Polybiblion: Revue bibliographique universelle, Volume 15

Aux bureaux de la revue, 1875

Autres éditions - Tout afficher

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Fréquemment cités

Page 290 - NALOPAKHYANAM, OR, THE TALE OF NALA ; containing the Sanskrit Text in Roman Characters, followed by a Vocabulary in which each word is placed under its root, with references to derived words in Cognate Languages, and a sketch of Sanskrit Grammar. By the Rev. THOMAS JARRETT, MA Trinity College, Regius Professor of Hebrew, late Professor of Arabic, and formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge.
Page 13 - Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation : being a Discourse of Rivers, Fishponds. Fish and Fishing, written by IZAAK WALTON ; and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear Stream, by CHARLES COTTON.
Page 373 - FEUDAL MANUALS OF ENGLISH HISTORY, a series of Popular Sketches of our National History compiled at different periods, from the Thirteenth Century to the Fifteenth, for the use of the Feudal Gentry and Nobility.
Page 376 - Introduction à la Bibliographie de Belgique. Relevé de tous les écrits périodiques qui se publient dans le royaume par les sociétés savantes, les...
Page 362 - HOMES WITHOUT HANDS; a Description of the Habitations of Animals, classed according to their Principle of Construction.
Page 100 - THE TRANSITS of VENUS ; a Popular Account of Past and Coming Transits, from the first observed by Horrocks AD 1639 to the Transit of AD 2012. By RA PROCTOR, BA Second Edition, with 20 Plates (12 coloured) and 38 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d. The UNIVERSE and the COMING TRANSITS...
Page 125 - THE NEW TESTAMENT. A New Translation on the Basis of the Authorised Version, from a Critically revised Greek Text, with Analyses, copious References and Illustrations from original authorities, New Chronological and Analytical Harmony of the Four Gospels, Notes and Dissertations. A contribution to Christian
Page 305 - Indian Wisdom. Or Examples of the Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus. With a brief History of the Chief Departments of Sanscrit Literature, and some account of the Past and Present Condition of India, Moral and Intellectual.
Page 59 - Tableau général du Commerce de la France avec ses colonies et les puissances étrangères , pendant l'année 1858.
Page 397 - Formulaire vétérinaire, contenant le mode d'action, l'emploi et les doses des médicaments. 4e édit. 1 vol. in-18, br. 3 fr. 50, cart. 4 fr., relié. 4 fr. 50 BOUCHARDAT. I>e la glycosurie ou diabète sucré, son traitement hygiénique. 2e édition. 1 vol. grand in-8, suivi de notes et documents sur la nature et le traitement de la goutte, la gravelle urique, sur l'oligurie, le diabète insipide avec excès d'urée, l'hippurie, la pimélorrhée, etc. 15 fr.

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