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and chiefly tended to foster that exceptional exclusiveness which proved both the bane and the saving of Judaism. The discussions of the two rival schools, of which that of S. preponderated long after the master's death, turned exclusively upon points of positive law. There is only one curious metaphysical debate recorded, viz., whether, as one school held, 'it was better for man to have been created or not;' or, as the other asserted, it would have been better if he never had been created.' Finally, they both agreed in the latter axiom, but with the addition-but since he is now in this world, let him be careful in his actions.' We need hardly point to the strange light which this discussion and final decision throw upon the times of unequalled national misery that begot them. SHA'MMOY. See LEATHER.

Caucasus, was born at Aul-Himry, in Northern Daghestan, and belonged to a wealthy Lesghian family of rank. He was one of the zealous disciples of Kasi-Mollah, the great apostle of Muridism, and ably seconded his endeavours to compose the numerous feuds of the various Caucasian tribes, and unite them in a bond of antagonism to their common enemy, the heretical Russians. He was one of the foremost in the defence of Himry against the Russians, October 30, 1832, and after the fall of his chief, Kasi-Mollah, and most of his adherents, fought his way alone and severely wounded through the besiegers' ranks. After the assassination of Hamzad-Bey, the successor of Kasi-Mollah, in the end of 1834, S. was unanimously elected 'imaum,' and being absolute temporal and spiritual chief of the tribes who acknowledged his authority, he SHA MO, SHA-MOH, or GOBI, words signify-political administration, for the purpose of more made numerous changes in the religious creed and ing Sandy Sea or Desert. Geographers divide the fully concentrating in himself the whole power. region so called into an eastern and western portion. These changes were certainly the chief cause of The eastern part of this great desert stretches from the great successes which subsequently attended the the eastern declivity of the Thian-Shan Mountains mountaineers, but it is none the less certain that in long. 96° to 120° E., and about lat. 40 N., as far they produced that sudden collapse of the spirit of as the Inner Hing-an; and its width between the independence which took place when the great leader Altai and the In-shan range varies from 500 to 700 was removed. S.'s change of military tactics, from miles. Through the middle of this tract extends the open warfare to surprises, ambuscades, &c., brought depressed valley, to which more properly the term numerous, and sometimes great successes to the 'Sandy Floats' is particularly applicable; it is from arms of the mountaineers. General Ivelitch was 150 to 200 miles across, its lowest depression being severely defeated in 1837, the worst reverse the from 2600 to 3000 feet above the sea. Sand almost Russians had yet sustained, and his coadjutor Hafi entirely covers the surface of this valley, generally was forced to make a disastrous retreat. They level, but sometimes rising into low hills. Such succeeded, however (1839), in hemming S. into vegetation as occurs is scanty and stunted, afford- Akulgo, in Daghestan, took the fortress by storm, ing indifferent pasture, and the water in the and put every one of the defenders to the sword, in numerous streamlets is brackish and unpalatable. order to be quite certain that S. should not escape. The western portion of this desert, lying east of the How he did so is not known, his own followers Tsung Ling, and north of the Koulkoun, between and the Russians believed him to be dead, when, to long. 72°-96° E., and in lat. 36-37° N., is about the joy of the one and the bitter confusion of the 1200 miles in length, and between 300 and 400 across. other, he suddenly appeared, preaching with more This region is an unmitigated waste, and north vigour than ever the holy war against the heretics.' of Koko-nor assumes its most terrific appearance, In 1843, he conquered all Avares, besieged Mozdok, being covered with dazzling stones, and rendered foiled the Russians in their subsequent campaign, insufferably hot by the reflection of the sun's rays and gained over to his side the Caucasian tribes from these and numerous mountains of sand, which which had hitherto favoured Russia. are said to move like waves of the sea. The limits sion of power rendered necessary some change in of the western portion of the desert are not easily the government; a civil and a criminal code were defined, for near the base of the mountain-ranges, promulgated, a regular system of taxation estabstreams and vegetation are usually found. The fished, and Dargo was made the capital of this entire area of S. is about 1,200,000 sq. miles. The Caucasian monarchy, the population of which now general features of this portion of the earth's surface (1844) exceeded 1.000,000. But the Russians, under are less forbidding than Sahara, but more so than Prince Woronzoff, having changed their tactics, the steppes of Siberia, or the pampas of Buenos assailed the country on various points at the same Ayres.Williams's Middle Kingdom; Huc's time, and the advance gained was secured by chains of forts. The fortune of war, however, steadily alternated till 1852, when Bariatinsky compelled S. to confine himself to the defensive, and deprived him of his victorious prestige. Some of the tribes now returned under Russian authority, and S. (probably owing to his diminished power and resources) was unable to take advantage of the diversion in his favour afforded by the Crimean War; after the conclusion of which the Russians resumed their attacks with more energy, opened a road over the mountains, thus cutting off one portion of the patriots, and compelling their submission. The following year was still more disastrous; 100 villages were destroyed, the inhabitants transplanted to Russian districts, and S. himself defeated, August 11. April 12, 1859, his chief stronghold Weden was taken after a seven weeks' siege, and his authority, except over the small band of followers who still devotedly adhered to him, was wholly destroyed. For several months he was a mere guerilla chief, hunted from fastness to fastness, till at last (September 6, 1859) he was surprised on the plateau of


