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have not already fubfcribed the faid Confeffion and Cove nant, shall subscribe the fame with thefe Words prefixed to their Subscription, viz. The Article of this Covenant, which was at the first Subscription referred to the Determination of the General Affembly, being now determined at Glafgow in December 1638; And thereby the Five Articles of Perth, and the Government of the Kirk by Bishops, being declared to be abjured and removed, and the civil Places and Power of Kirkmen declared to be unlawful: We fubfcribe according to the Determination of the faid free and lawful General Affembly holden at Glasgow. And ordaineth, ad perpetuam rei memoriam, the faid Covenant, with this Declaration, to be infert in the Regifters of the Affemblies of this Kirk, General, Provincial, and Presbyterial.

Assembly at Edinburgh, August 30, 1639. Seff. 23. The Supplication of the Affembly conveened at Edin burgh the 12th of Auguft 1639, to His Majefty's High Commiffioner, aud the Lords of His Majesty's Honourable Privy Council.


7E the General Affembly confidering, with all hum ble and thankful Acknowledgment, the many recent Favours beftowed upon us by his Majefty; and that there refteth nothing for crowning of his Majefty's incomparable Goodness towards us, but that all the Members of this Kirk and Kingdom be joined in one and the fame Confeffion and Covenant with God, with the King's Majefty, and amongst ourselves: And conceiving the main Lett and Impediment to this fo good a Work, and fo much wifhed by all, to have been the Irformations made to His Majefty, of our Intentions to shake off civil and dutiful Obedience due to Sovereignty, and to diminish the King's Greatness and Authority; and being moft willing and defirous to remove this and all fuch Impediments, which may hinder and impede fo full and perfect an Union for clearing of our Loyalty: We, in our Names, and in Name of all the reft of the Subjects aed Congregations whom we reprefent,


do now, in all Humility, reprefent to your Grace His Majefty's Commiffioner, and the Lords of His Majesty's molt honourable Privy Council; and declare before Gop and the World, that we never had, nor have any Thought of withdrawing ourselves from that humble and dutiful Obedience to His Majefty and to his Government, which by the Defcent, and under the Reign of One hundred and feven Kings, is moft cheerfully acknowledged by us and our Predeceffors: And that we never had, nor have any Intention or Dere to attempt any Thing that may tend to the Dishonour of God, or the Diminution of the King's Greatnefs and Authority. But on the contrary, acknowledging our Quietness, Stabilis ty and Happiness, to depend upon the Safety of the King's Majefty's Perfon, and Maintenance of his Greate bels and Royal Authority, who is God's Vicegerent fet over us, for the Maintenance of Religion, and Miniftration of fuftice: We have folemnly fworn, and do fwear, fot only our mutual Concurrence and Affiftance for the Caufe of Religion, and to the uttermoft of our Power, with our Means and Lives, to ftand to the Defence of our dread Sovereign, his Perfon and Authority, in Pre fervation and Defence of the true Religion, Liberties and Laws of this Kirk and Kingdom; but also in every Cause which may concern His Majefty's Honour, fhall, according to the Laws of this Kingdom, and the Duties of goud Subjects, concur with our Friends and Followers, in quiet Manner, or in Arms, as we shall be required of His Majefty, His Council, or any having His Authority. And therefore, being moft defirous to clear ourfelves of all Imputation of this Kind, and following the laudable Example of our Predeceffors, 1589, do hroft humbly fupplicate your Grace His Majefty's Commiffioner, and the Lords of His Majesty's most honourable Privy Coun cil, to enjoin by an Act of Council, that this Confeffion and Govenant, which, as a Testimony of our Fidelity to God, and Loyalty to our King, we have fubfcribed, be fibfcribed by all His Majefty'? Subjects, of what Rank and Quality foevers

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The Act of His Majesty's moft Honourable Privy Coun cil, at Edinburgh, August 30, 1639, containing the Anfwer of the Supplication above-written..

He which Day, in Prefence of the Lord Commiffioner, and the Lords of Privy Council, compeared perfonally John Earl of Rothes, James Earl of Montrofe, John Lord Lowdoun, Sir George Stirling of Keir Knight, Sir William Douglas of Cavers Knight, Sir Henry Wood of Boyntoun Knight, John Smyth Burgess of Edinburgh, Mr. Robert Barclay Provoft of Irvine, Mr. Alexander Henderfon Minifter at Edinburgh, and Mr. Archibald Johnftoun Clerk to the General Affembly; and in the Name of the prefent fitting General Af fembly, gave in to the Lord Commiffioner, and Lords of Privy Council, the Petition above-written: Which being read, heard, and confidered by the faids Lords, they have ordained, and ordain the fame to be infert and registrate in the Books of Privy Council; and, according to the Defire thereof, ordain the faid Confeflion and Covenant to be fubfcribed, in Time coming, by all His Majefty's Subjects of this Kingdom, of what Rank and Quality foever.

