"Fear God. Honour the King."-1st PETER, c. ii. v. 17.
0. Knight, Printer, Windsor.
Character of a Plain Englishman.--His advantages, from his Government and his Religion, p. i.-feelings of the Plain Englishman of the Working Classes, ii.-evils of the abuse of knowledge, ib.-proper object of National Education, to enable all people to read the Holy Scriptures, ib.-other knowledge may be communi- cated with advantage to the Christian and the good subject, iii.-the object of this Publication to communicate such useful, innocent, and necessary knowledge to those who have not access to bulky and expensive Books, and particularly to those whose desire for information has been called into action by the system of National Instruction, iv.
Reflections on New Year's Day.-Introduction, p. 1-New Year's Day a season of congratulation and festivity, -ought also to be a season of thanksgiving, ih.-men more apt to give themselves up to temporal than spiritual pursuits, 3-religion the true business of life, ib.-general neglect thereof, 4-importance of marking time by religious improvement, ib. temptation common to all ranks, ib.-resignation, piety, and saving of time recommende to the poor, 5-necessity of immediate pre- paration for eternity, ib.-worldly affairs no excuse for neglect, 6-situation of an English labourer contrasted with that of others, 7-gratitude to Heaven recom- mended to him, ib.-immediate necessity of improving time, ib. Atheism and Infidelity Refuted, by Bishop Watson.-Notice of the author, 8-atheism hostile to the very existence of civil society, ib.-Bacon's opinion of Christianity, ib.-both nature and reason prove the existence of a Creator, 9-anecdote of Newton, ib.-Cotes, 16-Boyle, ib.-belief of a Creator appears from the annals of all nations, ib.-history of the Jews in the Bible evidence against atheism and deism, 11-causes of infidelity, ib.-data of Christianity, 12-carry conviction to the mind in the decline of life, ib.-conclusion, ib. Ogden on Prayer.-Notice of Dr. Ogden, 13—ancient fable, ib.-prayer commanded by God, ib.-success thereof exemplified at siege of Jericho, ib.-testimonies of the Apostles in favour of prayer, arguments in favour of prayer drawn from the Scriptures, 15-authenticity of miracles upheld, ib.-superintendence of Provi- dence an encouragement to devotion, ib.
Lectures on the Bible.-Preface, 49.-Lecture I.-analysis of Old Testament, 50-
arrangement thereof by the Jews, ib.-difficulties attendant on first examination
thereof, 51-points to be considered when entering thereon, 52-great attention
requisite to preserve the connexion of events therein recorded, ib.-Bible the
oldest book in the world, ib.-synopsis of the Pentateuch, 53-laws and historical
events therein contained adapted to the then state of mankind, 54-direct commu-
nication of God with the Israelites the only possible means of giving them a know-
ledge of religion, 55-heavenly interference in behalf of the Jews necessary as a
warning to other nations, 56-from the past fulfilment of prophecies that of others
to be expected, ib.-summary of lecture, 57.
Conversation with an Unbeliever.—Irreligious men necessarily unhappy, 57-religion
a barrier against wickedness and disloyalty, 58-prudence leads us to embrace
Christianity. 59-Christianity a sure consolation in poverty and sickness, ib.--
arguments of deistical writers against a beneficed clergy refuted, 60.
Life of Martin Luther.-Introduction, 61-parentage, birth, and education of Luther,
62 sale of indulgences by Leo X. 63-opposition thereof by Luther, ib.-his
doctrines condemned by Leo, 64-Luther publicly burns the Pope's Bull, ib.— defends his doctrines before the General Assembly of the German empire, ib.- condemned by the Council, but protected by the Elector of Saxony, ib.-abjures the papal authority, quits the monastic habit and marries, ib.-his doctrines again condemned, 65-Confession of Augsburg published, ib.-Luther translates the Bible into German, ib.-his death and character, ib.
Lectures on the Bible.-Lecture II.-History of the Pentateuch, Genesis, 101-
Exodus, 103-Leviticus,ib.-Numbers,ib.-Deuteronomy,ib.-Joshua,104-Judges,
105-Book of Ruth, ib.-Book of Samuel, ib.-Book of Kings, ib.-Chronicles,
106-Ezra, ib.-Nehemiah. 107-Esther, ib.-Job, ib.-Psalms, ib.-Proverbs
and Ecclésiastes, ib.-Song of Solomon, 108.-mistakes of copiers and translators of the Bible, ib.
