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must give an account unto him of every idle word," and of all the hard speeches which you have spoken against his servants, his pure way of truth, and his people; that you were warned to repentance in your life-time, by a lover of all your souls, though but as a child, and one of the least among many of the Lord's children and people; yet he hath obtained favour with the Lord and mercy at his hand, through true judgment for sin, and transgression. And therefore hath "rather chosen to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season." JOHN BANKS.

Given forth in the year, 1661.

riches, or in that which will perish in a moment? "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee," and then whose shall all these things be, for which thou hast forsaken my precious truth, saith the Lord; which of my everlasting love I made manifest unto thee, for the salvation of thy soul. "For as I live,' saith the Lord, "I will not the death of a sinner-Oh foolish and unwise people, who hath bewitched you, that you should forsake the truth," which for ever will be your condemnation, except you repent. Repent then, consider your ways, and be wise, who are not wholly given up to hardness of heart, and past feeling that which is good: Repent, and return unto the Lord God with all your heart, and be ye separated from all idol worships, and come ye out from amongst all those people who resort thereto, whose course is evil, and whose way is not right. For if you do not, but go on in rebellion and hard-heartedness, (mark what I say) seven other spirits more wicked than that which bare rule in you before, will That all in whom there yet remains any tender-enter you; so that you will become two-fold ness, or breathings towards the Lord and his more the children of hell, than you were betruth, and whom the enemy of their souls' peace may be tempting to forsake the truth, for the enjoyment of that which will perish in a moment, may take warning lest they also be given up to hardness of heart.



DID you once know the truth, to convince you of the evil customs, fashions, and vain traditions, together with all the dead worships and forms which are in the world, and are you now like the dog turned to the vomit, and the sow that was washed, to the wallowing in the mire.


Oh! your state is sad, and your condition lamentable, who turned from the light, Christ Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life, into darkness, to be tempted and led away of the devil. Your state is miserable, who turn from worshipping the true and living God, in Spirit and Truth, which worship he accepts and none else, to the worship set up by man's invention and tradition; and forsake the truth, the light, under what pretence, colour or covering soever. If upon pretence of staying at home; and say, Why may you not serve God as well there, as in coming to our meetings; and that you will stay a while at home, and not join yourselves to any people as yet. Oh! Believe not, neither hearken ye unto the enemy of your soul's peace, in this kind of reasoning by his lying spirit, by which he would counsel you; or under what other pretence soever, for this is the craft and subtilty of the old serpent. He will proffer you all the glory and preferment of the world if you will worship him, or that likeness which is now set up, under what name, or in what manner soever; whether by staying at home, or with whatever other trap he may take you; for he cares not whither the body goes or is, so that he in his subtilty can but Consider your ways, and look back from get the rule of the heart, and the affections whence you are fallen; and return unto that set on earthly things. If you lend an ear which justified you, but now condemns you, unto him, you will grow worse and worse, or else you must perish eternally. Wherein as the wicked do; and then though you may stands your joy, peace, and comfort? or in enjoy all the pleasures the world can afford, what can you content yourselves? Doth it you shall always beg, and still want; he stand in the enjoyment of the deceitfulness of that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what

Oh! how doth my soul mourn and lament for you in secret, at the consideration of your state; who were once convinced by the light of the Lord Jesus, of the evil that is in those things, and knew his power to redeem you therefrom, in some measure. And as you yielded obedience to that which manifested the evil and departed from it, how did your peace increase? so that you were brought near unto the Lord in spirit, and worshipped him in truth and righteousness, by which you felt acceptance with him, and he was well pleased. And are you now departed from this, and gone back again into Egypt's darkness, amongst the flesh-pots, which causeth you to have an ill savour?

the spirit saith. This covering, or any other besides the Spirit of Truth, cannot hide you from the wrath of the Lord. For where is your example? They that feared the Lord, and worshipped him in Spirit and Truth, met often together, though sometimes upon mountains and high-ways; and did salute the church at one another's houses. And they that forsake the assembling themselves with the people of God, under what colour or covering soever, I must declare it for the clearing of my conscience, whatever they pretend, they neither worship nor serve God, nor hath he pleasure in them, because they draw back; "for if any man draw back, my soul hath no pleasure in him," saith the Lord. All these coverings are but like those of fig-leaves; for "woe unto them that are covered with a covering, but not of my spirit," saith the Lord; all other coverings shall be ripped off in the day of the Lord, and they that are under such coverings, shall be made naked and bare, and by his jealousy consumed.

