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Edward I.-Continued.

Felton, J., 217

Feudal system, 30; under William I., 38

ments, 72, 78; church policy, 79; Fenians, 451 death, 80 Edward II., weakness of, 80: quarrels with nobles, 82; defeated by Scotch, 82; dethroned and murdered, 83

Edward III., claim on French throne, 85; his victories, 86, 87; death, 92

Fitzgerald, "Flogging," 360
Fitzwilliam, Lord, 357

Five Members, arrest of the, 230 Flanders, importance of, to England, 84

Flax culture in Ireland, 224

Foreign policy, liberal, 393 Forest, Friar, 151

Edward IV., claim of, 117; popular-Flogging, domestic, 145; in navy, 353 ity, 121; deposition, 122; restored, 123; his forced loans, 122; death,124 Edward V., 125; murder of, 128 Edward VI., 156; death, 160 Egbert, 18

Egypt offered to England, 427
Elfheah, 27

Eliot, Sir John, 218

Elizabeth, Queen, imprisoned, 163; accession. 165; church policy, 166; interference in Scotland, 167; rebellion against, 169; prosperity under, 169; helps the Dutch, 178; conspiracy against, 180; financial system, 191; death, 192

Elizabeth, Princess, 199; becomes
Princess Palatine, 307
Elphinstone, General, 418

England [see Britain], its division, 10, 20; union, 18, 24; projected invasion of. 364, 366

English, the [see Angles, etc.], their government, 11; religion, 12; conversion, 14; inferiority to Normans, 31

Essex, Earl of, 189, 190
Ethelred, 26

Evesham, battle of, 70
Excise bill, 307
Exclusion bill, 261
Exhibition of 1851, 424

FAIRFAX. Lord, 235, 237 Falkirk, battle of, 313 Falkland, Lord, 233 Fawkes, Guy, 200

Fotheringay, Mary Stuart at, 185 Fox, Charles James, leader of the Whigs, 336; hatred of George III. for, 365; final success and death, 368

France, dominions of English kings in, 55, 89; loss of, 92; renewal of struggle for, 107; war with, 294; struggle in America, 317; aid of, to American colonies, 334; revolution in, 347; war in consequence of, 349; Syrian difficulty, 415; commercial treaties with, 339, 446; Italian war, 444; German war, 454 Francis I., 138

Frederick, Prince Palatine, 207
Frederick II., 320

Free trade, 394; advantages of, 339, 416

French revolution, 317; effect in England, 350

Frobisher, Martin, 175

Gascoigne, 106

Gascony, 84

Gaveston, Piers, 81

George I., reign of, 303-307
George II., reign of, 307-326

George III., his struggle against parliamentary dictation, 327, 337; insanity of, 341, 379; popularity, 342; prevents Catholic emancipation, 357, 369; death, 391

George IV., character, 312, 379; | Henry III., 64-70; bad character, 66;

reign, 379-400

Gibraltar, capture of, 279; defence of, 337

Gladstone, Mr., improves taxation, 446; disestablishes Irish Church, 452; fall, 455

Glasgow, church parliament at, 223 Glass, use of, 170

Glencoe, massacre of, 280

Glendower, Owen, 104

Gloucester, Dukes of, 100, 126
Goderich, Lord, ministry of, 398
Godfrey, Sir E. B., 260
Godfrey of Bouillon, 56
Godwin, Earl, 32

Gold, search for, 175, 205
"Good Pennyworths," 153
Goods, English, excluded from Con-
tinent, 369

"Grand Remonstrance," the, 229
"Great Commoner," the, 318
Great Mogul, the, 436

Greece, independence of, 398
Greenwich Hospital, 288
Grenville, Lord, 366
Grenville, George, 327
Grenville, Sir Richard, 187
Grey, Lady Jane, 160, 161
Guerillas, 380

Gunpowder Plot, 198

HALIFAX, Lord, 261

Hampden, John, 222; death, 233

Hampton Court, couference of, 196; Charles I. at, 235

Harfleur, 107

Hargraves, 344 Harley, 301

Harold, 33

Hastings, [see Senlac], Lord, 126 Havelock, 440

Hawke, Admiral, 321

Hengist and Horsa, 8

Henrietta Maria, 212, 255

Henry I., reign, 43, 44

Henry II., reforms of, 48; temper, 52; foreign dominions, 54

favoritism, 67; subservience to the popes, 67

Henry IV., Bolingbroke, 101-105; his claims, 101; rules by a parliamentary title, 103

Henry V., 105, 106; war with France, 106

Henry VI., 111-117; crowned king of France, 111; bad government, 115; deposed, 117; restored, 122; death, 123

Henry VII., 130-136; shrewdness an thrift, 130, 131, 131; protects th people, 135; increases royal power, 136