Life of Richard Hooker -His birth aud education, 109-patronized by Bishops Jewel
and Sandys, 110-takes orders, ib.-marries, ib.-appointed Master of the Temple,
ib.-removed to the rectory of Boscum, 111.-writes his Ecclesiastical Polity,
ib.-removed to Bishop's-Borne, ib.-falls sick and dies, ib.-his remarks on his
death-bed, ib.-his character, 112.
On Seriousness in Religion.-Seriousness the first requisite in religion, 112-thoughtless
persons seldom consider seriously of religion, ib.-common course of education
obstructs religious seriousness, 112-as does worldly business and sensuality, 113—
explanation of religious ordinances and exercises, 114-jesting and raillery as to
the opinions of particular sects inimical to religion at large, 115.
Lectures on the Bible.-Prophecy.-Purpose of prophecy, 153-Christianity foretold
thereby, 154-captivity of the Jews, 155-their after relinquishment of idols ren-
dered the continuance of prophecy unnecessary, ib.-prophetical more difficult to
be understood than historical books of the Old Testament, ib.-eastern style full
of comparison, 156-greater and lesser prophets enumerated, ib.-prophecies of
Isaiah, ib.-Jeremiah, 157-Ezekiel, ib.-Daniel, ib.-Hosea, 158-Joel, ib.-
Amos, ib.-Obadiah, ib.-Jonah, ib.-Micah, ib.-Nahum, 159-Habakkuk, ib.
-Zephaniah, ib.-Haggai, ib.-Zechariah, ib.-Malachi, ib.-conclusion, 160.
Life of Cranmer. His birth and education, 162-is introduced to Henry VIII. 163-
appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, ib.-joins Lord Cromwell in opposing the
interests of papacy, ib.-Henry suppresses the monasteries, and confiscates their
revenues, ib.-Cranmer suspected of having advised these proceedings. ib.-Henry
returns to the Romish doctrines, ib.-Cranmer cited before the council for con-
tempt, but protected by the King, ib.-attends Henry on his death-bed, 161-his
religious publications, ib.-character of Edward VI. 165-he alters the succession
in favour of Lady Jane Grey, ib.-prevaiis on Cranmer to accede thereto, ib.-
accession of Queen Mary, 166-her anger against Cranmer, ib. increased by his
public declaration of abhorrence of popish creed, ib.-is brought to trial for contu-
macy, ib.-is degraded, 167-persuaded to recant his opinions, ib.-is ordered for
execution, ib.-his behaviour at his funeral sermon, ib.-at the place of execution,
Lectures on the Bible.-New Testament.-Coming of St. John Baptist prophesied by
Malachi, 205-John's appearance, and announcement of Christ, ib.-baptizes
with water, 206-the Jews expected the Messiah to appear as an earthly prince,
wherefore they refused to acknowledge him in the humble condition in which he
was born, ib.-disbelieved his miracles, ib.-persecuted and slew him, ib.--and
denied his resurrection, 207-they continue to deny Christ, and consider him an
impostor, ib.-though dispersed over the world, they still expect an earthly deli-
verer, ib.-recal of the Jews prophesied in Deuteronomy, ib.-Christ shall re-
appear on earth as a judge, ib.-proofs of the truth of Christianity, 208-cir-
cumstances of the life of Christ, ib.-his birth, ib.-announced to the shepherds,
209-flight into Egypt, ib.-return to Nazareth, ib.-his early wisdom, ib.-enters
upon his ministry, ib.-chooses Apostles, 210-performs miracles, ib.-sends forth
his disciples, ib. success of his doctrines hateful to the chief priests and pharisees,
ib.-who plot his destruction, 211-Jesus completes his ministry, ib.-celebrates
the passover, ib.-is betrayed by Judas, ib.-condemned by Pilate, 212-cruci-
fied, ib. arises from the dead on the third day, ib.-shows himself to his disciples,
913 and is carried up into heaven, ib.
