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ABERDEEN, Earl of, prime minister, | Amusements stopped by Puritans.

426; resigns, 433

"Addled" parliament, the, 203
Addington succeeds Pitt as prime
minister, 360; resigns, 365
Afghanistan invaded by British, 417;
rising of people, 418; retreat from,
418; second invasion, 419; third in-
vasion, 456

Aghrim, battle of, 284
Agincourt, battle of, 107

Agriculture, improvements in, 343
Aidan, mission of, 16

Akbar Khan, commander of the
Afghans, 418

"Alabama," the privateer, 448
Albert of Saxe-Coburg, becomes
husband of Victoria, 413; plans
the exhibition of 1851, 425

Alexander II., Emperor of Russia,

241, 248

Anderida, site of, 9
Angevin kings, 55

Angles, their origin, 7; conquest by,
10; and "angels," 14
Anjou, 55

Anne, Queen, succession settled on,
291, 294; popularity of, 295; reign,


– of Cleves, married to Henry VIII.,
154; divorced, 155

Anselm, appointed archbishop of
Canterbury, 42; exiled, 43; is re-
conciled with Henry I., 44
Anti-corn-law League, 420
Antwerp, expedition against, 376
Arabs, the, at Jerusalem, 56
Archbishop, choice of a, against
king's will, 60
Arcot, defence of, 324

Alexander III., King of Scotland, Arkwright, inventions of, 344

[blocks in formation]

Arlington, minister of Charles II.,
254, 256

Armada, the preparation of, 180; de-
feat of, 184; its destruction, 185
Army, the feudal, 48; mercenaries
of Henry VIII., 139; under Crom-
well, 234; under Charles II., 246
Arnold, brewer to James II., 275
Arthur, princes named, 58, 136
Arundel, Earl of, 100

Ashley, minister of Charles II., 254
Athelstan, 23

Augustine, St., first archbishop of
Canterbury, 16

Austria opposes Russia, 427

-, duke of, arrests Richard I., 57

BABINGTON Conspiracy, 180

Bacon, Francis, 209

Badajoz, eapture of, 381

Baffin's Bay, discovery of, 175

Balaclava, battle of, 430

Ball, John, 91


369; in Spain, 373; in Russia, 382;
fall, 384; exile, 386

Boston, tea thrown overboard at,
330; battle near, 332
Bosworth, battle of, 129

Balliol, John, crowned King of Scot- Boulogne, camp at, 365

land, 76; deposed, 76

Ballot act, 453

Bannockburn, battle of, 82

Bantry Bay, French fleet at, 358
Baptists in Cromwell's army, 234
"Barebones" parliament, 241
Barnet, battle of, 123

Beachy Head, battle of, 284

Bow, use of the, 77

Boyne, battle of the, 284
Braddock, General, 317
Breda, eace of, 254
Bretigny, peace of, 89

Bribery, cases of, 306, 396

Bridgewater canal, 343

Bright, John, aids Anti-corn-law
League, 420

Becket, Thomas, becomes archbish- Brindley, James, introduces canals,

Beaconsfield, Lord, 456

op, 51; murder, 52

Bede, 26

Benevolences, 123, 134

Bengal, 325

Berlin, treaty of, 456

Bible, translations of the, 147, 196
Bishops abolished in Scotland, 223

- the Seven, 274
Black Death, the, 41
Black Hole, the, 324

Black Prince, his bravery, 87; cru-

elty, 88; death, 93

Black Sea, naval war in, 427; Russia

not to have a fleet in, 434

Blake, Admiral, 241

Blanketeers, the, 389

Blenheim, battle of, 295

Blockade-runners, 447

Blood-feud, 12

Bloody Assizes, 269
Blücher, 387

Boleyn, Anne, married to Henry

VIII., 144; beheaded, 149
Bolingbroke, Lord, 301

-, Henry of, 100 [see Henry IV.]
Bombay, 323

Bonaparte, Napoleon, rise of, 351; in
Egypt, 355; becomes civil ruler,
361; plan for invading England,
366; exclusion of British goods,