Oh! how is the truth dishonoured by you who turn from it. Oh! how do vain people boast themselves against it, and plead to do wickedly. “Because of you offences come, but woe unto them by whom they come; it were better that a mill-stone were hanged about their necks, and they cast into the depth of the sea."

fashions in the world, are corrupting, and will defile. And are you not sensible that the Lord out of his everlasting love, did reveal and make manifest these things unto you, that you should come out of them, and be separated from them, and wait upon him, and worship him in Spirit and in Truth, according to his own ordination. And if you turn back again from this his precious truth, which hath separated you from all these things, or at least made them manifest to be evil, into the world where all these things are, you shall be polluted by them.

I say, Friends, do you know, and hath the truth made you sensible of these things? Oh! then for ever stand fast, faithful and obedient, and continue to the end, and you shall be saved. Let none faint in their minds, nor sit down by the way, but in the measure of light, which hath life in it, breathe unto the Lord, and continue unto the end, that in the end you may receive the crown of life, even the salvation of your souls. But they who are not willing to bear the cross, cannot obtain the crown; and they that will live godly in Christ Jesus, must suffer persecution. They that are not willing to suffer with him, must not reign with him; (mark that) and "he that loves father or mother, wife or children, house or lands more than me," saith Christ, "is not worthy of me." Dear Friends, as you value Therefore I say unto all you in whom there the salvation of your souls, which is of are any true breathings towards the Lord and great weight, "choose rather to suffer afflic his truth yet remaining, and do yet feel the tion with the people of God, than to enjoy spirit of the Lord striving with you; in whom the pleasure of sin for a season ;" and do the enemy of your soul's peace may be twist- not hearken unto that spirit in you, which ing and twining, to drive you therefrom, and would say you may go to the world's worto persuade you to forsake the truth, (but ship, and yet live honestly, and serve God under another pretence,) for that which will well enough. Oh! dear Friends, let none perish in a moment, and will bring everlast hearken to that, for that is the seed of the evil ing torment; I say unto you in true and tender one, the devil, who was a liar from the beginlove, take warning betimes, upon the consid-ning. "You cannot serve God and mammon;" eration of what I have before said, concerning the state of them who are turned from the truth; lest you also be given up to hardness of heart.

you cannot forsake the truth, and serve God; though the enemy of your soul's peace may tell you that departing from or not coming to meetings, in the way and manner that the Friends, do you know the truth in any mea- people of God meet to worship him in Spirit sure to abound in your hearts, yea, though and Truth, and going into the world, or to never so little? and do you feel the spirit of their worship, is not departing from the truth, the Lord yet to strive with you, which will and that you may serve God in another way, not always strive? and are you sensible for and live honestly in this world. Dear Friends, what it striveth? and do you know the truth, be not deceived through the subtlety of the and that there is not another way, nor truth, enemy, for God will not be mocked: such as that can bring people unto God? and do ye every one of you sows, such shall he reap; know that ye are in that, and if you turn" they that sow to the flesh, shall of the flesh from that, it must be to your own condemnation?

And doth the truth let you see that all worship and forms, and many ways and opinions in the world, are dead, dry and empty; and that all the vain customs and changeable VOL. II.-No. 2.

reap corruption; but they that sow to the spirit, shall of the spirit reap life eternal."

But rejoice ye, my suffering Friends, who sow unto the spirit, of which you shall reap life everlasting; rejoice, I say, and be exceeding glad, even in the God of your salvation.


