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mf F.

BEHOLD, a virgin shall conceive, and I bear a

and His Name Immanuel

God with us.

f F. 2 O Zion, that I bringest. good I tidings: get thee up into the high I mountain.

3 O Jerúsalem, that I bringest. good I tidings: lift up thy voice with strength.

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4 Lift it up I be not a- I -fraid: say unto the cities of Júdah, Be- | -hold | your | God.

5 Arise, shíne for thy light is I come: and the glory of the Lord is I risen. up- I -on thee. mp 6 For behold dárkness shall I cover. the | earth : and gróss | dark- I -ness the I people.

2nd f7 But the Lord shall a- I -rise up- I -on thee: and his glóry shall be I seen up- I -on thee.




Glory be to the Father, and. to the I Son: and I to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning is nów, and I ever | shall be world without I end. I A- I -men.


mf F. HEAR me when I calls sot rod at fiberty when

eousness: thou hast set me at liberty when

I was in trouble have mercy upon mé, and I
hearken unto my prayer.

F. 2 O ye sons of men * how long will ye blas- l-pheme mine honour: and have such pleasure in vánity, and I seek I after I leasing?

3 Know this also that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man I that is godly: when I cáll upon the Lord I he will I hear me.

4 Stánd in awe and I sin not: commune with your own heart * and in your I chamber I and be still.

2nd part.



5 Offer the sacri- I -fice of I righteousness: and pút your trust in the Lord.

6 There be I many. that I say: Who will shew us any good?

7 Lord lift thou I up: the light of thy I counte- I nance up- I -on us.

Glory be to the Fáther, and. to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost;


As it was in the beginning is nów, and I ever shall be world without I end. I A-I-men.


mf F. Rut, Ol Daughter I of Je- 1 -rusalem.

EJOICE greátly, O Daughter of Zion:

F. 2 Behold thy King cometh I unto thee: Hé is | just and having. sal- I -vation.

3 He is lowly, and riding up- I -on an I ass: and upon a colt the I foal of an I ass.

4 Then the eyes of the blind | shall be | opened :
and the ears of the deaf shall I be un- I

5 Then shall the láme man I leap. as an | hart:
and the I tongue. of the I dumb shall I sing.
6 For in the wilderness shall I waters. break I
out and I streams in the I desert.

mp 7 He shall feed his flock I like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and I carry them I in his I bosom.

ƒ F.


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8 And shall gently lead: those |

with young.

that are

Glory be to the Father, and. to the I Son : and I to the Holy Ghost;


As it was in the beginning is nów, and I ever | shall be world without I end. I A- I -men.


F. BEHOLD the ! Lamb of God: which taketh

the sin of the I world.

F. 2 He is despised and re- I -jected . of I men : a man of sorrows, I and ac- I -quainted. with | grief.

f F.


3 And we hid as it were our I faces I from him: he was despised, and I we es- I -teemed. him I not. 4 Súrely he hath | borne our I griefs: and I carried

our sorrows.

5 Yet we did es- I -teem him I stricken

of God I and af- I-flicted.


6 But he was wounded for I our trans--gressions:
hé was bruised. for I our in- I -iquities.
7 The chastisement of our peáce I was up--on
him and with his I stripes | we are healed.
8 All we like sheep have gone a- I -stray: we
have turned évery one I to his own way.
9 And the Lord hath | laid on him: thể in-l
iquity of us all.

10 Reproach hath | broken. my heart and | I
am full of I heaviness.

II And I looked for some to take píty, but I there was none and for cómforters, I but I foundI none.

12 Is it nothing to you, all ye that. pass by: behold, and see if there be any sorrow I like. unto my sorrow.

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Glory be to the Father, and to the I Son : and I to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning is now, and I ever | shall be world without I end. I A-I-men.




E was taken from príson, I and from I judgement and who shall de- -clare his I gener--ation ?

F. 2 For he was cut off out of the land I of the I living for the transgression of my people I

was he


mf 3 For thou wilt not leave my

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soul in neither wilt thou suffer thine Hóly | One to I see cor- - I -ruption.

f 4 Lift up your heads, O ye gates * and be ye lift up ye éver- I -lasting I doors: and the King of I Glory shall come in.

f F.


Glory be to the Father, I and. to the Son: and I to the I Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning is nów, and I ever l shall be world without I end. I A- I -men.

ƒ F.

2nd part.



HOU art gone up on high thou hast led captivity captive, and received gifts for I men: yea, even for thine enemies that the Lord God might I dwell a- I -mong them.

F. 2 The Lord I gave the word: gréat was the I company of the preachers.

f F.


3 How beautiful are the feet of them that preách the gospel of peace and bring glad I tidings of good things.

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4 Their sound is gone oût into I all I lands: and their words into the I ends of the

world. 5 Let all the angels. of God: wór-——-ship | him.

Glory be to the Father, and. to the I Son: and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning is nów, and I ever 1 shall be world without I end. I A- I -men.


mf F.

BLESSED are the poor in I spirit: for theirs

is the kingdom of heaven.

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F. 2 Blessed are I they that I mourn: fór | they shall be comforted.

3 Blessed are the meek: for they shall in- I herit the earth.

4 Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst I righteousness: fór I they



shall be

Blessed are the merciful: fór they

shall ob. I

tain mercy.

6 Blessed are the pure in I heart fór | they shall see 1 God.

7 Blessed are the I peace-makers: for they shall be called the I children I of God.

8 Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs I is the kingdom of I heaven.

2nd 9


Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and I persecute you and say all manner of evil against you fálsely, I for I my I sake.

ƒ F. Glory be to the Fáther, I and to the | Son: and to the Holy Ghost;

F. As it was in the beginning is nów, and I ever shall be world without I end. I A- I -men.

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