[blocks in formation]

Burghley, Lord, minister of Eliza- | Catesby, plot of, 199

beth, 189

Burgoyne, surrender of, 333

Burgundy, Duke of, murder of, 111

Burke, Edmund, wisdom of, 328
Byng, Admiral, 317

Byron, Lord, death of, 398

CABAL ministry, 254

Cabinet, origin of the, 300
Cabot, voyages of, 174

Cabul occupied by British army, 417;
insurrection at, 418; retreat from,
419; re-occupied, 419
Cade, Jack, rebellion of, 115
Cadiz, expedition against, under
Elizabeth, 181, 189; under Charles
I., 214

Calais, siege of, 87; loss of, 164

Calcutta, foundation of, 323; seized
by natives, 325

California visited by Drake, 174

Catherine of Arragon, married to
Henry VIII., 137; divorce of, 142, 144
Catholic Association, 395
Catholics, persecution of, under
Elizabeth, 177; conspiracy of,
against James I., 199; toleration
promised, 212; refused. under
Charles II., 255; persecution under
Charles II., 260; preferred to Puri-
tans, 263; illegal toleration by
James II., 271; are represented at
Oxford, 273; tolerated under Wil-
liam III., 279; persecution in Ire
land, 284; partial emancipation,
357; further efforts for, 360, 395;
final success, 400

Cato Street conspiracy, 392
Cavalier" parliament, 247

| Cavaliers, the, 232
Cawnpore, siege of, 437
Caxton, 124

Campbell, Sir Colin, commands in Charles I., plan to marry the Infanta,

India, 441

Campbell, Thomas, quoted, 362
Camperdown, battle of, 355
Canada, conquest of, 319
Canals, introduction of, 343
Candia offered to England, 427
Canning, George, his effort against
Napoleon, 370, 372; withdraws
from ministry, 377; his liberal for-
eign policy, 392; favors Catholic
emancipation, 395; becomes prime
minister, 398; opposes parliamen-
tary reform, 397; death, 398
Canning, Lord, governor-general of
India, 437; his moral courage, 439
Cannon, introduction of, 130
Canterbury, first archbishop of, 16
Cape St. Vincent, battle of, 351
Cardigan, Lord, 430

Carisbrook castle, Charles I. impris-
oned at, 236

Carr, Robert, 202

Cartagena, ransom of, 179
Castles destroyed, 48

204; visit to Madrid, 210; failure of
plan, 211; marries Henrietta Ma-
ria, 212; becomes king, 213; quar-
rel with Parliament, 214, 215; his
forced loans, 215; war with Spain,
214; -- with France, 216; assents to
Petition of Right, 216; quarrels
with Puritans, 217; about taxes,
219; governs without a parlia-
ment, 219; imprisons parliamen-
tary leaders, 219; offends Puritans,
220; legal persecution by, 220; levies
ship-money, 221; marches against
Scotland, 223; efforts to raise
money, 224; war with Scotch,
225; sets up his standard, 231; sur-
renders to the Scotch, 235; escape,
236; trial and death, 237
Charles II., crowned in Scotland, 289;
defeat and escape, 239; becomes
king, 244; character, 244; religion,
246; means of getting money, 253;
accepts it from French king, 255,
267; death, 267

Charles V., Emperor, and Henry | Clergy [see Monks, Popes], reve

VIII., 138, 142

Charles VI., Emperor, claimant to
Spanish crown, 293, 298, 302

Charles V. of France, 92
Charles VI. of France, 107
Charles VII. of France, 111
Charles X. of France, 402
Charles II. of Spain, 293
Charles IV. of Spain, 371
Charles Albert of Sardinia, 444
Charles Edward, 311-314
Charters, confirmation of the, 79
Chartists, the, 410, 423; their peti-
tion, 424

Chatham, first Earl of, popular and
honest, 318; success as war-minis-
ter, 319 resignation, 326; speech
against peace with America, 334;
death, 334

