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je suis,

tu suis,

je suivis, tu suivis, il suivit,

je suivrai,

tu suivras,

to be sufficient. suffisant.

suff. avoir suffi. ayant suffi.

44. Suivre,

to follow.


avoir suivi.
ayant suivi.

45. Traire,
to milk.
avoir trait.
ayant trait.

46. Vaincre,
to vanquish.
avoir vaincu,
ayant vaincu.

47. Vivre,

to live.
avoir vécu.
ayant vécu.

je suffis, tu suffis, il suffit,

nous suffisons, vous suffisez, ils suffisent.

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nous suffisions, vous suffisiez, ils suffisaient.

je suivais, tu suivais, il suivait, nous su vions, vous suiviez, ils suivaient.

je trayais,
tu trayais,
il trayait,
nous trayions,
vous trayiez,
ils trayaient.

je vainquais,
tu vainquais,
il vainquait,
nous vainquions,
vous vainquiez,
ils vainquaient.

je vivais, tu vivais, il vivait, nous vivions, vous viviez, ils vivaient.

vous suffites, ils suffirent.

nous suivîmes, Vous suivites, ils suivirent.

je vainquis, tu vainquis, il vainquit, n. vainquîmes, v. vainquîtes, ils vainquirent. je vécus, tu vécus,

il vécut,

nous vécûmes, vous vécûtes, ils vécurent.

il suivra, nous suivrons

vous suivrez, ils suivront.

je trairai,

tu trairas,

il traira,
nous trairons
vous trairez,
ils trairont.

je vaincrai, tu vaincras, il vaincra, nous vaincrons, vous vaincrez, ils vaincront. je vivrai,

tu vivras,
il vivra,
nous vivrons,
vous vivrez,
ils vivront.

*In the compound tenses of pronominal verbs, the tAbsoudre deviates from the model in the past

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auxiliary verb être is used for the auxiliary verb avoir,

participle, which is absous, fem, absoute.




See Orthographic Irregularities in the first conjugation, page 108,


48. Bénir, to bless; to consecrate, has two past participles: béni, in the sense of blessed, and bénit, in the sense of consecrated; otherwise it is regular.

49. Défaillir, to fail, is used only in the plural of the indicative present: nous défaillons; in the imperfect: je défaillais; in the past definite: je défaillis; and in the infinitive.

50. Faillir, to fail, has faillant, failli; present: je faux, tu faux, il faut, nous faillons, vous faillez, ils faillent; imperfect; je faillais; past definite: je faillis. It is used principally in the infiuitive, the past definite, and the compound tenses.

51. Férir, to strike, is used only in sans coup férir, without striking a blow, and in the past participle: féru.

52. Fleurir, to blossom; to flourish. In the sense of to blossom, fleurir is regular; in the sense of to flourish, it has the present participle florissant, and the imperfect tense je florissais, etc.

53. Gésir, to lie (ill or dead), has only: il gît, nous gisons, vous gisez, ils gisent; imperfect: je gisais; present participle: gisant.

54. Hair, to hate, has no diæresis on the i in the singular of the present indicative and of the imperative: je hais, tu hais, il hait; hais.

55. Issir, to issue, is used only in the past participle: issu.

56. Ouïr, to hear. Of this verb only the infinitive and the past participle, Duï, are used.

57. Quérir, to fetch, is used only in the infinitive.

58. Saillir, to project, to jut out, is conjugated like cueillir; the third per son and the present participle only are used.

59. Surgir, to arrive at, to start up, is used only in the infinitive.


60. Apparoir, to be evident, is used only in the infinitive and in the third person singular of the indicative present: il appert.

61. Choir, to fall, is used only in the infinitive and past participle: chu. 62. Comparoir, to appear in justice, is used only in the infinitive. 63. Déchoir, to fall away, follows the model voir, except in the past definite: je déchus. The present participle, imperfect, and imperative are wanting.

64. Echoir, to chance to be; to become due, is used only in the third person; # has the same forms as déchoir, and also the present participle: échéant,


65. Messeoir, to be unbecoming, is conjugated as asseoir : je messieds, etc. It is not used in the past definite, the compound tenses, and the present participle. 66. Pourvoir, to provide, follows voir, except the past definite: je pourvus, and the future: je pourvoirai.

67. Prévoir, to foresee, follows voir, except the future: je prévoirai.

68. Ravoir, to get again, follows avoir, but is used only in the future, the conditional present, and the infinitive.

69. Seoir, to become, is used only in the third person of the present: il sied, ils siéent; of the imperfect: il seyait, and of the future: il siéra.