Lectures on the Bible.-Lecture V.-New Testament, account of the several Books
of, 257-general division into Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation, ib.-Gos-
pels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, 258-John, 259-Acts of the Apostles, 260, 261,
262-Epistles of Paul to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phil-
lippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians,263-to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, ib.- to the Hebrews, ib.-Epistle of James, ib.-Epistles of Peter, ib.-Epistles of John, 264-Epistle of Jude, ib Revelation, ib.
Dialogues between Eusebius and Alciphron.-Dialogue II.-Revelation supported by
historical testimony, 265, 266-Cbristianity, if convicted of imposture, would in-
stantly fall, 267-Christ's miracles seen by the Apostles, who bear testimony there-
of, 268-objections to the doctrine of miracles atheistical, 269.
Lectures on the Bible.-Lecture VI.-Retrospect of previous lectures, 311-Bible the
word of God revealed by degrees, ib.-promises of the Saviour contained in the
Old Testament, 312-connexion betwixt Old and New Testament, ib.-Gospel his-
tory confirmed by the writings of cotemporary Greek, Roman, and Jewish histo-
rians, 313 ancient copies of New Testament, ib.-zeal of primitive Chris-
tians, 314-nothing but divine authority could have preserved Christianity in its
earliest ages, ib.-state of the world at the dawning of Christianity, 315-difference
betwixt Christianity and Mahometanism, 316-rise of Mahometanism, ib.-Christ's
divine mission acknowledged by Mahomet, 317-Mahometanism only prevails
amongst the most ignorant nations of the earth, ib.-Christianity amongst the most
enlightened, ib.-undoubting belief in Christianity encouraged, 318.
Dialogues between Eusebius and Alciphron.-Dialogue III.-The Christian dispensa-
tion only the completion of a systematic plan of God, 318-belief of the divine in-
terposition in favour of the Jews leads to belief in the doctrines of Christianity,
319-miracles of Jesus witnessed by a whole nation, 320-ignorance a main cause
of infidelity, 321-study of the Gospels recommended to unbelievers, 322-also the
works of Porteus, Doddridge, and Paley, 323.
On Drunkenness, from Archdeacon Paley.-Bad effects of drunkenness, 24-danger
and mischief of the example, ib.-drunkenness censured by St. Paul, 325-appetite
for, not natural but acquired, ib.-arises from drunken company or idleness, ib.-
the habit once acquired different to be conquered, ib.-importance of laying down
rules for the avoiding of intemperance, 326.
Lectures on the Liturgy.-Lecture I.-Prayer commanded by God, 363-prayers
and sacrifices of the earliest ages, ib.-sanctioned by our Saviour, 364-set forms of
prayer appointed early in the establishment of Christianity, ib.-when immediate
inspiration ceased errors crept into the Church, ib.-establishment of Popery, ib.
Reformation, 365-translation of the Bible into the languages of the reformed
countries, ib.-first English Reformed Liturgy, ib.-Common Prayer, 366-mean-
ing of the word Liturgy, ib.-objections against a set form of prayer refuted, ib.-
advantages thereof, ib.-the truly pious do not complain of repetitions in the
church-service, 367-grace of God in us sufficient to overcome sinful thoughts and
wandering in prayer, ib.-instructions for external and internal behaviour in place
of worship, 368-general neglect of daily public prayer, ib.-custom no excuse for
neglect of duty, ib.-design of public worship, 369-Paley's opinion in favour of
the Liturgy, ib.
Practical Hints on Christianity, by Wilberforce.-Notice of the author, 370-religion prohibits no innocent gratification, ib.-our physical and mental faculties, and the face of nature, all administer pleasure, 371-Christian relaxations, ib.-joys and sorrows peculiar to a Christian, 372-importance of religious pleasures in sorrow, sickness, and old age. ib.
On the Fall of Jerusalem.-Interest felt in the destruction of Jerusalem, and subsequent state of the Jews, 373-predictions of Christ thereby fulfilled, 374-cause of war betwixt Romans and Jews, ib.-Romans lay waste Judea, but compelled to return from before Jerusalem, with defeat, ib.-Vespasian assumes the command of the Roman army and advances against Jerusalem, 376-is elected emperor, and the
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