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claration thereof made and published, by her Majesty's proclamation, under the great seal of England, all persons, against whom such sentence or judgment shall be so given and published, shall be excluded and disabled for ever to have or claim, or to pretend to have or claim, the crown of this realm, or any of her Majesty's dominions, any former law or statute whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding: and that thereupon all her Highness's subjects shall and may lawfully, by virtue of this act, and her Majesty's direction in that behalf, by all forcible and possible means pursue to death every such wicked person, by whom, or by whose means, assent, or privity, any such invasion or rebellion shall be in form. aforesaid denounced to have been made, or such wicked act attempted, or other thing compassed or imagined against her Majesty's person, and all their aiders, comforters, and abettors.

And if any such detestable act shall be executed against her Highness's most royal person, whereby her Majesty's life shall be taken away, which God of his great mercy forbid, that then every such person, by or for whom any such act shall be executed, and their issues, being any wise assenting or privy to the same, shall, by virtue of this act, be excluded and disabled for ever, to have or claim, or to pretend, to have or claim, the said crown of this realm, or of any other her Highness's dominions, any former law or statute whatsoever, to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding. And that all the subjects of this realm, and all other her Majesty's dominions, shall and may lawfully, by virtue of this act, by all forcible and possible means pursue to death every such wicked person, by whom, or by whose means, any such detestable fact shall be, in form hereafter expressed, denounced to have been committed, and also their issues, being any way assenting or privy to the same, and all their aiders, comforters, and abettors in that behalf.

And to the end that the intention of this law may be effectually executed, if her Majesty's life shall be taken away, by any violent or unnatural means, which God defend: be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the lords and others which shall be of her Majesty's privy council at the time of such her decease, or the more part of the same council, joining unto them, for their better assistance, five other carls, and seven other lords of parliament at the least (foreseeing that none of the said earls, lords, or council be known to be persons that may make any title to the crown) those persons which were chief, justices of either bench, master of the rolls, and chief baron of the exchequer, at the time of her Majesty's death, or, in default of the said justices, master of the rolls, and chief baron, some other of those which were justices of some of the courts of record at Westminster,» at the time of her Highness's decease, to-supply their places,

twenty-four, or more of them, whereof eight to be lords of parliament, not being of the privy council, shall, to the uttermost of their power and skill, examine the cause and manner of such her Majesty's death, and what persons shell be any way guilty thereof, and all circumstances concerning the same, according to the true meaning of this act, and, thereupon, shall by open parliament publish the same, and without

any delay by all forcible and possible means prosecute to death all such as shall be found to be offenders therein, and all their aiders and abettors and, for the doing thereof, and for the withstanding and suppressing of all such power and force, as shall any way be levied or stirred in disturbance of the due execution of this law, shall, by virtue of this act, have power and authority not only to raise and use such force, as shall in that behalf be needful and convenient, but also to use all other means and things possible and necessary for the maintenance of the same force, and prosecution of the said offenders. And if any such power and force shall be levied or stirred in disturbance of the due execution of this law, by any person that shall or may pretend any title to the crown of this realm, whereby this law may not in all things be fully executed according to the effect and true meaning of the same: that every person shall by virtue of this act be therefore excluded and ted for ever to have or claim, or to pretend to have or claim, the crown of this realm,or of any other her Highness's dominions, any former law or statute whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all and every the subjects of all her Majesty's realms and dominions shall, to the uttermost of their power, aid and assist the said council and all other the lords and other persons to be adjoined unto them for assistance, as is aforesaid, in all things to be done and executed according to the effect and intention of this law: and that no subject of this realm shall in any wise be impeached in body, lands, or goods, at any time hereafter, for any thing to be done or executed according to the tenor of this law, any law or statute, heretofore made to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding. And whereas, of late, many of her Majesty's good and faithful subjects have, in the name of God, and with the testimony of good consciences, by one uniform manner of writing under their hands and seals, and by their several oaths voluntarily taken, joined themselves together in one bond and association, to withstand and revenge to the uttermost all such malicious actions and attempts against her Majesty's most royal person. Now for the full explaining of all such ambiguities and questions as otherwise might. happen to grow, by reason of any sinister or wrong construction, or interpretation to be made or inferred of or upon the words or meaning thereof, be it declared and enacted, by the authority of this present parliament, that the same association, and every article and sentence therein contained, as are concerning the disallowing, excluding, or disabling of any person, that may or shall pretend any title to come to the crown of this realm, as also for the pursuing and taking revenge of any person, for any such wicked act or attempt as is mentioned in the same association, shall and ought to be in all things expounded and adjudged according to the true intent and meaning of this act, and not otherwise, nor against any other person or persons.