SHAMROCK, a national emblem of Ireland, a leaf with three leaflets, or plant having such leaves, sometimes supposed to be the Wood Sorrel, but more generally believed to be some species of Clover, or perhaps some common plant of some of the nearly allied genera, as the Bird's Foot Trefoil, or the Black Medick. It is not improbable that the name has a sort of general reference to plants with trifoliolate leaves, and that a more exact determination of the species may be as difficult as the attainment of botanical accuracy in regard to the emblematic thistle of Scotland.

The small-leaved clover (Trifolium repens) has had a superstitious respect attached to it from early times. According to the elder Pliny, no serpent will touch it. It is said to have been first assumed as the badge of Ireland, from the circumstance that St Patrick made use of it to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. See TREFOIL.

SHAMYL, or SCHAMYL (Eng. Samuel'), the celebrated leader of the independent tribes in the

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Gounih, and after a desperate resistance, in which his-police, public improvements, and repairs requiring 400 followers were reduced to 47, he was captured. His wives and treasure were spared to him, and he was sent to St Petersburg, where he experienced a generous reception from the czar. A few days afterwards, he was assigned a residence at Kaluga, with a pension of 10,000 roubles. From that time until the date of his death in 1871 he remained in obscurity as a sort of parole prisoner of the Russian government.

SHANGHAI', the most important maritime city of China, situated on the left bank of the Hwangpoo or Woosung River, 12 miles from where it debouches into the southern portion of the mouth of the Yangtse-kiang, in lat. 31° 10' N., and long. 121° 30′ E. It is a heen or district city, having a wall 3 miles in circuit, through which 6 gates open into extensive suburbs. The low alluvial plain on which it is situated is of great extent, and intersected by innumerable streamlets and canals, which environ the walls, and permeate the city in various directions. It is a dirty, poorly-built town, the houses are mostly brick, the streets are very narrow, and constantly crowded with people. Few of the buildings rise above the low walls of the city; the only conspicuous objects are the Roman Catholic cathedral, a massive edifice, and the lofty spire of the Baptist chapel. The temples present the same general appearance met with in all Chinese cities. Every city has its Ching-hwang, or temple of the tutelary gods; that of S. is in a picturesque position on a rocky islet, surrounded by a serpentine sheet of water, which is crossed by zigzag bridges. In close juxtaposition to these finest specimens of Chinese taste, is the beautiful foreign settlement that has sprung up on the banks of the river to the east of the city. Merchant princes have reared for themselves, to occupy during a brief residence, edifices that may be justly termed palatial. First, on emerging from the east gate, the native finds himself in the French Reservation, which is gradually being filled up with buildings, forming a city under the jurisdiction of that power. On crossing a canal, he beholds a city apparently as large as his own--the English quarter; streets parallel with, and at right angles to the river, paved and well lighted, bearing English names, and faced with substantial stuccoed brick buildings, ornamented with colonnades, having garden space in front of each filled with choice flowers. He sees, at the rear of this marvellous city which has suddenly sprung up before his eyes, a race-course and a church-two things to be found wherever Englishmen congregate abroad. The river in front of the Chinese town is thronged with junks, lashed side by side for a couple of miles, the reach in front of the foreign settlement being crowded with square-rigged vessels, numbering sometimes above 100. Lower down are the ship-yards, machineshops, and dry-docks, which foreign commerce has called into existence. Tugs are constantly steaming to and fro, towing ships and junks against the impetuous tides of the Yangtse. Under the arrangement by which the foreign custom-house dues are collected by foreigners, facilities have been created for the navigation by stationing a light-ship, buoys, and signals, rendering safer the approach to this important mart. There is also a system of foreign pilotage, giving additional security to the mariner. There are a chamber of commerce, reading-room, library, and literary institution-nothing being wanting to render the port of S. the metropolis of Eastern commerce. The municipal government of the foreign settlement is highly creditable to the mercantile traders. Three gentlemen, generally two English and one American, are elected annually by the holders of land, for the purposes of local government