Affembly at Edinburgh, August 30, 1639. Seff. 23. Act ordaining, by Ecclefiaftical Authority, the Subfcription of the Confeffion of Faith and Covenant, with the Affembly's Declaration.


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He General Affembly confidering the great Happinefs which may flow from a full and perfect Union of this Kirk and Kingdom, by joyning of all in one and the fame Covenant with God, with the King's Majefty, and amongst our felves; having by our great Oath declared the Uprightnefs and Loyalty of our Intentions in all our Proceedings; and having withall fuppli cated His Majelty's High Commiffioner, and the Lords of His Majesty's honourable Privy Council, to enjoyne by Act of Council, all the Lieges in Time coming to fub.

Eribe the Confeffion of Faith and Covenant; which, as a Testimony of our Fidelity to God, and Loyalty to our King, we have fubfcribed: And feeing His Majefties High Commiflioner, and the Lords of His Majefties honourable Privy Council, have granted the Defire of our Supplication, ordaining, by Civil Authority, all His Majefties Lieges, in Time coming to fubfcribe the forefaid Covenant: That our Union may be the more full and perfect, We, by our Act and Constitution Ecclefiaftical, do approve the forefaid Covenant in all the Heads and Claufes thereof; and ordains of new, under all Ecclefiaftical Cenfure, That all the Masters of Universities, Colledges and Schooles, all Schollars at the paffing of their Degrees, all Perfons fufpect of Papistrie, or any other Errour, and finally, all the Members of this Kirk and Kingdom, fubfcribe the fame with thefe Words prefixed to their Subfcription, The Article of this Covenant, which was at the firft Subfcription referred to the Determination of the General Aembly, being determined, and thereby the Five Articles of Perth, the Government of the Kirk by Bishops, the civil Places and Power of Kirkmen, upor the Reafons and Grounds contained in the Acts of the General Affembly, declared to be unlawful within this Kirk: We fubfcribe according to the Determination forefaid: And ordains the Covenant, with this Declaration, to be infert in the Registers of the Affemblies of this Kirk, General, Provincial, and Prefbyterial, ad perpetuam rei memoriam. And in all Humility fupplicates his Majesty's high Commiffioner, and the honourable Elates of Parliament, by their Authority, to ratify and enjoin the fame, under all civil Pains, which will tend to the Glory of God, Prefervation of Religion, the King's Majefty's Honour, and perfect Peace of this Kirk and Kingdom.

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*This Determination and Declaration of the General Affembly is hot only infert at the End of the National Covenant, before the Subferiptions, Anno 1639, but also in the Copies of the faid Covenant infert in the Regifters of the feveral Judicatories here specified, as is yet to be feen in many original Records, with the following Words written at the Head of every Page before the Subfcriptions, viz Subfcribers of the before-written Confeffion, and Interpretation thereof.

Charles I. Parl. 2. A&t 5:

Act anent the Ratification of the Covenant, and of the Aflembly's Supplication, Act of Council, and Act of Aflembly concerning the Covenant.

At Edinburgh, June 11th, 1640.

THE Eftates of Parliament, presently conveened by his Majefty's

Affembly at Edinburgb, the 12th of August 1639, to his Majesty's high Commiffioner, and the Lords of his Majefty's honourable Privy Council, and the Act of Council the 30th of August 1639, containing the Anfwer of the faid Supplication, and the Act of the said General Affembly, ordaining, by their Ecclefiaftical Constitution, the Subscription of the Confeffion of Faith and Covenant mentioned in their Supplication and withal having fupplicated his Majefty to ratifie and enjoin the fame by his Royal Authority under all civil Pains, as tending to the Glory of God, Preservation of Religion, the King's Majesty's Honour, and the perfect Peace of this Kirk and Kingdom, do ratifie and approve the said Supplication, A&t of Council, and Act of Affembly; and, conform thereto, ordains and commands the faid Confeffion and Covenant to be fubfcribed by all his Majefty's Subjects of what Rank and Quality foever, under all civil Pains; and ordains the faid Supplication, Act of Council, and Act of the Assembly, with the whole Confeffion and Covenant itself, to be infert and registrate in the Acts and Books of Parliament; and also ordains the samen to be presented at the Entry of every Parliament, and before they proceed to any other Act, that the same be publiekly read, and fworn by the whole Members of Parliament, elaiming Voice therein; otherwife the Refufers to subscribe and fwear the fame, fhall have no Place nor Voice in Parliament: And fuch like ordains all Judges, MagiArates, or other Officers of whatsoever Place, Rank or quality, and Minifters at their Entry, to fwear and fubfcribe the famen Covenant, whereof, and of the said Supplication, Act of Council, and Act of the Affembly, the Tenor follows.

The Tenor of the faid Supplication, A& of Council, and AR of Áƒfembly, did follow, in the A&s of Parliament; but here they are infert before this Alt; and the Covenant which they all refer to, and ratifie, immediately follows.


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