| 1925 - 1240 pages
...— Sketches of the Mythology and Customs of the Hindoos 8vo, sewn, pp. VIII. 84. London, 1785. 6s. Forty Days in the Desert, on the Track of the Israelites;...Petra. By the author of " Walks about Jerusalem." 4th edition, with numerous illus. Roy. 8vo, leather, gilt, pp. IV. 206. London, ND 6s. 6d. Fraser (L.)... | |
| 1856 - 1156 pages
...Dorp and the Veld ; or six months in Natal. Bj Charles Barter, Esq. London, 1852. Bartlett, 12104, 0. Forty days in the desert on the track of the Israelites; or a journey from Cairo by Wady Feirau, to Mount Sinai and Petra. By the author of " Walks about Jerusalem." (WH Bartlett.) London,... | |
| 1856 - 1156 pages
...Dorp and the Veld ; or six months in Natal. By Charles Barter, Esq. London, 1852. Bartlett, 12104, 0. Forty days in the desert on the track of the Israelites; or a journey from Cairo by Wudy Feiran, to Mount Sinai and Petra. By the author of " Walks about Jerusalem." (WH Bartlett.) London,... | |
| Thomas Allen - 1837 - 532 pages
...BARTLBTT, author of " Forty l)ays in the Desert," " Walks about Jerusalem," &c. Price 16s. cloth gilt. FORTY DAYS IN THE DESERT, On the Track of the Israelites...Cairo, by Wady Feiran, to Mount Sinai and Petra. By WH BARTLETT. With Twenty-seven Engravings on Steel, from Sketches taken on the Route, a Map, and numerous... | |
| Cyrus Redding - 1842 - 272 pages
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| Jeremy Taylor (bp. of Down and Connor.) - 1845 - 550 pages
...numerous Cuts. FORTY DAYS IN THE DESERT, ©n tie Cracft of tfie .JFsrartttes ; Being a Narrative of a Journey from Cairo, by Wady Feiran, to Mount Sinai, and Petra. With Twenty-seven Engravings on Steel, from Sketches taken on the Route, a Map, and numerous Woodcuts.... | |
| 1848 - 486 pages
...colloquially used in the United States. By JR Bartlett. Royal Svo. pp. 440, cloth, 12s f36" BARTLETT (WH)— Forty Days in the Desert on the Track of the Israelites...Petra. By the Author of " Walks about Jerusalem." Royal Svo. pp.210, with plates, cloth, 12s [3*78 (Vide Adv. 1091.) BATES (W.)-College Lectures on Ecclesiastical... | |
| 1851 - 480 pages
...eminently frequently had occasion to speak in terms of high com- | successful."— ATH EN «vn. 4. FORTY DAYS in the DESERT on the Track of the Israelites ; OR, A JOURNKY mow CAIRO BY WADY FE1RAN TO MOUNT SINAI AND PETRA. With 27 Engravings on Steel, a Map, and... | |
| 1848 - 314 pages
...others. Size of the Engravings, 6J inches by gj inches. Complete in Two handsome Vols. cloth gilt, 51. FORTY DAYS IN THE DESERT, On the Track of the Israelites...Cairo, by Wady Feiran, to Mount Sinai and Petra. By WH BARTIETT. With Twenty-seven Engravings on Steel, from Sketches taken on the Route, a Map, and numerous... | |
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