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THE following pages contain an exposition of the history, doctrines, and duties of Christianity, as derived from a general analysis of the whole of the sacred writings. In the conduct of this analysis, no authority has been referred to excepting the Bible; no stress has been laid upon the particular reading of any single passage; no inference has been drawn from any insulated text; but the whole contents of the holy volume have been appealed to as interpreters of themselves. The investigation has shown, that such is the harmony and accordance between all the several parts of the Bible; so strikingly does the unity of subject pervade the whole of the volume; so entirely do all the sacred writings breathe the same language; that the result of the analysis stands unaffected by any doubts which the sceptic or the critic may cast upon the genuineness of any single portion of the holy book, or by any controversy respecting the

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true interpretation of any particular passage. It has shown, that the Christian religion has for its foundation the whole of the Bible from Genesis to the Apocalypse; and that, were any of the component parts of that record withdrawn, the structure would still remain unshaken, for it is built upon a Rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

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