-, second Earl, 376
Chaucer, 98

Chichester, Sir A., 201

Chimneys, introduction of, 170
Chivalry, 88

nues taken, 42; their character, 50;
not subject to civil courts, 50;
property seized, 61; taxation of,
by Pope, 67; refuse civil taxes, 79;
civil offices filled by, 92; idleness
142; permitted to marry, 158; tri
als of, 220

Clifford, minister of Charles II., 254

Clive, Robert, 323-325
Cnut, 27

Coal, inaccessibility of, 343
Coalition ministries, 337, 426
Cobden, Richard, agitation against
corn duties, 420, 422; negotiates
commercial treaty with France,


Colonies [see America], develop-
ment of, 315

Commerce [see Free Trade], early,

4; development of, 170; with
Spanish colonies, 308; British com-
merce injured by Napoleon, 369
Commercial treaties, 339, 446

Christianity, introduced, 6, 14; its Commons, House of [see Reform],

[blocks in formation]

origin, 78; corruption in, 306, 337;
proceedings made public, 338
Commonwealth, the, 238
Communion-table, position of, 220
Compurgation, 13
Comyn, murder of, 79
Connaught, Irish driven to, 238
Conservatives, the name, 406
Conspiracy law, 351

Copenhagen, battle of, 361
Corn laws, 416, 419
Cornwallis, Lord, surrender of, 335;
in Ireland, 360
Cotton famine, 448

Counties, origin of names of, 10
Courts of law [see Juries], early, 11;
reform in, 49; injustice of, 51, 120
Covenant, the, 223

Cranmer, Thomas, divorces Queen
Catherine, 144; is burned for here-

sy, 164

Crecy, battle of, 86

Discovery, voyages of, 174

Crime [see Punishment], compensa- Dispensing power, 271
tion for, 12

Crimean war, origin, 427; bad gene-
ralship and management of Brit-
ish, 430; sufferings of troops, 431;
blunders, 432; hospitals, 432
Criminal-law reform, 388, 393
Cromlechs, 4

Crompton, his invention, 345
Cromwell, Oliver, rise of, 234; de-
feats the Scotch, 237; subdues
Ireland, 238; and Scotland, 239;
church and foreign policy, 241;
unpopularity, 241; refuses title of
king, 242; death, 242
Cromwell, Richard, 243
Cromwell, Thomas,

power and

cruelty of, 152; his fall, 154
Cross, sign of the, 196

Crown, the, not hereditary, 11, 58;
increase of power, 122; regular
succession set aside to insure
order, 128; act of settlement, 294
Cruelty [see Persecution], of Will-
iam I., 39; of nobles, 46; of John,
59; of Henry VIII., 151; of Star
Chamber, 220; in Ireland, 229, 358;
of Jeffreys, 270; of English troops,

Crusades, the, 55
Culloden, 313

Cumberland, Duke of, 313

DANBY, Earl of, 258

Disraeli, Benjamin, a leader of the
Protectionists, 426; and of the
Conservatives, 442; prime minister,


Dissenters [see Lollards, Puritans,
etc.], 248; their unpopularity, 295;
office-holding by, 296; persecution
of, 301, 303; relief of, 304, 398
Distress in 1819-20, 387
Domesday Book, 40
Dost Mohammed, 417, 419
Dover, treaty of, 255
Drake, Sir Francis, voyages of, 172,
173; in West Indies, 179; in Spain,
181; and the Armada, 183, 185:
death, 187
Drogheda, 238

Duncan, Admiral, 354
Dundee, Lord, 280
Dunkirk acquired, 241
Dunstan, 24
Dupleix, 323

Dutch [see Netherlands], wars with,
240, 251, 253, 256; peace, 254; treaty,


Dutch Guards, 292
Duties, see Impositions, Tonnage


East India Company, 322
Eastern Question, 414, 455
Edgar, 21

Edgehill, battle of, 232

Danes, invasion by the, 19; defeated | Edinburgh, riot at, 223; occupied by

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