over all gainsayers; and the close order of the Gospel is over all loose libertine spirits and earthly worldlings; and truth prevails to the great satisfaction of all the sincerely concerned, and to the praise and honour of God. Amen.

You are in my memory in the ancient love of God, in which I visited you, and laboured in your island, and those parts of the world, to gather into the blessed unchangeable truth, and to settle and confirm you in it, according to the ability and gift of God given to me, and ministered to you in the demonstration of the spirit and power of Christ. In this, the mysteries of faith and the discipline of the Gospel were unfolded to you, for your settlement under Christ's government in the new covenant, and to know the bounds and liberty of it, that you might walk in it in all things, to the praise and honour of God, who called and gathered you to be a people; and not turn to the elements of the world, nor be entangled, neither carried away after the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, or pride of life; but walk in the liberty of the new covenant, as lights in the world. God hath set limits for his people in his new covenant, as he set bounds for the Jews in the old covenant, which they were to observe and do, yet did not; but took liberty beyond the bounds of that covenant, and were cut off, though they were the natural branches. And now all inward Jews, who are circumcised with the spirit of Christ, are to know the liberty of the Gospel of Christ, and the bounds of The parliament is now sitting in Dublin, the new covenant, and observe them in all where I, with several Friends attend, and they things, that their doings may be to the praise are very loving and kind to us-ready to do and honour of God; whether in eating, drink- us good, and to ease us in what they reasona ing, buying, selling, marrying or giving in bly can, and have a regard to us in acts that marriage. They are not to take liberty to pass. The Lord is to be admired in the care themselves in their unsubjected wills, to satis- he takes of his people who trust in him, and fy their carnal minds, in vanities and plea- cast their care upon him, and seek his honour sures; and so break God's new covenant, as before all private interest; such the Lord is the natural Jews did the old covenant. Such honouring; everlasting praises to his name. fruitless branches will wither, and be cut off My sincere love, in the unchangeable truth, from God's people, and be ranked with Adam is to you all, and my prayers to God for in the fall, who broke God's covenant, by going beyond the bounds that God set him, and was driven out of the garden of God. So all that go into fleshly liberty, out of the cross of Christ and self-denial, go into the earth, and into the pleasures and delights of it, and are dead whilst they live.

Walk in the blessed and comely order, established in the church of Christ by his spirit and power, in his heavenly counsel and divine wisdom, that all may be preserved from the evils and vanities that are in the world, and grow up together in the faith of Jesus, and grace of God, from one degree of strength and knowledge of Christ Jesus to another; that through the exercise of your senses, in the law of the spirit of life in Christ, you may be skilful in the word of righteousness, to act for God in the unity of his holy Spirit, and



Dear Friends, Brethren and Sisters;

LET us seriously consider the great and weighty service of our men's and women's meetings, to order and manage matters relat ing to Gospel order in the church of Christ, to the honour of God and his blessed unchangeable truth, made manifest to us, that we may be preserved faithful therein, and our lights may shine in the comely order thereof, by the good fruits brought forth among us, the Lord's peculiar people in this generation, as good examples to others, and as lights in the world. Men's and women's meetings had need to have a special godly care, to see that

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