much management, and entailing much expense, the funds for which are obtained by taxation. S. is also the seat of various missions for converting the natives, the schools, dispensaries, and other benevolent objects meeting with generous support from foreign merchants. The products of S. itself are not of much value, but the city is a most important entrepôt for goods passing between the north and south provinces of China, as well as for the imports and exports from and to foreign countries. The trade of the port increased threefold between the years 1860 and 1863; and this increase is due in a great measure to the large and increasing trade from the ports opened on the Yangtse in Chinese produce of all descriptions. In 1867 the entrances and clearances were 1745 vessels, of 801,537 tons (384 American, of 224,082 tons); and 1734 vessels, of 806,661 tons (378 American, of 221,413 tons). In 1868 the imports amounted to £6,370,918, and the exports to £15,607,757; the tea exports from S., in 1867, to the United States, amounted to 15,978,576 pounds. 40,000 chests of opium were imported into S. in 1867. The chief articles of import are opium and treasure, and of export tea and silk. Great quantities of the opium and treasure imported into S. are re-exported to the other parts of China, to Japan, &c. The mercantile importance of S. promises to increase greatly through the opening of the Yangtse River to commerce. Pop. 1868, 149,475, of whom 2248 are foreigners. See North China (Shanghai) Herald, and Commercial Reports (1865–1870).

SHA'NNON, the largest of the rivers of Ireland, rises in the Cuilcagh Mountains, county of Cavan, and after a course of 220 miles, falls into the Atlantic Ocean between the headlands of Loop and Kerry Head. It is commonly divided into two portions, the Upper S. from its source to Limerick, and the Lower S. from Limerick to the sea, a distance of 56 miles. In its upper course it passes from its source in Cavan to Lough Allen in the county of Leitrim; thence through a difficult channel, where the navigation is in part transferred to a canal, to a small expansion called Corry Lough, and, with alternations of river and lake, to Lough Forbes, in the county of Longford, on leaving which the river for a time attains an average width of 250 yards as far as Lanesborough. Here it is again merged in a lake called Lough Ree, which stretches ten miles southwards to within two miles of Athlone. At this point great natural difficulties have been overcome, and the course of the river, by Shannon Harbour and Portumna, and through the picturesque Lough Derg to Killaloe, has been so deepened and improved that a regular passenger and goods traffic is maintained. From Killaloe to Limerick the navigation, owing to the rapid fall, is again in part transferred to a canal. On approaching Limerick the river divides into two branches, and on the island thus formed stands what is known as the Irish Town, in contradistinction to the English town, of Limerick. From the city, where an extensive and commodious range of quays has been built, to the sea, the S. is navigable to sea-going vessels; and although for a distance of eight or nine miles below the city it is very shallow at low water, the navigation for the last 40 miles is free and unimpeded at all times of the tide. The entrance between Kerry Head and Loop is seven miles across. About ten miles from the entrance the river narrows to about a mile and a half in width. At present, however, the most important part of the outward navigation commences at the harbour of Foynes, which is connected by railway with Limerick, and from which steam-boats daily ply to Kilrush, Tarbert, and the intermediate stations.


Several rivers of considerable size fall into the S. during its course, as the Suck, the Brosna, the Fergus, the Maigue, and the Feale. The improvement of this river has long been regarded a measure of national importance, and was commenced under the Irish parliament. In 1837, the work was placed under a board of commissioners, by whom a sum of more than half a million was expended. It has since been transferred to the Board of Works. The navigation is open from the head of Lough Allen to Limerick, a distance of 146 miles, over 129 of which large river steamers freely ply. Much dissatisfaction, however, is expressed by the proprietors and occupiers of the banks of the river at the very imperfect and, it is believed, faulty character of the provision for drainage and the prevention of overflow; and the subject is at present again under the consideration of the government and the legis


SHAN-SE (West of the Hills), a province of North-Western China, is of rugged surface, and lies on the western limits of the plain. In the north are imperial hunting-grounds. It supplies the purest iron ore and the best coal in China, besides cinnabar, copper, marble, and other minerals.


