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Numb. X.

The CAPITULATION concluded and fign'd in the Camp of Perewoloczna, the 30th of June, O.S. between Prince Menkikoff, General in Chief of the Army of his Czarish Majefty, and Count Lewenhaupt, Commanding General of the Remains of the Army of his Swedish Majefty.

THE underwritten Agreement, fhall be concluded in the Name of his Czarish Majefty, the Emperor of Great Ruffia, on the one Part; and of the King of Sweden on the other Part, by the fubfcribing Generals.

I. All the Swedish Troops, without Exception, who are commanded by Count Lewenhaupt, as well 'Generals and Officers, as Soldiers, fhall, with 'their Servants, yield themselves Prifoners of War to his Czarish Majefty.



II. All private Soldiers, Troopers, Dragoons, and Mufqueteers, fhall lay down their Arms, and remain Prifoners of War, till their Exchange or Ranfom; but they fhall keep their Furniture and all that they have, except their Arms and Ammunition. And all their Horfes, except thofe be'longing to the Officers, fhall be delivered to his Czarish Majefty.

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III. All the General-Officers, and other Officers, ⚫ fhall keep their Baggage and Equipages, and their 'Perfons fhall be releas'd without Ranfom or Exchange, as foon as Peace fhall be made between his Czarish Majefty and the King of Sweden. In "the mean time, they fhall be honourably used, and "be permitted to go, for a while, to their own Country, on their Parole.


IV. The Swedish Artillery, all the Ammuni 'tion, Colours, Standards and Inftruments of Mufick, fhall be deliver'd to his Czarish Majefty; as fhall likewife the Military Cheft (or Camp



Treasure) of the King of Sweden, in the State it un

now is.

V. The Zaporogians and other Rebels now among the Troops of Sweden, fhall be immediately deliver'd to his Czarish Majefty.

VI. For the Security and Confirmation of this Agreement, the foremention'd Articles fhall be fign'd by the Generals commanding the Army of his Czarif Majefty, and that of the King of Sweden; and a Duplicate fhall be made of this Capitulation:

Done in the Camp of Perewoloczna, the 30th of June O. S. 1709.


Alexander Prince of Menkikoff.
The Count of Lewenhaupt.


"All the Generals and Officers fhall not only retain their Baggage, but likewife their Servants; and the Commiffaries, Auditors, Secretaries, Chaplains, and Surgeons, fhall likewise be permitted to keep their Baggage and Servants as the OF 'ficers.

A LIST of the Swedish Troops who Surrendred themselves Prifoners to his Highness Prince Menkikoff, the Day of the Date above-mention'd, in Execution of the Capitulation.

Count Lewenhaupt, General of Foot, and Governor of Riga; M. Creutz and Crufe, Majors-General; the Counts Douglafs and Bonde, Adjutants of Field-Marefchal-General Reinfchild..

Regiments of HORSE.

Life-Guards, Carelia, Standard of the Swedish Nobility, Standard of the Nobility of Livonia, Abofch, Bernebourgh, Smaland, Nicland, North-Scania, South-Scania, Crufe, and Ofter-Getten.


Regiments of DRAGOONS.

Guards, l'ennerstadt, Prince of Wirtembergh, Slippenbich, Schrotenfels, Meyerfeldt, Helms, Tauben, Ducker, Alfendeil, Guldenftern. In thefe Regiments were feven Colonels, nam'd in the Lift, 10 Lieutenant-Colonels, and 16. Majors, nam'd, 182 Captains, 217Captain-Lieuts. 215 Cornets, 10 Quarter-Mafters of Regiments, 17 Adjutants, 522 inferior Officers, and 8637 Corporals and private Soldiers; befides 26 Chaplains, 4 Commiffaries, 48 Clerks, 20 Surgeons, 44 Surgeons-Servants; 13 Kettle-Drummers, 67 Trumpeters, and Hautbois, 98 Drummers, 528 Provofts and neceffary Attendants on the Troops.

Of the King's Foot-Guards.

Colonel Baron Poffen, Major Count Oxenstiern, 8 Captains, 19 Lieutenants, 31 Enfigns, 1 Adjutant, 121 inferior Officers, and 1196 Corporals and private Soldiers; befides 1 Commiffary, 1 Provoft of a Regiment, 6 Chaplains, 7 Clerks of Regiments, 6 Hautbois, 53 Drummers and Fifes, 13 common Provosts. In all 1465.

Regiments of Foot, or Remains of them.

