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Avoir une douleur à la main, &c., to have a pain in the

hand, to have a sore hand, &c.

Changer contre, to exchange for.

Changer de, to change, to exchange one thing for another.
Changer d'avis, to change one's opinion.

Changer de chapeau, to put on another hat.

Changer de climat, to go to another climate.

Changer d'habit, to put on another coat.

Changer de maison, to move, to change one's residence.
Changer de nom, to change one's name.

Changer de pays, to go to another country.

Changer de place, to go to another place.

NOTE. In the above idioms with changer de, the possessive adjective

is not used.

Changer pour, to change for, to get change for.

Chez, at the house of.

Combien de fois? how often?

Combien de temps? how long?

Combien de milles y a-t-il? how many miles is it?

Combien y a-t-il? how far is it?

Se comporter, to behave, to deport one's self.

Concernant, touching, concerning.

Connaître, to be acquainted with (used of persons and
things; see Savoir).

Connaître quelque chose à quelqu'un, to know one to have.
Connaître à, to know by.

Se connaître à, to be a judge of.
Se connaitre en, to be a judge of.
Connaître de nom, to know by name.
Connaitre de visage, to know by sight.
Connaître de vue, to know by sight.

Convenir à, to suit.

Convenir de (impers.), to be expedient to.

Se coucher, to retire, to go to bed.

Se démettre l'épaule, &c., to dislocate one's shoulder, &c.

Se démettre de, to resign, to give up.

Se dépêcher de, to make haste to.

Derrière, behind.

Devant, before (of place; see Avant).

Devenir, to become, to become of, to turn.

D'où, whence (see Par où).

S'emparer de, to seize, to lay hold of.

S'endormir, to fall asleep.

Ennuyer, to weary the mind, to bore.

S'ennuyer, to become mentally weary.
Entendre, to hear, to understand.

S'entendre, to be understood, to understand, to agree with

[blocks in formation]

Etre à la hauteur de, to be adequate to, to be equal to.
Etre à la veille de, to be on the eve of.

Etre à même de, to be able to.

Etre à quelqu'un de, to become any one to.
Etre à quelqu'un à, to be any one's turn to.
Etre au courant de, to be conversant with.

Etre au fait de, to be familiar with.

Etre aux prises avec, to be in open rupture with.

Etre bien avec, to be on good terms with.

Etre brouillé avec, to be on bad terms with.

Etre d'avis, to be of opinion.

Etre de trop, to be unnecessary.

Etre en chemin pour, to be on the way to.

Etre en état de, to be able to, to be in a condition to.

Etre en peine de, to be uneasy about.

Etre en retard, to be late, to tarry.

Etre en vie, to be alive, to live.

Etre riche de, to be worth (said of persons; see Valoir).
S'éveiller, to awake.

Se fâcher contre, to be or become angry with (a person).
Se fâcher de, to be or become angry with (a thing).
Faire, to do, to make, to play (a part), to pretend to be,
to matter, to concern, to help.

Se faire, to become, to turn.

Faire attention à, to pay attention to.

Faire bonne chère, to live well.

Faire bouillir, to boil.

Faire chauffer, to warm.

Faire connaissance, to get acquainted with.

Faire cuire, to cook.

Faire des emplettes, to make purchases.

Faire des progrès, to make progress.

Faire des questions, to ask questions.

Faire du feu, to make a fire.

Faire du mal à, to hurt.

Se faire entendre, to make one's self understood.
Faire entrer, to let in, to bid come in.

Faire faire, to have made, to bespeak.
Faire la cuisine, to cook.

Faire l'aumône, to give alms.

Se faire mal, to hurt one's self.

Faire mal à, to hurt.

Faire peur à, to frighten.

Faire racommoder, to have mended.

Faire rôtir, to roast.

Faire semblant de, to pretend to.

Faire ses adieux, to bid farewell.

Faire son possible pour, to do one's best to.

Faire sortir, to send out.

Faire tenir, to forward, to send.

Faire tort à, to injure.

Faire un mille, &c., to go a mile, &c.

Faire un tour de promenade, to take a walk.

Faire un voyage, to go on a journey.

Faire usage de, to make use of.

Il fait beau temps, it is fine weather.

Il fait bon ici, it is comfortable here.