SHAN STATES, a number of tributary states in Indo-China, lying between Munnipur on the west and Yun-nan on the east, and from the parallel of 24 N. lat., south to Bankok and Cambodia. these the northern states are tributary to Burmah (q. v.) and the southern to Siam (q. v.). A great portion of the mountainous region of these states is called the Laos Country. The Laos races are divided into two curiously distinct subdivisions. The northern race, beyond the northern frontier of Siam, are called Black-bellies, from the circumstance that they tattoo themselves with figures in ink, printed on their bodies with sharp needle-like points; the southern race, mostly on and within the eastern frontier of Siam and tributary to that kingdom, are called White-bellies, and do not tattoo. Xieng Mai, the capital of Laos, stands on a wide plain on the right bank of the Meinam, 500 miles north of Bankok, and is said to contain 50,000 inhabitants. The number of Laocians included in Siam alone is estimated at 1,000,000. They are meek, gentle, unwarlike, and superstitious. Their chief employment is agriculture; and the principal crops raised by them are rice, maize, the sweet potato, calabashes, red pepper, melons, and other fruits. In religion they are Buddhists.

SHA'PINSHAY, one of the Orkney Islands, about 5 miles north-east of Kirkwall. It is 5 miles long and 4 miles in extreme breadth. The fine natural harbour of Elwick Bay on the south side is overlooked by a pleasant modern village. Pop. (1861) 973.

SHARI (i. e., river), the principal feeder of Lake Tsad or Tchad (q. v.).

SHARK (Squalus), a Linnean genus of cartilaginous fishes, now forming in Müller's system a suborder of Plagiostomi (q. v.), and divided into a number of families and many genera. The sharks have generally an elongated form, tapering gradually to the tail, and not much thickened in the middle. The muzzle projects over the mouth; the nostrils are situated on the under-side of the muzzle. The males have claspers. The gill-openings are lateral. There is no cartilage between the snout and the pectoral fin, as in the rays. Some of the sharks are ovoviviparous; others lay eggs, generally a pair at a time, more being produced in succession. The eggs are large in comparison with those of osseous fishes, and are of a square or oblong form, with a tough horny coat, each corner prolonged into a

tendril, the tendrils being apparently of use for their entanglement amongst sea-weeds. These eggs, or at least their empty cases, are very frequently cast up by the waves on the sea-beach, and are popularly known as Sea Purses or Mermaids' Purses. Near the head of the enclosed embryo there is a slit in the case through which water enters for respiration, and there is another at the opposite end, by which it is discharged. The young fish ruptures the case at the head, where it is weaker than at any other part, and on issuing from it, carries a yolk-bag attached to its belly for its nourishment until it is able to seek food. At this stage of its existence, its respiration is also aided by filaments projecting from the gills through the gill-openings, which are absorbed as it grows older. The teeth are generally large, sharp, and formed for cutting, with the edge often serrated; but in the genus Ces tracion (q. v.) the teeth are pavement-like; and in some genera they are small and numerous. Angel-fish (q. v.) is ranked among the sharks, but differs from the rest in its flattened form. Some of the smaller sharks are popularly known by the names Dogfish, Hound, Tope, &c. In the articles Cestracion, Dogfish, Fox Shark, Hammer-head, Porbeagle, and Tope, some of the S. tribe are noticed.


only remains here to notice a few of the more interesting of those which do not come under any of

these heads.

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is a very rare visitant of the British coasts, if indeed and is grayish-brown above and whitish below. It another species has not been mistaken for it; but is found in the Mediterranean, and is plentiful in the seas of many of the warmer parts of the world, often following ships to feed on any animal substance that may be thrown or may fall overboard, and often in its indiscriminate voracity swallowing things which are indigestible. A lady's work-box has been found in a S.'s stomach; and the papers of a slave-ship, which had been thrown overboard, in that of another. Human beings are not unfrequently its prey, and a large S. is not only capable of biting off the limb of a man, but of snapping the body in two, and has even been known to swallow a man entire. Its head is large, the mouth large and wide, furnished with a terrible apparatus of teeth, of which there are six rows in the upper jaw and four in the lower; the teeth are triangular, sometimes two inches in breadth, sharp-edged, and serrated; when not in use they are laid back in the mouth, nearly flat, but when the S. bites they are

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