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" These shall the fury Passions tear, The vultures of the mind, Disdainful Anger, pallid Fear, And Shame that skulks behind ; Or pining Love shall waste their youth, Or Jealousy with rankling tooth That inly gnaws the secret heart, And Envy wan, and faded... "
The British Poets: Including Translations ... - Page 31
de British poets - 1822
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The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray LL.B., Late Professor of Modern Languages ...

Thomas Gray - 1799 - 270 pages
...victims play ! No sense have they of ills to come, Nor care beyond to-day : Yet see, how all around 'em wait The Ministers of human fate, And black Misfortune's...them where in ambush stand, To seize their prey, the murd'rous band ! Ah, tell them they are men ! These shall the fury Passions tear, The vultures of the...
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The Poetical Works: Of Thomas Gray, ... with Some Account of His Life and ...

Thomas Gray - 1800 - 302 pages
...victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, Nor care beyond to-day. Yet see, how all around 'em wait The Ministers of human fate, And black Misfortune's...them where in ambush stand, To seize their prey, the murd'rous band! Ah, tell them they are men! These shall the fury Passions tear, The vultures of the...
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Moore. Cawthorne. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone. Mallet. Akenside. Gray ...

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 512 pages
...feize their prey, the murtherous band ! Ah, tell themythey are men ! Thefe (hall the fury paffiont tear, The vultures of the mind, Disdainful Anger, pallid Fear, And Shame that (kulks behind; Or pining LOTS (lull wade their youth, Or Jealoufy, with rankling tooth, That inly gnaws...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue, and ...

E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 pages
...of their doom. The little victims play ! No sense have they of ills to come, No care heyond to-day : Yet see how all around them wait, The ministers of human fate. And hlack Misfortune's haleful train! Ah, show them where in amhush standl To seize their prey the murd'rous...
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The Speaker Or Miscellaneous Pieces Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1804 - 418 pages
...Misfortune's baleful train ! Ah , shew them where in ambush stand To seize their prey the murthVous bantl ! Ah , tell them , they are men ! These shall the fury Passions tear, The vii 1 in res of .the mind , Disdainful Anger, pallid F«ar, And Shame that skulks behind ; Or pining...
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The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray

Thomas Gray - 1804 - 224 pages
...Yet see, how all around 'em wait The Ministers of human fate, And black Misfortune's baneful train I Ah, show them -where in ambush stand, To seize their prey, the murd'rous band ! Ah, tell them they are men ! These shall the fury Passions tear, The vultures of the...
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Poems on various subjects, selected by E. Tomkins

E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 pages
...of their doom, The little victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, No care beyond to-day : Yet see how all around them wait, The ministers of human fate, And black Misfortune's hateful train ! Ah, show them where in amhush stand, To seize their prey the murd'rous hand ! Ah, tell...
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Poetical Works

Oliver Goldsmith - 1806 - 248 pages
...victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, Nor care beyond to-day; Yet see how all around 'em wait The ministers of human fate, And black Misfortune's baleful train! Ah ! shew them where in ambush stand, To seize their prey, the murd'rous band ! Ah! tell them they are...
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The Works of Thomas Gray: Containing His Poems, and Correspondence ..., Volume 1

Thomas Gray - 1807 - 728 pages
...victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, Jsor care beyond to-day : Yet see how all around 'em wait The Ministers of human fate, And black Misfortune's baleful train ! Ah, shew them where in ambush stand To seize their prey the murth'rous band ! Ah, tell them they are men...
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The Speaker; Or Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1808 - 434 pages
...-victims play ! - . , - -...-,. v , No sense have they of ills to corne^ - . No care beyond to-day : '- . Yet see how all around them wait The Ministers of...fate, .'. And black Misfortune's baleful train ! Ah, shew them where in ambush stand , .. To seize their prey the murth'rous band J Ah, tell them, they...
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