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Un arrosoir, a watering-pot.

Une bêche, a spade.
Un râteau, a rake.
Une houe, a hoe.
Un fléau, a flail.

Un moissonneur, a reaper.
Un faucheur, a mower.
Un hangar, a shed.

Un cheval, a horse.

Le harnais, the harness.

Le mors, the bit.

Le collier, the collar.

Les rênes, or guides, the reins.

Une selle, a saddle.

Un fouet, a whip.

Une cravache, a riding-whip.

Des épérons, spurs.

La moisson,

La récolte,

the harvest.

La vendange, the vintage.

Une maison de campagne, a country seat.

Un pavillon, a summer-house.

Un berceau, an crbor.


Un théâtre, a theatre.

La salle, the house.

Le parquet, the orchestra-seats. Le parterre, the pit.

Une loge, a box.

Les avant-scènes, the stage-boxes.
La galerie, the gallery.
Le foyer, the green-room.
L'orchestre, the orchestra.

Le chef d'orchestre, the leader.
La scène, the stage.

Les décorations, the scenery.

Les coulisses, the wings.

La toile, the curtain.

Le spectacle, the play.
Un acteur, an actor.
Une actrice, an actress.

Le directeur, the manager.
Le souffleur, the prompter.
Une pièce, a play.
Une tragédie, a tragedy.
Une comédie, a comedy.

Un opéra, an opera.

Un ballet, a ballet.

Un drame, a drama.

Un mélodrame, a melodrama.

Une farce, a farce.

Un acte, an act.

Une scène, a scene.

Un entr'acte, an interlude.

Une répétition, a rehearsal.

Une représentation, a performance. Un rôle, a part.

Le public, the audience.

Les applaudissements, the applause.
Bis; bisser, encore; to encore.
Les sifflets, the hissing.

Une affiche, a bill.
Un billet, a ticket.
Une contre-marque, a check.


Un voyage, a journey.
La voiture, the coach.
Le déhors, the outside.
L'intérieur, the inside.
De la place, room.
Une place, a place.
Un siége, a seat.
Un voyageur, a traveler.
Une malle, a trunk.

Un sac, a bag.

Un paquet, a parcel.

Le départ, the departure.

Adieu, farewell.

La route, the road.

La halte, the stopping; the stopping place.

L'arrivée, the arrival.

La réception, the reception.

La ville, the city; the town.
Un faubourg, a suburb.

Une rue, a street.
Une place, a square.
Le pavé, the pavement.
Un trottoir, a sidewalk.
Une boutique, a shop.
Le comptoir, the counter.
Une pratique, a customer.
La vente, the sale.

Un acheteur, a purchaser.
Un achat, a purchase (large).
Une emplette, a purchase (small).
Un marché, a bargain.

La grande poste, the general post-office.
La petite poste, the penny post.
Un hôtel, an hotel.

Un restaurant, an eating-house.
Un café, a coffee-room.
Le garçon, the waiter.
La carte, the bill of fare.
Un bureau, an office.
Un commis, a clerk.
Un musée, a museum,
Un pont, a bridge.

Un quai, a quay.

La douane, the custom-house.

Une caserne, a barrack.
Une cour, a court.

Une ruelle, a lane.

Un coin, a corner.

Une borne, a spur-post; a spur-stone.

Une voiture, a carriage.

La portière, the door.
Les stores, the blinds,
Les roues, the wheels.
L'essieu, the axle-tree.
Le timon, the pole.
Un fiacre, a hackney-coach.

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L'âme, the soul.

L'esprit, the mind.

L'entendement, the understanding.

Le jugement, the judgment.

La raison, the reason.

La mémoire, the memory.
Une faculté, a faculty.
Le caractère, the temper.
L'humeur, the humor.
La douceur, mildness.
La sensibilité, sensibility.
La bonté, kindness.
La gaieté, gayety.
L'étourderie, giddiness.
La politesse, politeness.
La colère, anger.
L'amour, love.
La haine, hatred.
La jalousie, jealousy.
L'amitié, friendship.
La tendresse, tenderness.

La reconnaissance, gratitude.

Un raisonnement, an argument.
Un souhait, a wish.

Un désire, a desire.

Une vertu, a virtue.
Un vice, a vice.
La folie, madness.
La sottise, foolishness.
L'orgueil, pride.

La hauteur,

La fierté,


La timidité, bashfulness.
L'égoïsme, selfishness.

Un sentiment, a sentiment.
Une pensée, a thought.
L'humanité, humanity.
La charité, charity.
La pitié, pity.
Un présent, a present.
Un don,

Un cadeau, a gift.
L'aumône, aims.

La simplicité, simplicity.
La droiture, uprightness.
Une bassesse, a baseness.
Un mensonge, a falsehood.
Un souvenir, a recollection.

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-de pied, a kick.

-de dents, a bite.

-de langue, a reflection (censure). -d'œil, a glance.

de bâton, a blow with a stick.
-de fouet, a blow with a whip.
-de couteau, a cut.

-de sabre, a sabre cut.
-d'épée, a sword thrust.
-de canon, a cannon shot.
-de fusil, a gun shot.

-de pistolet, a pistol shot.
-de vent, a gust of wind.
-de soleil, a sunstroke.