This Association drawn up and signed by the High Court of Parliament now assembled, on the 24th of February, 1695-6.

WHEREAS there has been a horrible and detestable conspiracy formed and carried on by Papists, and other wicked and traiterous persons, for assassinating his Majesty's royal person, in order to encourage an invasion from France, to subvert our religion, laws, and liberty: we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do heartily, sincerely, and solemnly profess, testify, and declare, that his present Majesty, King William, is rightful and lawful King of these realms. And we do mutually promise and engage to stand by, and assist each other, to the utmost of our power, in the support and defence of his Majesty's most sacred and person government, against the late King James, ar his adherents. And, in case his Majesty come to any violent or her Hely death, which God forbid, we do hereby further freely and unanimously oblige ourselves to unite, associate, and stand by each other, in revenging the same upon his enemies, and their adherents; and in supporting and defending the succession of the crown, according to an act made in the first year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, an act declaring the rights and liberties of the subject, and settling the succession of the crown.

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N. B. In the 13th year of the said Queen were enacted two excellent acts, viz. an act whereby certain offences were made treason; the second against fugitives over the sea.






The High Commissioners, and Lordes of the Counsel.

Penned by the Prisoners themselues before their Deathes.

Ther is nothing couered, that shal not be reueiled; neither hid, that shal not be knowen. Luke xii. 2.

For euery Worke God himself wil bring unto iudgement, with cuery secret thing, whither good or euil. Eccles. ii. 14.

Printed 1586. Quarto, Black Letter, containing thirty two Pages.


HE testimonis and sufferings of the prisoners, whose examinations here ensue, cannot easilie, gentle reader, be forgotten of any, whose harte is touched with care of religion, and zcale of the truth. How


weightie the causes were, for which they suffered, may appear partlie by that which foloweth; but, cheefly, by other writinges and bookes, by themselues set out heretofore. Here hast thow the maner of the prelates proceding against them, and how they were convicted of theyr Brownisme, Donatisme, Anabaptistrie, Scisme, Heresie, &c. wherewith they were charged, and for which they were so many yceres kept in miserable close prisons, and, at last, bereaued of their liues. Sure, whosoeuer had bene the persons, and whatsoeuer the errours, it would wel haue become the Lord Archbishope of the Church of England to haue better instructed and informed them, by the word of truth and wholsome doctrine, before they had bene adiudged to prison and death, 2 Tim. ii. 24, 25, and iv. 2 Tit. ii. 1. Or, if Pauls counsel could not take effect, yet Pilates example might haue stayed such courses, who examined our Lord Christes accusers, and found them false, and neuer sent to close prison, for refusing to sweare to accuse himself, Mat. xxvii. Luk. xxiii. Ioh. xviii. Neither yet did the late prelates, in Queene Maries dayes, vse altogether such seueritie; for Bonner himself, with the other tyrants of that time, had often conference and disputation with the martyrs, and sought, by scriptures, to haue ouerthrowen them, if they could. Euil, therefore, haue our bishops prouided for their cause and credit, so slightly to deale in matters of such moment, and to proceed to such seuere tortures, before more open and orderly conviction of the faultes and errours. For now al posterities shal see their practises; and though they have spilt the blood of those men, which vexed them so sore, yet can they not bereaue the world of their testimonie, which, by word and writing, they haue left behinde them. The Lord gine these men, if they belong unto him, to advert and see their dealinges, and to remember the account, which they, ere long, shal be called unto, before him who is ready to iudge both quick and dead. The publishing of these thinges cannot iustly be offensive to any, seeing, first, nothing is here set downe, but that which was then demaunded, and answered, as neere as the prisoners could remember. Secondlie, And they, which haue themselues set forth the examinations of martyrs heretofore, may not be greeued now, when theyr owne turne is come, and theyr proceedinges made known likewise; they, which doe wel, need not shunne the light. How euer it be, the church of God, I doubt not, shal reap some profit hereby; for which, how smal so cuer it be, let him haue the praise. Amen.