Dear Friends,

Let your rejoicing be in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which ye are crucified unto the world, and the world unto you; ye lambs of my Father's fold, with whom I lie down and am safe, even in the endless rest. Oh rejoice, ye who are freely given up to fol- THE foundation of God standeth sure, and low the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, in this they whose building is thereupon, dwell in the day of trial; "wherein he will thoroughly safety, where the enemy cannot come. Dear purge his floor, and gather the wheat into his Friends, keep the watch, that nothing may garner, and burn the chaff with unquenchable have any entrance into your hearts, but the fire." In which day the wolf is seeking to beloved of your souls, whose love hath been worry you, and the ravenous beasts to make so prevalent with you, that by it a willingness a prey of you; and wherein the spoiler may hath been wrought in you to part with all for be suffered to take away that which you enjoy | his sake. Oh! therefore, press on towards aş to the outward; yet again I say unto you, the recompense of reward, always following as rejoice; as one whom the Lord hath made him, so that you may feel sweet peace with sensible of your state, as being a member of him in your bosoms; for behold he cometh the same body, for the stirring up of the pure quickly and his reward is with him; who mind in you, that you may be more sensi- can deliver, both out of the fire, and out of ble of his love in your trial, and that you the water. may answer the same by pure obedience: Praise and magnify the God of your salvation, by walking in obedience to what he requires of you, or suffers to come upon you, for the trial of your faith, who are as those having nothing yet enjoying all things to the praise of the Lord. Yea, truly, my Friends, this can I say to your comfort, that in whatever ye suffer freely and willingly, for holding the testimony of Jesus in righteousness, you shall receive an hundred fold in this world, though it cannot be beheld with an outward eye, and in that which is to come, everlasting life.

Blessed are your eyes that see, and your ears that hear, and your hearts that understand the things of God aright, for you shall hear and receive the things that belong to your peace. Yea, as you diligently hearken to that still small voice in you, which is the voice of the true Shepherd, who calleth the sheep of his pasture into his fold, who know his voice, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. As you keep close unto this, which leadeth into the low valleys, where fat pasture is, you shall receive strength, whereby you will be enabled to stand in and go through the greatest trials, and leap over the highest mountain that shall arise in your way. So shall you finish your testimony for the Lord, and his pure way of truth and righteousness, in the faith of Jesus Christ, in which you did begin; which is to make a blessed and happy end and finishing; for such as continue and persevere unto the end, in all faithfulness, shall be saved. Unto which the Lord preserve you all, bold and valiant, and faithful for the truth, while yet upon the earth,

Is the breathing and travail of my soul, in ten-
der love to the Seed of God in all.

Let none think it strange concerning the fiery trial, in which the Lord hath seen it good to try you, among the rest of his people, as though some strange thing had happened; but all be faithful to the Lord unto death, and you shall receive a crown of life. It is not they that have begun well, and sit down by the way, who receive this recompense of reward; but they who in faithfulness continue unto the end, who know the saving health of Israel, and are cured of all their infirmities.

Let none suffer that to have place in your hearts, which would say, Why is it thus? or why hath the Lord suffered it thus to come to pass? But all keep the faith and hold fast your integrity, and be steadfast in your minds, for ere the day be over, the trial must be greater, before the dross be separated from the pure gold; for the Lord our God is about to work a thorough work in the earth, to make you clean vessels for his use, by which he will get himself honour and make you shine who are faithful.

Blessed and happy are all you, my dear Friends, who honour God in your generation; and woe to them who dishonour him in their lives and conversations, who would seem to honour God with their mouths and lips, and yet their hearts are far from him, in the earth. And all that are given to tattling, and talebearing, and of a whispering spirit, and busy mind, are for judgment; and in what bottle soever these things are retained, it will burst, and must be broken to pieces.