Upland Dulker, Weftmandland, Westergotz, Sundermanland Werk and Warmanland; Offer-Gotten, Fencoping, Welter-Gott, Cronenbourgh and Colmar. In thefe Regiments, were 2 Colonels, nam'd, 4 Lieutenant-Colonel, nam'd, 3 Majors, nam'd, 60 Captains, 2 Volunteer-Captains, 62 Captain-Lieutenants, 8 Quarter-Masters, 6 Adjutants, 71 Enfigns, 299 inferior Officers, and 3059 Corporals and pri vate Soldiers; befides 5 Commiffaries, 6 Chaplains, 4 Volunteers, and 15 Surgeons and their Men. In all 3606.

Officers of Artillery, and Men employ'd in the Train. Colonel Bierone, fince dead of his Wound; Lieutenant-Colonel Appleman, i Poft, 1 Major, 4 Captains, 1 Captain-Lieutenant, 6 Sub-Lieutenants, 6 Enfigns, Adjutant, with Gunners, Matroffes, Miners, Fireworkers, Bombardiers, and Artificers, to the Number, in all of 535.


The Total, 16287 Perfons, befides these following of the King's Household, Charles Gunfter, Chamber lain, Sirchigel, Apothecary of the Household and Army; Schimbers Quarter-Mafter; Afil, Bier, and Brampt, Commiffaries; five Purveyors and other Servants.

Colours and Standards, 142. Brass Cannon, Four five Pounders, One of five Pound and half Ball, Twelve of three Pound Ball, three Ruffian Pieces of three Pound Ball, taken by the Enemy at Wefprick, Two Hauwitzers of fixteen; Mortars of fix, and Four of three, with Two Iron Cannon of three Pound Ball.

A LIST of the kill'd and wounded on the Part of the Muscovites, in the Battel of Pultowa.

Kill'd of the Cavalry.

NE Major, 3 Colonels, 12 Captains, 7 Lieu tenants, 8 Sub-Lieutenants, 22 inferior Offi cers, 571 Corporals and private Men. In all, 623. Wounded of the Cavalry.

Lieutenant-General Ronne, 2 Colonels, 3 Lieute nant-Colonels, 4 Majors, 26 Captains, 18 Lieutenants, 19 Sub-Lieutenants, 59 inferior Officers, and 1322 Corporals and private Men. In all, 1454. Kill'd of the Infantry.

One Brigadier, 1 Colonel, 1 Lieutenant-Colonel, 6 Captains, 6 Lieutenants, 2 Sub-Lieutenants, 4 Enfigns, 691 inferior Officers and Soldiers. In all, 717.

Wounded of the Infantry.

One Brigadier, 3 Colonels, 2 Lieutenant-Colo nels, 4 Majors, 4 Captains, 7 Captain-Lieutenants, 8 Sub-Lieutenants, 8 Reform'd Lieutenants, 3 Adjutants, 6 Enfigns, 1784 Corporals and private Soldiers. In all, 1877.

of the Artillery.

Kill'd and Wounded 20 Perfons in all,

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Numb. X.

King AUGUSTUS'S Manifefto, upon

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his Return to POLAND.


E, AUGUSTII. by the Grace of GOD, King of Poland, Great Duke of Lithuania, Ruffia, Pruffia, Maffovia, Samogitia, Kyovia, Volhinia, Podolia, Podlachia, Livonia, Smelenfco, Severia and Czernicow; Duke of Saxony, Fuliers, Cleve, Mons, Angria and Weftphalia; Archi-Marefchal and Elector of the Holy Empire; Landtgrave of Thuringen; Markgrave of Mifnia, Upper and Lower Lufatia; Burgrave of Magdeburgh; Prince. Count of Henneberg; Count of Mark, Ravensberg and Barby; Lord of Raveftein, &c. Make known to All, (tho' it be already Notorious to every Body) that in the Year 1699. We were forc'd to take up Arms against Sweden, in order to reftore the Freedom of Trade, which was one of the Conditions of the Peace of Oliva, and which had been ftipulated for the Kingdom of Poland,and its Inhabitants, by the XVth Article of that Treaty. The Swedes had fo far intrench'd upon the faid Liberty of Trade, that after we found they had no Regard to the Complaints and Reprefentations of our Subjects thereupon, we thought our felves oblig'd, in Confcience, to have Recourfe to Arms, not only to make them obferve that Condition before-mention'd, but also feveral others which they had violated, contrary to the Engagements they had entred into by the faid Peace of Oliva. However, we defign'd to use our Arms no otherwife, than as it is allow'd and practis'd among Chriftians; of which our Intention we gave at firft feveral Proofs. We not only endeavour'd, by gracious Proclamations, to recal those whom vain Fears had driven from the Province of Livonia, upon our Approach; but even caufed Bread and Corn to fow the "Ground, to be diftributed to thofe whom a panick "Terror had constrain'd to waste and destroy their own Goods and Lands. We did not reject the Propofals of Reconciliation that were made to us,


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