Henry VIII., 136-156; his wars on the Continent, 138; quarrels with the Pope, 142; his divorce, 144; his tyranny not unpopular, 145, 15% church policy, 153

Henry VI., the Emperor, 57

Herbert, Sidney, 432

Heretics [see Lollards], 103

High Commission court, 220

Highlanders, insurrection of, 281, 311

Hill, Sir Rowland, 411

Holmby House, Charles I. at, 235

Hotspur, Sir Harry, 105

Howard, Catherine, 156

Howard of Effingham, Lord, 182, 189
Howe, Lord, 353
Hudson's Bay, 175
Hundred Years' war, 83
Huskisson, reforms of, 394
Hyde Park, meeting at, 450

IMAGES, destruction of, 150, 157
Impositions, 202

Inclosures, 139, 159

Independents, 233

India, routes to, 175; conquest of 322; mutiny, 435-441

Inkermann, battle of, 430
Innocent III., 60

Interdict laid on England, 60
Iona, missionaries of, 16


Ireland, conquest of, 54, 190; trou- | LABORERS [see Peasants], miserable condition of, 410; improvement in, 420

bles in, 201, 356, 451; rebellions, 228, 238, 282, 358; cruelty in suppression of, 358; government, 284; Protestant ascendency, 284, 356; parliamentary independence, 357; its rejection of liberal propositions, 357; the union, 360; famine, 421; church disestablished, 452; land act, 453

Laborers, Statute of, 91
La Hogue, battle of, 287
Lancaster, House of, 101
Lands, division among Normans, 37;
Langton, Stephen, 60
taxation, 40
La Rochelle, relief of, 216

Italy, Bonaparte in 364; war in, Latimer, supports Henry VIII.'s 443

church policy, 151; preaches against the nobles, 160, burned, 164

JACOBITES, the, 290; risings of, 304, Laud, William, his church policy,




James I., his ancestry, 195; trouble Lauderdale, minister of Charles II., with Puritans, 196; -with the Commons, 198, 202, 208;-with the Catholics, 199; favoritism, 203; efforts to get money, 202, 204; war in the Palatinate, 207, 210, 212; death, 213

Lawlessness, mediæval, 118
Lawrence, Sir Henry, 440
Lawrence, Sir John, 437

Laws [see Criminal law, Punish-
ment], early, 13; of Alfred, 23

Janies II., becomes a Catholic, 258; Learning, revival of, 138
proposed exclusion of, 261; acces-Leicester, Earl of, 178
sion, 267; violation of law, 271; ef- Leipzig, battle of, 384
forts in behalf of Catholics, 272, Lewes, battle of, 69
273; quarrel with the bishops, 274; Lewis, Prince, 64
deposition, 277; in Ireland, 283;

death, 294 Jeffreys, 269 Jellahabad, 419

Jerusalem, kingdom of, 57

John, King, rebels, 55; becomes
king, 58; tyranny, 59; excommuni-
cated, 61; yields to people, 62
John, King of France, 87
John of Gaunt, 92, 95

Jury, origin of, 49; dishonesty, 120
Jutes, 7

KENT, kingdom of, 10; risings in, 95,

Ket, rebellion of, 158
Keymis, Captain, 206
Killiecrankie, 280

Kings, the, see Crown
Knights, 30

Lewis XIV., influence over Charles
II., 255, 259; opposed by William
III., 287, 289, 294; recognizes
"James III.," 294
Lewis XVIII., 384
Lewis XVI., 347, 348
Liberals, party name, 406
Limerick, capture of, 284
Limoges, siege of, 88
Lincoln, Abraham, 447
Liveries, 118, 133

Lollards, 98, 103

London, fire of, 251; charter for-
feited, 265

London, Tower of, 88, 127
Londonderry, siege of, 282

Long Parliament, 226; corruption
of, 239; disruption of, 240

Lords, House of, origin, 78; under
Cromwell, 242

Lucknow, relief of, 288

Lundy, governor of Londonderry,



McIan, 281

McNaughton, Sir William, 417

Madras, 323

Magdalen, Fellows of, 273

Magellen, Straits of, 172

Magenta, battle of, 444
Magna Carta, 62
Mahometans, 56
Maid of Norway, 74
Malplaquet, battle of, 299

Malta, 355, 364

Mamelukes, 355

Manchester massacre, 390
Mansfield, 212

Marlborough, Duke of, 296, 299, 300
Marlborough, Duchess of, 296, 301
Marston Moor, battle of, 233
Martyrs, Catholic, 145, 151; Protes-
tant, 163

Mary I., restores Catholicism, 161; marries Philip II., 162; death, 161 Mary II., married to Prince of Orange, 259; crown settled on, 278; death, 287