Therefore, watch against every appearance of evil, both within and without, with an eye for good, over one another; that where there is an evil eye, it may be plucked out; and so the eye being single, the whole body will be filled with light, by which the darkness comes to be expelled. And they whose abiding and

dwelling place is here, know that it is a plea-only counted you worthy to believe in his sant thing to dwell together in unity. "It is name and truth, but to suffer for him; Oh like the ointment that was poured upon suffer joyfully the spoiling of your goods: Aaron's head, which ran down his beard, to wife, or husband, whoever it be, part with and the skirts of his garment; yea, as the dew of freely give up each other, whether to a prison, Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon or the spoiling of goods, or to be spoken all the mountains of Sion; for there the Lord manner of evil against. The servant is not commanded the blessing, even life for ever-greater than his Lord; as they have done unto more."

Dear brethren, dwell together in unity, that this blessing may be witnessed among you, even life for evermore. And that this everlasting dew may be felt to be distilled among you, that so you may all be members of that body that is fitly framed together by joints and bands, which the Lord God hath prepared to do his will.

me, saith Christ, so will they do unto you; who suffered even unto the death upon the cross, through the counsel of the chief priests, scribes, pharisees, and hard-hearted Jews.

Dear Friends, consider the everlasting love of God unto you, who spared not his only Son for your sake, that by him, to wit, by his death and suffering, you might be redeemed out of your miserable state, and lost and undone condition. By this love, the Lord your God hath wrought a willingness in your

more; that so in a true sense of the same, you may be preserved, to the tendering of your spirits in true unity and fellowship with him and one with another. In a blessed inward feeling of that love, life, and heavenly unity which are at this time in my heart, I take my leave of you; and breathe unto the Lord, that we may all be preserved unto the end.

And all my dear Friends, in the Lord Jesus Christ, who have kept your garments unspotted of the world, and who have borne a faith-hearts; and oh! that he may work more and ful testimony for him in this trying day and perilous time, peace be unto you: the love of God fill your hearts, and his living unity tie you together for evermore; with whom I am truly bound up, in that bundle of love and life that can never be broken. Surely my soul loves you, and I am truly one with you, in that love and unity, of which length of time, distance of place, and wide seas can make no breach or separation. Oh! be you all encouraged to follow the Captain of your salvation, who hitherto hath gone before and you pleaded your cause with your enemies, both within and without. Surely you have good experience how he hath spread his banner over you, which is love; which unto you hath been as a covering from the heat, and a hidingplace from the tempest and the storm.

Your brother in the living truth, that
changeth not.

From Malloe in the county of Cork,
in Ireland, the 19th day of the
Sixth month, 1671.



it is even so, for there never hath been any weapon yet formed against you which hath prospered, as you have stood in his pure counsel.

Therefore, whatsoever the Lord may yet suffer to come to pass for the further trial of your faith, fear not, ye little flock, for it is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom. And though the waves toss themselves, yet need you not be troubled, for he that delivered Daniel out of the lion's den, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, out of the fiery furnace, is the same as ever he was. "I am the Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed," but preserved, and that to his praise and glory, even all who are of that seed and offspring. And blessed are all you that suffer for truth and righteousness sake, who count nothing too hard, too near, or too dear to be parted with, for this righteous cause of your God; great is your reward in heaven, even life everlasting, world without end. And as the Lord your God, hath not


With an exhortation and warning to all that pro-
fess the truth, and come amongst God's people,
and yet are found in the said customs, fashions,
ways, words, &c., and plead for them.
people of God, in scorn called Quakers do
deny and have no fellowship with such unfruit-
ful works of darkness, but rather reprove
them, because the testimony of truth is against

FASHION not yourselves like unto the world, for the world passeth away, and the glory of it as the flower of the field; and the world by wisdom knows not God, nor the things of his kingdom, for its wisdom is from below, which leads and draws down into the beggarly elements and rudiments. The carnal-minded man knows not the things of God nor his kingdom, even those things that belong to the soul's peace; for they are foolishness to him,

proud antic fashions; which is the cause why their ways are crooked and unclean.