70. Seoir, to be seated, has only the present participle: séant, and the past participle: sis.

71. Souloir, to be accustomed, is used only in the imperfect: je soulais.

72. Surseoir, to suspend; present participle: sursoyant; past participle: sursis; future; je sursoirai. In other respects it follows the model voir.


73. Accroire is used only in the infinitive: faire accroire, to make believe. 74. Braire, to bray; present: il brait, ils braient; future: il braira. 75. Bruire, to roar; present participle: bruyant; present: il bruit; imperfect: il bruyait.

76. Circoncire, to circumcise, follows dire, except the second person of the present: vous circoncisez; and the past participle: circoncis.

77. Clore, to close; present: je clos, tu clos, il clôt; future: je clorai; past participle: clos.

78. Contredire, to contradict, and the following compounds of dire, viz.: dédire, to unsay; interdire, to forbid; médire, to slander; prédire, to foretell, follow the model dire, except in the second person plural of the present indicative and of the imperative, which is disez instead of dites.

79. Courre, to hunt, is used only in the infinitive.

80. Déconfire, to discomfit; past participle: déconfit.

81. Eclore, to be hatched, follows clore (77); it is used only in the third person.

82. Frire, to fry; present: je fris, tu fris, il frit; future: je frirai; past participle: frit.

83. Malfaire, to do wrong, is used only in the infinitive, the compound tenses, and the past participle: malfait.

84. Maudire, to curse; present participle: maudissant. The double s is retained in the parts derived from the present participle; in other respects it follows dire.

85. Rompre, to break, is regular, except in the third person singular of the indicative present: il rompt.

86. Soudre, to solve, is used only in the infinitive.

87. Sourdre, to spring forth, is used only in the third person singular and plural: il sourd, ils sourdent. It has no present participle.

88. Tistre, to weave; past participle: tissu.


! The Model Verbs are in Bold Faced Type.

Abattre (23), to fell.
Absoudre (41), to absolve.
Abstenir (s') (13), to abstain.
Abstraire (45), to abstract.
Accourir (5), to run to.
Accroire (73), to believe.
Accroître (31), to increase.
Accueillir (6), to receive.
Acquérir (3), to acquire.
Admettre (36), to admit.
Advenir (14), to happen.
Aller (1), to go.
Apparaître (28), to appear
Apparoir (60), to be evident.
Appartenir (13), to belong.
Apprendre (40), to learn.

Assaillir (6), to assail.

Assentir (12), to assent. Asseoir (16), to set.

Asseoir (s') (16), to sit down.

Astreindre (29), to force.
Atteindre (29), to attain.
Attraire (45), to attract.
Aveindre (29), to fetch out.
Avenir (14), to happen.
Avoir (p. 245), to have.
Battre (23), to beat.
Bénir (48), to bless.
Boire (24), to drink.
Bouillir (4), to boil.
Braire (74), to bray.

Bruire (75), to make a noise.
Ceindre (29), to gird.
Choir (61), to fall.

Circoncire (76), to circumcise.
Circonscrire (33), to circumscribe.
Circonvenir (14), to circumvent.
Clore (77), to close.

Combattre (23), to fight.

Commettre (86), to commit.

Comparaître (27), to appear.


Comparoir (62), to appear in a court of Complaire (39), to comply with. Comprendre (40), to understand.

Compromettre (36), to compromise.

Conclure (25), to conclude. Concourir (5), to concur. Conduire (26), to conduct. Confire (32), to preserve. Conjoindre (29), to unite. Connaître (27), to know. Conquérir (3), to conquer. Consentir (12), to consent. Construire (26), to construct. Contenir (13), to contain. Contraindre (29), to compel. Contredire (32, 78), to contradict. Contrefaire (34), to counterfeit. Contrevenir (14), to transgress. Convaincre (46), to convince. Convenir (14), to agree. Corrompre (85), to corrupt. Coudre (28), to sew. · Courir (5), to run.

Courre (79), to hunt. Couvrir (10), to cover. Craindre (29), to fear. Croire (30), to believe. Croître (31), to grow. Cueillir (6), to pluck. Cuire (26), to cook. Débattre (23), to debate. Déchoir (63), to fall off. Déclore (77), to unclose. Déconfire (80), to rout. Découdre (29), to unsew. Découvrir (10), to discover. Décrire (33), to describe. Décroire (30), to disbelieve. Décroître (31), to decrease.

Dédire (32, 78), to disown.

Dédire (se) (32, 78), to retract.
Déduire (26), to deduct.
Défaillir (58), to fail.
Défaire (34), to undo.

Déjoindre (29), to disjoin.
Démentir (12), to contradict.
Démettre (36), to dislocate.

Démettre (se) (36), to resign.

Démouvoir (17), to make one desist,

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