Falloir (impers.), to be necessary, to need, one must (§ 106).
Fois, time (referring to repetitions. Never use temps in

this sense).

Gêner, to trouble, incommode, disturb.

Se gêner, to constrain or trouble one's self.

Gré, consent, will, meaning, opinion.

Savoir bon gré de, to be thankful for.

Savoir mauvais gré de, to be displeased about.

NOTE. These two idioms with savoir gré, take also the dative of the person.

Ex. Il lui sait bon gré de sa bonté, he is thankful to him for his


Se hater de, to make haste to.

Hors de, out of.

S'inquiéter de, to be or become uneasy about, to trouble

one's self about.

Jusqu'à, as far as.

Jusqu'au revoir until I see you again, good by.

Jusqu'où? how far? what distance?

Jusqu'à quelle heure? till what hour? how late?

Laisser, to leave (referring to the person or thing left;

[blocks in formation]

Mettre, to put, to put on.

Se mettre, to place one's self, to dress.
Se mettre à, to begin to.

Mettre à l'abri, to shelter (see A l'abri).

Mettre à la porte, to turn out of doors.

Mettre à l'heure, to set right, to put right, to set.
Mettre à l'ombre, to put in the shade.

Mettre à même de, to enable.

Se mettre à table, to sit down to table.
Mettre au fait de, to acquaint with.

Se mettre en colère, to become angry.

Mettre le couvert, to lay the cloth, to set the table.

Mettre le pied, to set one's foot.

Mettre pied à terre, to alight, to land.

Mettre un habit à l'endroit, to put on a coat right side out.
Mettre un habit à l'envers, to put on a coat wrong side out
Monde, world, people, company, retinue, servants, &c.
Tout le monde, everybody.

Oser prier de, to thank for (a request interrogatively).
Oser demander de, to thank for (a request interrogatively).
Oter, to take off, take away, take out.

Oter le couvert, to remove the cloth, to clear the table.
Outre, besides.

Par où, which way? in what direction (see D'où)?
Se passer de, to do without.

Plaire à, to please.

Se plaire à, to take pleasure in.

S'il vous plaît, if you please.

Porter, to carry, to wear.
Se porter, to do, to be.

Pour, to, in order to.

Prendre du café, du thé, &c., to take coffee, tea, &c.

Prendre garde, to take heed.

Prendre garde de, to take heed not to.

Prendre la peine, to take the trouble.

Prendre le deuil, to go into mourning.

Prendre les devants, to go on before.

[blocks in formation]

Qu'est-ce que c'est? what is that?

Qu'est-ce que c'est que çà? what is that?

Quitter, to leave (referring to the person who leaves; see


Se rappeler, to remember.

Se rappeler de, to remember to.

Recevoir des nouvelles de, to hear from.

Regarder, to look at, to concern.

Se réjouir à, to rejoice at.
Remercier, to thank (a refusal).

Rester à (impers.), to have left.
De reste, left (to have left).

Retarder de, to lose, to put back, to be slow (by so much;
speaking of clocks, &c.).

Savoir, to know (said of things; i. e., things are the object).
Selon, according to.

Seoir à, to suit, to become (personal and impersonal).
Seoir à quelqu'un de, to become one to.

Servir quelque chose à quelqu'un, to help one to (at table).
Se servir de, to use.

Souhaiter le bon jour à quelqu'un, to wish any one good day,

good by.

Se souvenir de, to remember.

Taire, to conceal.

Se taire, to be silent.

Tarder à, to tarry in, to be long in.

Tarder de (impers.), to long to, to wish to.
Tenir, to hold, to be fast (said of a color).

Se tenir, to remain.

Tenir à, to be attached to, to be tenacious of.
S'en tenir à, to abide by, be satisfied with.
Tenir compagnie à, to stay or remain with.
Tenir des discours, to make statements.
Tenir des propos, to hold discourse.

Tenir la porte ouverte, to keep the door open.
Tenir la tête droite, to keep one's head upright.
Tenir les fenêtres ouvertes, to keep the windows open.
Tenir les yeux fermés, to keep one's eyes closed.
Tenir les yeux ouverts, to keep one's eyes open.
Tenir sa chambre propre, to keep one's room clean.

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