OrientaliaPontificium institutum biblicum, 2008 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 69
Page 56
... hittite answers " , American Journal of Philology 104 ( 1983 ) 217-227 ; id . , " Homeric and Hittite Similes Compared ” , in : Homer and Hittite ( IBS VKS 47 ; Innsbruck 1991 ) 21-29 ; id . , " Shaft - shedding Artemis and mind ...
... hittite answers " , American Journal of Philology 104 ( 1983 ) 217-227 ; id . , " Homeric and Hittite Similes Compared ” , in : Homer and Hittite ( IBS VKS 47 ; Innsbruck 1991 ) 21-29 ; id . , " Shaft - shedding Artemis and mind ...
Page 75
... Hittite documents from the Boğazköy archives , and to study the class of persons it re- fers to within the Hittite culture with all its variations reflected in the texts . Unfor- tunately , we still do not know the Hittite term ...
... Hittite documents from the Boğazköy archives , and to study the class of persons it re- fers to within the Hittite culture with all its variations reflected in the texts . Unfor- tunately , we still do not know the Hittite term ...
Page 77
... Hittite version of the Epic of Gilgamesh , KBO XXVI 101 , 3 and 6 ( duplicate KBO X 47c I 28 and 31 ) . Because of the very poor condition of this text , the understanding of her role rests on the Akkadian versions " . Clauses 189-195 ...
... Hittite version of the Epic of Gilgamesh , KBO XXVI 101 , 3 and 6 ( duplicate KBO X 47c I 28 and 31 ) . Because of the very poor condition of this text , the understanding of her role rests on the Akkadian versions " . Clauses 189-195 ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Acropolis Akkadian aktum-TÚG Alten Orient Ancient Near East Ansatz Archaeological Archives Asosi Assyrian auch Babylonian World Belege bereits blocs book briques Bronze campagne céramique chapter Cuneiform d'Ébla Dinçol dynastie Early Syrian Eastern Ebla éblaïte fouille fragments goddess Haas head hethitischen Hierakonpolis Hincks History Hittite Inschrift Inscriptions Iraq Išar-damu Ishtar Jahre JSOT Karnak king Kizzuwatna Kôm König Koptos Košak Leick Lesung letteratura Literature LMQH MARV mastaba Material Matthiae Mesopotamia mission Museum NABU nord oben oder Old Syrian orientale Palace Pyramide Qatna Rampen Rezensionsartikel ritual Routledge Worlds Schemu seal siehe sind sowie structures Studies Sumerian Syrian Syrian Period tablet temple testi testo textes Thoutmosis IV tissus Tuttul Übersetzung Ugarit Ur III Uruk vizir vizir Ibbi-zikir vizir Ibrium Wiesbaden wohl World The Routledge wurde Zeile zone zwei