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whose pictures you admire (of whom you admire the pictures). 15. I know the author whose address he has given us (of whom he has given us the address). 16. I know what astonishes him. 17. I give you what I have.

[blocks in formation]


(1.) Autrui, OTHERS (used with reference to persons only).

Autrui is always preceded by a preposition.

Les défauts d'autrui.


The faults of others.

Chacun, EVERY ONE; EACH (distributive).

Chacun pense à soi.

Chacun de ces messieurs.

Chacune de ces maisons.

Every one thinks of himself.

Each of these gentlemen.

Each of those houses.



L'un l'autre, EACH OTHER; pl. les uns les
autres, ONE ANOTHER.

Ils s'aiment l'un l'autre.

They love each other.

Ils se trompent les uns les autres. They deceive one another.

(4.) L'un et l'autre, BOTH; l'un ou l'autre, EITHER; ni l'un ni l'autre, NEITHER.

J'achète l'un et l'autre.

J'achète l'un ou l'autre.

Je ne veux ni l'un ni l'autre.


I buy both.

I buy either the one or the other.

I will have neither.


On represents, indefinitely, some person or persons, as subject of the verb. It requires the verb in the third person singular.

On n'est pas toujours maître de One is not always master of him


On vous appelle.

Que dit-on de cela?

On n'en parle pas.


Some one calls you.

What do people say of that?

They do not speak of it.

After et, si, ou, où, and some other words, the letter l' is often used before on (l'on), for the sake of euphony.

On va et l'on vient.


They go and come.

Personne, NOBODY (requires ne before the verb).

[blocks in formation]

REM. Quelqu'un is not used in a negative sense. We should not say: je n'ai pas vu quelqu'un, but je n'ai vu personne, I have not seen anybody.

(8.) Quelques-uns, f. quelques-unes, SOME, A FEW.

Je connais quelques-uns de ces messieurs.

Je prends quelques-unes de ces gravures.

J'en prends quelques-unes.

I know some of those gentlemen

I take a few of these engravings.

I take a few of them.

[blocks in formation]


One of our scholars is absent.
One of his sisters is sick.

nul (ne), NONE, NO ONE.

Not one of those ladies is here.
Not one of those scholars knows

the lesson.

No one in the world knows it.


I have seen several of your friends.
I have seen several of them.

Tel, f. telle, SUCH A ONE, MANY A ONE.

Tel rit aujourd'hui qui pleurera


REM. Tel is also used as a noun: Madame une telle, Mrs. So-and-so.


Many a one laughs to-day who will

weep to-morrow. Monsieur un tel, Mr. Such-a-one;


Il a tout ce qu'il veut.
Il m'a tout dit.

He has all (that which) he wishes.
He has told me everything.

REM. Tout is also used as a noun. the whole produces a fine effect.

Le tout produit un bel effet,

Vocabulary 19.

Le salon, the drawing room; the Frappé, knocked; struck.


Un fauteuil, an arm-chair.
Une chaise, a chair.

Un éventail, a fan.

Un paquet, a packet; a bundle.

Un défaut, a defect; a fault.
Une composition, a composition.
Ensemble, together.
Seul, alone.

Sonné, rung.

Il sonne, he rings.

On sonne, the bell rings.

Demandé, asked for.

Il demande, he asks for; he inquires for.

Il vaut, it is worth.

Parlez, speak.

Prenez, take.

Exercise 19.

9. Ces deux élèves sont

1. A-t-on sonné? 2. On a frappé à la porte. 3. On vous demande. 4. On a apporté un paquet pour vous. 5. Ne parlez pas des défauts d'autrui. 6. Chacun a les siens. 7. Chacun est maître chez soi. 8. Chacune de ces maisons vaut dix mille piastres. toujours ensemble. 10. On ne voit jamais l'un sans l'autre. 11. Ils sont l'un et l'autre très-studieux. 12. Voici deux éventails; prenez l'un ou l'autre. 13. Je ne veux ni l'un ni l'autre. 14. J'en ai déjà* plusieurs. 15. Plusieurs de nos élèves sont absents. 16. Y a-t-il quelqu'un avec M. votre père au salon ? 17. Il n'y a personne avec lui; il y est seul. 18. On a apporté des fauteuils; en avezVous acheté ? 19. J'en ai acheté quelques-uns. 20. Quelques-unes de nos chaises sont cassées. 21. Pas une de ces compositions n'est sans fautes. 22. Nul ne 23. Il m'a tout dit. 24. J'ai

sait cela mieux

tout vu.

que lui.

* déjà, already.

Theme 19.

1. The bell rings. 2. Some one calls me. 3. There is some one in the parlor who inquires for you. 4. They have brought the arm-chair. 5. Every one has his faults. 6. Every one works for himself (soi). 7. Each one of these paintings is worth five hundred dollars. 8. Those are two good friends; one always* sees them together. 9. The one is never without the other. 10. I am never alone at home; there is always somebody with me. 11. Take either of these two fans. 12. I don't like either (I like neither). 13. Have you seen anybody? 14. I have not seen anybody [see (7.) Rem.]. 15. Nobody has been at the office, 16. Several your friends have been here. 17. I have seen several of them. 18. Some of them have bought a few of these chairs. tions is without mistakes, 21.


better than Mr. Such-a-one. 23. I have told him all.

left the city. 19. I have 20. One of these composiNot one of you has done 22. He knows everything.



1. There are four different classes or conjugations of verbs, distinguished by the endings of the infinitive mode. The infinitive-endings are:

In the 1st conjugation, er, as: couper, to cut.
In the 2d conjugation, ir, as: finir, to finish.
In the 3d conjugation, oir, as: recevoir, to receive.
In the 4th conjugation, re, as: vendre, to sell.

*Put the adverb after the verb.

† See Introduction, p. 18, 17.

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