-de tonnerre, a clap of thunder.
-de foudre,

d'état, a stroke of policy. grands coups, with great blows. A coups de bâton, with a stick. D'un seul coup, at a single blow. Du premier coup, at the first blow. Pour le coup, for once.

A coup sûr, for a certainty.
Faire son coup, to succeed.

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Admirer, to admire.

Adresser, to adress.t

S'adresser à, to apply to.

Affliger, to afflict.

Agrafer, to hook; to fasten.

Aider, to help.

Aimer, to love; to like; to be fond of.

Altérer, to make thirsty.

Ajouter, to add.

Allumer, to light; to kindle.

Amener, to bring (leading).

Amuser, to amuse.

S'amuser, to amuse or enjoy one's self.

Annoncer, to announce.

Appeler, to call.

* The first conjugation comprises more than three-fourths of all the French verbs,

We give only some of them, which are frequently used.

+ To address, to speak to a person, is, adresser la parole à qqn.

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Déchirer, to tear.

Décider, to decide.
Déclaree, to declare.
Dégrafer, to unhook.

Déjeuner, to breakfast.

Délier, to untie.

Déménager, to remove (one's household). Demeurer, to dwell; to live.

Dépenser, to spend.

Déranger, to disturb.

Désalterer, to quench the thirst.

Déshabiller, to undress.

Désirer, to desire.

Dessiner, to draw.

Détacher, to untie.

Détromper, to undeceive.
Dicter, to dictate.
Digérer, to digest.
Dîner, to dine.

Douter de, to doubt.
Se douter de, to suspect.
Donner, to give.
Durer, to last.

Eclairer, to light; to enlighten.
Economiser, to save.

Ecouter, to listen to.

Effacer, to efface.

Effrayer, to frighten.

Egarer, to mislay; to mislead.

S'égarer, to stray; to lose one's way.

Embarrasser, to embarrass.

Emmener, to take away (leading).

Empêcher de, to present; to hinder.

Employer, to employ; to use.

Emporter, to carry away.

Emprunter, to borrow.
Enfermer, to shut up.
Enlever, to take away.

Ennuyer, to annoy; to weary.
Enrhumer, to give a cold.

S'enrhumer, to take or catch cold.

Enseigner, to teach.

Entrer, to enter.

Envelopper, to wrap up.

Environner, to surround.

Epargner, to spare.

Epeler, to spell.

Epouser, to marry.

Espérer, to hope.

Converser, to converse. Copier, to copy.

Corriger, to correct.

Coucher,t to lie down; to sleep.

Se coucher, to go to bed.

Coûter, to cost.

Créer, to create.

Crier, to cry.

Cultiver, to cultivate.

Danser, to dance.

Essayer, to try.

Essuyer, to wipe.

Estimer, to esteem.

Etonner, to astonish.

S'étonner, to be astonished.

Eveiller, to wake; to awake.

Etudier, to study.

S'éveiller, to awake.

Eviter, to avoid.

Excuser, to excuse.

* Compter, before a verb in the infinite mode, means, to expect, to intend. + Coucher, to sleep, to pass the night. Dormir, to sleep, to be asleep,

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Quitter, to quit.

Gâter, to spoil.

Prier, to pray; to beg. Prononcer, to pronounce.

Proposer, to propose.

Quereller, to quarrel.

Gêner, to be in the way; to pinch (of Raccommoder, to mend.

boots); to be tight (of clothes).

Goûter, to taste.

Gronder, to scold.

Habiller, to dress.

Honorer, to honor.

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Imprimer, to print.

Jeter, to throw; to cast.

Jouer, to play.

Laisser, to let; to leave; to allow.

Se lasser, to get tired.

Laver, to wash.

Se lever, to get up.

Lier, to tie to fasten.
Louer, to hire; to let.
Louer, to praise.
Manquer, to fail.

Marcher, to walk; to march.

Menacer, to threaten.
Mendier, to beg.

Mener, to lead.

Mépriser, to despise.

Mériter, to merit; to deserve.

Meubler, to furnish (a house).

Monter, to ascend; to go or come up.

Montrer, to show.

Négliger, to neglect.

Nettoyer, to clean.

Nommer, to name.

Noyer, to drown.

Raconter, to relate.
Ramasser, to pick up.

Ramener, to bring, or lead back.
Rappeler, to call back.
Se rappeler, to recollect.

Rapporter, to bring or carry back.
Réciter, to recite.

Récompenser, to reward.

Refuser, to refuse.

Regarder, to look at.

Regretter, to regret.

Relier, to bind.

Remercier, to thank.

Remonter, to wind up (a watch). Rencontrer, to meet.

Respecter, to respect.

Rester, to remain.
Rêver, to dream.
Ruiner, to ruin.
Saigner, to bleed.
Saler, to salt.

Saluer, to bow to.

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Nouer, to tie in a knot.

Nager, to swim.

Obliger, to oblige.

Observer, to observe; to notice.

Occuper, to ocсиру.

Offenser, to offend.

Oser, to dare.

Oter, to take off; to remove..
Oublier, to forget.

Pardonner, to pardon.
Parier, to bet; to wager.
Partager, to share; to divide.

Passer, to pass; to spend (time).
Passer à, chez, to call at, upon.
Patiner, to skate.

Pêcher, to fish.

Penser, to think.
Pleurer, to weep.

Porter, to carry; to bear, to wear.

Pousser, to push.
Préférer, to prefer.

Tâcher, to endeavor.

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