A Brief of the Examination of me Henry Barrowe, the Nineteenth of Nouember, 1586; before the Arch Bishope, Arch Deacon, and Dr. Cussins, as neere as my Memorie could cary, being at Lambeth.

THIS 19. being the Lords day, betwene 9 and 10 of the clock in the forenoone, Mr. Hul and I went vnto the Clinke, to visit Mr. Grenewood, and the other brethren there emprisoned; where we had not bene the space of one quarter of an howre, but Mr. Shepherd, the keeper of the prison, came vp, rebuked Mr. Grenewood, and stayed me, saying, he,

he had commandement from his Lords Grace so to do. I demanded a sight of his warrant; he answered, that he would doe it, and I might afterward, if I were wronged, bring mine action. So he locked me vp in prison, and forthwith went to his Lords Grace to Lambeth. About one of the clock he returned, and brought with him two pursuvantes ; I was forthwith put into a boat, and caried to Lambeth. By the way, one of the pursuvantes, called Watson, drew out of his bosome a letter from the court of Lambeth unto me, saying, how he had a long time sought me. I told him, his paynes deserved thanks, neither at Gods handes nor mine; I refused his letter, and said, that I obeyed neither it nor him, neither would I read it, shewing how I was vnder the arrest of the keeper of the Clinke, who sate by me. Wel, we arrived at Lambeth, wher, after I had perused the bishope his state, I was brought into his presence chamber, yet not vntil this Watson had prevented me, and shewed his maister what had passed in the boat.

Arch. B. Barrowe, is your name Barrowe?
Bar. Yea.


Arch. It is told me, that yow refuse to receiue or obey our letter, know yow what yow doe? It is from the high commissioners, and this man a pursuvant.

Bar. I refused to receive or obey that letter at that time.

Arch. Why so?

Bar. Because I was vnder arrest, and imprisoned without warrant, and against law; and, therefore, now it was too late to bring the letter. Arch. Why, may not a counsellor commit to prison by his bare commandement ? (alledging how the aldermen of London do daily.)

Bar. That is not the question, what a counsellor may doe; but whither this man may doe it without warrant, by the law of the land, (pointing to the keeper of the Clinke.)

Arch. Know yow the law of the land?

Bar. Uery litle, yet was I of Grayes Inne some yeares. (Then his two doctours and he derided mine vnskilfulnes.) Let this passe, I look for litle help by law against yow: I pray yow, why haue you imprisoned me, and after this manner sent for me?

Arch. That yow shal know vpon your oath; Will you sweare? .Bar. I hold it lawful to sweare, so it be done with due order and circumstances.

Arch. Reach a book, hold it him.

Bar. What shal we doe with this?

Arch. Lay your hand vpon it, Man.
Bar. To what purpose?

Arch. To sweare.

Bar. I vse to sweare by no bookes.

Arch. You shal not sweare by the book, but by God onely.

Bar. So I purpose when I sweare.

Cussins. Did yow neuer take an oath at an assise before the iudges there?

Bar. No.

Cus. But would yow refuse there to lay yowr hand on a book and


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