because they are spiritually discerned. The carnal mind and wisdom lead out into carnal, visible things, to feed on the husks among the The way of the people of God, whom he swine; for without are dogs, sorcerers, &c; hath redeemed out of the world, is but one and that spirit which rules in the hearts of straight and pure way, in which they follow the children of disobedience, leads into divers the Lamb in the regeneration, who leads them lusts, pleasures, customs, fashions, idle talk-out of all uncleanness, into purity and holiing, foolish jesting, lying, swearing, pride, and drunkenness. Such discern not the Lord's body, but crucify him, and say, as some did of old, they will not have this man, even Christ, to rule over them; because by his light, he reproves them for their evil deeds. So they crucify the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame, by sinning against him. And in such, who bring forth these fruits, the just suffers by the unjust.

The words of the people of the world, are many, needless, and unsavoury..

But the words of God's people are few and savoury.

The worship of the people of the world, who deny the true light, is in darkness, and their prayer therein is not heard, nor answered; for in praying, they cry, Lord forgive us our sins; and yet they do not believe they can be freed from them; and the people they preach to, live in their sins and so are never the better.

The worship of the people of God is in Spirit and truth; they pray with the Spirit and with the understanding, and their prayers he hears, and answers; they preach, being sent of God, and so profit the people; and such receive the end of their hope, the salvation of their souls, by Jesus Christ the righte

For these are the fruits of the flesh, and of those who preach and teach for doctrines the precepts of men, and are found in the many inventions; in outward washings, eating and drinking, under a pretence that God requires these things at their hands; when as he saith, "Who hath required these things at your hands?" These things do not so much as make clean the outside; and so are far from making or keeping the heart or conscience clean, or void of offence towards God. All such ways, wor-ous. ships, customs and fashions, truth's testimony And now unto you who profess the truth, is against; for these things are practised amongst them who say they are erred and strayed from the way of God, like lost sheep; and so upon good ground God's people dissent from them.

The practice of the world, is to change from fashion to fashion, in pride of apparel, meats and drinks, to see who can exceed each other in pride and high-mindedness; to the end, their eyes and minds may look out, one after another.

The practice of those who truly fear the Lord, is to be plain and decent in their apparel, not given to change, as they of the world are, nor to wear anything but what becomes the truth, and may tend to adorn the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Where God hath endowed with much, they are not to be extreme because of that; nor they who are endowed but with little, to strive to set out the fleshly part beyond their ability; for both in rich and poor, this is to cause the eye to look out, and the mind to wander. But the people of God strive who can exceed each other in good example; both in meat, drink, and apparel, only using what is decent and comely; to the end every eye may be turned inward, and all learn to be lowly minded.

and assemble amongst God's people, and yet are not in reality what you should be, either in your words or practice, in many things; but are loose and unfaithful; in love to your souls, this is written as a faithful warning, being the testimony of truth.

Take heed both old and young, who are fashioning yourselves according to the world in extremes, beyond the bounds of truth, either in your apparel, words, carriage, or behaviour. What! cannot you set the people of the world an example according to truth, and if they will not come to that, never go you to join with, embrace or follow their vain and antic fashions.

And you that are old men and women, both as to convincement and years, set a watch in the fear of God against hastiness, rashness, peevishness, and crossness of spirit, for this is an ill example to your children, and to such who are young and weak in the truth. But be ye grave and temperate, as nursing fathers and mothers; and set a watch before your lips, that you may not offend with your tongue.

And both old and young, who make a profession of the truth, take heed that you do not utter unsavoury words in your communications, and using the name of Lord and God in The ways of the world are many, crooked your common talk, as is the manner and cusand unclean; and they run to and fro in lying, tom of the people of the world. This is swearing, and drunkenness; idle, vain, need-taking the name of God in vain, and such he less, unsavoury words; vain customs, and will not hold guiltless. It is evil communica

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