Dual arithmetic, Partie 1


Autres éditions - Tout afficher

Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 11 - THIS series is intended to supply for the use of Schools and Students cheap and accurate editions of the Classics, which shall be superior in mechanical execution to the small German editions now current in this country, and more convenient in form. The texts of the " Bibliotheca Classica" and " GrammarSchool Classics" so far as they have been published, will be adopted.
Page 11 - Classics, so far as they have been published, will be adopted. These editions have taken their place amongst scholars as valuable contributions to the Classical Literature of this country, and are admitted to be good examples of the judicious and practical nature of English scholarship ; and as the editors have formed their texts from a careful examination of the best editions extant, it is believed that no texts better for general use can be found. The volumes will be well printed at the Cambridge...
Page 15 - A Table of Anti-Logarithms ; containing to seven places of decimals, natural numbers, answering to all Logarithms from -00001 to -99999 ; and an improved table of Gauss' Logarithms, by which may be found the Logarithm of the sum or difference of two quantities.
Page 14 - Racine, P. Corneille, T. Corneille, and Voltaire. With Arguments in English at the head of each scene, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by A. Gombert.
Page 7 - English Churchman. THE SECOND ADAM AND THE NEW BIRTH ; or, The Doctrine of Baptism as contained in Holy Scripture. Fcap. 8vo. 7th Edition, price 4*. 6d. *The most striking peculiarity of this useful little work is that its author argues almost exclusively from the Bible. We commend it most earnestly to clergy and laity, as containing in a small compass, and at a trifling cost, a body of sound and Scriptural doctrine...
Page 11 - M. Tullii Ciceronis Cato Major, Sive de Senectute, Laelius, Sive de Amicitia, et Epistolae Selectae. By G. Long, MA 4s.
Page 241 - Sold separately. Commentary on the Epistles for the Sundays and other Holy Days of the Christian Year. By Rev.
Page 245 - New Dictionary of the English Language. Combining Explanation with Etymology, and copiously illustrated by Quotations from the best Authorities.
Page 10 - Holy Thoughts and Prayers, arranged for Daily Use on each Day of the Week, according to the stated Hours of Prayer.
Page 245 - I cannot think any parent or instructor justified in neglecting to put this little treatise into the hands of a boy "about the time when the reasoning faculties become developed.

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