Mary Stuart, married to French
prince, 157; rivalry with Elizabeth,
167; her claims, 168; plots in favor
of, 169, 177; death, 180
Mars, last celebration of, 169
Massena, Marshal, 379
Matilda, 45

Medway, Dutch fleet in the, 254
Meerut, 436

Mehemet Ali, 415

Melbourne, Lord, 407, 409
Menteith, 78

Mercia, 22

"Merry Monarch," 244

Middle Class, oppression of, 119 Militia, 230

Milton, 249

Mines, 3, 6

Minorca, loss of, 317 Missionaries, 16, 176

Monasteries, suppression of, 148, 158

Monk, George, 243

Monks, origin of the, 17; character,


Monmouth, Duke of, 262, 268

Monopolies, granted to favorites, 191, 208

Montcalm, 320

Montfort, Simon de, 68, 70

Moore, Sir John, 374

More, Sir Thomas, 140, 145

Mountjoy, Lord, 190

Murder, punishment for, 12

NAMES of places, Roman, 5; Danish, 20

Namur, siege of, 289

Nana Sahib, 439

Naples, kingdom of, 445

Napoleon III, 425; attempt to kill,
442; distrust of, 444
Naseby, battle of, 235
Navy, started by Alfred, 22; revived
by Charles I., 221; mutinies in,
353, 354

Nelson, Lord, 352, 361, 367
Netherlands [see Dutch, Flanders],
struggle in, 171, 178
Newburn, battle of, 225
Newcastle, Duke of, 310, 317
New England, settlement of, 316
New Forest. devastation of, 39
"New Model," the, 235

New York, occupation of, 333
Nicholas, the Emperor, 426
Nightingale, Florence, 432
Nile, battle of the, 356
Nobles, oppression by, 46, 160; cease
to give military service, 48; gov-
ernment by, 68; retainers, 119; sub-
jection to crown, 131, 133

Nore, mutiny at the, 354
Norfolk, Duke of, 100, 169
Norfolk, insurrection in, 158


Normandy separated from England, | Paston family, 119, 145

41; reunited, 44; becomes French,

Normans, the, 29; in England, 32;
conquest by, 33; estates, 37; union
with English, 49

North of England, politics, 346, 389
North, Lord, 330
Northinen, 19

Northumberland, Earl of, 130
- Duke of, 159

, Kingdom of, 10 Norwegians, invasion by, 33 Nottingham, 231


Occasional Conformity, 295, 302
O'Connell, Daniel, 394, 399
O'Connor, Feargus, 423

Offices, votes gained by distribution
of, 327

Ohio River, 316

Orange, Prince of, 178

Orange, Prince of, 259; invitation to, 276 [see William III.]

Ordeal, 13

Orinoco, expedition to, 205
Orleans, relief of, 112
Oudenarde, battle of, 299
Oudh, 437

Outram, Sir James, 440
Oxford, provisions of, 68

PALATINATE, war in the, 207, 209
Palmerston, Lord, foreign policy,
414; prime minister, 433-442; sec-
ond ministry, 443-449
Pandulph, 61

Parker, Hyde, 361

Parliament [see Commons, Lords].
beginning of, 68, 69; division into
two houses, 78; Scotch representa-
tives, 78; indifference to popular
welfare, 122

Parma, Duke of, 181, 184
Parr, Catherine, 156

Peasants, oppression of the, 31, 91; rebellions, 95, 115

Peel, Sir Robert, reforms criminal
law, 393; home secretary, 393. 398;
against Catholic emancipation,
395; prime minister, 407; favors
free trade. 416; defeated by Pro-
tectionists, 422; death, 425
Pelham, Henry, 310, 315
Pembroke, Earl of, 65

Peninsular war, origin, 371; difficul-
ties of British, 374, 375; causes of
French failure, 377
Pepper seizure, 225

Perceval, Mr., 369, 377, 388
Percy family. 104

Persecution [see Catholics, Martyrs,
etc.], 104; under Henry VIII., 144,
151; under Mary, 163; suspended
under Charles II., 256
Peter the Hermit, 56
Petition and Advice, 242
Petition of Right, 216
Pevensey, 9

Thilip II. of France, 61
Philip VI. of France, 87

Philip II. of Spain, marries Mary,
162; persecution of Protestants,

Picts, the. 6

"Pilgrimage of Grace," 150
Pillory, the, 220

Pitt. William, see Chatham, Earl of
Pitt, William, the youngest prime
minister, 337; success. 338; adop-
tion of new ideas, 339; opposes
slave-trade, 341; efforts in behalf
of Ireland, 357; and of the Catho-⚫
lics, 360; second ministry, 265;
Plague, the. 251
death, 368

Plassey, battle of, 325
Poitiers, battle of, 87
Police, reform of the, 400
Pollock. General, 419
Poor law, 181, 406

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