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In regiment or line, the fquadrons form with an interval betwixt each, equal to one-third of their actual front; nor is there to be any additional interval in a line betwixt regiments, or brigades.

Intervals of fquadrons.

Wheelings, filings, formings, and in general, the movements of manoeuvre, and changes of fituation of the fquadron and regiment, are made at a quick and vigorous pace, determined by the commands that are at the time given- -But in operations that arife, and are required from the nature of a long march, all violent and unneceffary exertions are as much as poffible to be avoided, and in proportion to the extent of the body, muft circumfpection and attention increase.


Divifion is often used as a general word for what- General obever part of a squadron the front of a column may at the time be compofed of.

The fquadron never breaks into divifions of three's or two's. When the word three's, or two's, is made ufe of, it always means, ranks by three's or two's.

The half wheel, the quarter wheel, the eighth wheel of divifions, means their wheeling the half, quarter, or eighth of the quarter circle.


When three's wheel about, it is always to the right about, unless otherwife exprefsly ordered.


General movements of the fquadron.

The fame GENERAL CIRCUMSTANCES muft govern and determine the movements of the fquadron, regiment, or line. Thofe of the fmaller bodies are therefore deduced, and arise from fuch as are required in, and are effential to, the operations of the greater body.

All the VARIOUS movements of the fquadron, or larger body, are compounded of Paffaging and reining back-Dreffing - Marching in frontWheeling Filing - Inclining.

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S. 5. Palaging and reining back.

Paffaging and reining back are leffons of the manage, and neceffary in opening or clofing of ranks, files, or intervals of fquadrons.

When ground is to be taken to the flank by paf- Paffaging. faging, the whole body moves at the word, To THEPASS! and halts, at the word, HALT! and therefore fucceffive movement of files is not to be permitted, nor will it be attempted if the command is given in a ftrong and decided tone.

In reining back of bodies or ranks, the whole look to the hand to which they ought to form or drefs; the movement is never to be hurried: to be made in order, and the horses to be kept straight.

Reining back.


S. 6. Dreffing.

DRESSING is occafional to right, center, or left,

[blocks in formation]

When the fquadron or line is halted, dreffing is generally ordered to the right.

When the entire fquadron moves in line, or wheels, dreffing is to the standard in the center.

When a column of entire fquadrons marches in an alignement in order to wheel up and form line, dressing and covering, as in other fimilar columns, is to the pivot flank.

Dreffing, or placing a rank or number of men in a perfect straight line, is attained by a twofold operation. The firft is, that the men, by being in their perfons


fquare (and their horfes alfo) and looking towards the flank man, endeavour of themselves to conform to and prolong the intended line, which he and others

fucceffively take up. The second is, that during this operation, an officer of each forming divifion, being at that fixed flank point, and either having a given object to the other hand afcertained beforehand, or from his knowledge of the general direction that fhould be taken, by a glance of the eye, affuming fome diftant point in it for himself: he from the ftanding flank corrects, and lines upon fuch point, the man and men next to him, and fucceffively the whole of the body or divifion who are then looking towards him.

Dreffing, and its correction, are therefore to be always understood as a progreffive operation. The firft, fecond, third files next the fixed flank, being first truly placed, the others then rapidly and fucceffively conform to them, under the controul of the officer on that flank, who knows the direction the whole fhould ftand in.

In dreffing, the horses must stand straight to the front, and the mens' bodies must be square, each juft cafting his eye along his next man's face, but without turning his head. The men must be uniformly placed on horseback, for on this fquareness of man and horse both dreffing and movement most effentially depend.

In dreffing, when halted, a fmall turn of the head may be neceffary, and is allowed in order to facilitate it. When the word, DRESS! is alone given, in line or


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